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Topic: The “Evolution” myth< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
 Post Number: 51
Liberal Search for posts by this member.


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PostIcon Posted on: Apr. 09 2011,11:40 pm  Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE


Liberal, the insane scientists are the ones that believe that you somehow formed through an inanimate, unintelligent manner...


The Dragon In My Garage

by Carl Sagan

"A fire-breathing dragon lives in my garage"

Suppose (I'm following a group therapy approach by the psychologist Richard Franklin) I seriously make such an assertion to you.  Surely you'd want to check it out, see for yourself.  There have been innumerable stories of dragons over the centuries, but no real evidence. What an opportunity!

"Show me," you say.  I lead you to my garage.  You look inside and see a ladder, empty paint cans, an old tricycle -- but no dragon.

"Where's the dragon?" you ask.

"Oh, she's right here," I reply, waving vaguely.  "I neglected to mention that she's an invisible dragon."

You propose spreading flour on the floor of the garage to capture the dragon's footprints.

"Good idea," I say, "but this dragon floats in the air."

Then you'll use an infrared sensor to detect the invisible fire.

"Good idea, but the invisible fire is also heatless."

You'll spray-paint the dragon and make her visible.

"Good idea, but she's an incorporeal dragon and the paint won't stick."  And so on.  I counter every physical test you propose with a special explanation of why it won't work.

Now, what's the difference between an invisible, incorporeal, floating dragon who spits heatless fire and no dragon at all?  If there's no way to disprove my contention, no conceivable experiment that would count against it, what does it mean to say that my dragon exists?  Your inability to invalidate my hypothesis is not at all the same thing as proving it true.  Claims that cannot be tested, assertions immune to disproof are veridically worthless, whatever value they may have in inspiring us or in exciting our sense of wonder.  What I'm asking you to do comes down to believing, in the absence of evidence, on my say-so.  The only thing you've really learned from my insistence that there's a dragon in my garage is that something funny is going on inside my head.  You'd wonder, if no physical tests apply, what convinced me.  The possibility that it was a dream or a hallucination would certainly enter your mind.  But then, why am I taking it so seriously?  Maybe I need help.  At the least, maybe I've seriously underestimated human fallibility.  Imagine that, despite none of the tests being successful, you wish to be scrupulously open-minded.  So you don't outright reject the notion that there's a fire-breathing dragon in my garage.  You merely put it on hold.  Present evidence is strongly against it, but if a new body of data emerge you're prepared to examine it and see if it convinces you.  Surely it's unfair of me to be offended at not being believed; or to criticize you for being stodgy and unimaginative -- merely because you rendered the Scottish verdict of "not proved."

Imagine that things had gone otherwise.  The dragon is invisible, all right, but footprints are being made in the flour as you watch.  Your infrared detector reads off-scale.  The spray paint reveals a jagged crest bobbing in the air before you.  No matter how skeptical you might have been about the existence of dragons -- to say nothing about invisible ones -- you must now acknowledge that there's something here, and that in a preliminary way it's consistent with an invisible, fire-breathing dragon.

Now another scenario: Suppose it's not just me.  Suppose that several people of your acquaintance, including people who you're pretty sure don't know each other, all tell you that they have dragons in their garages -- but in every case the evidence is maddeningly elusive.  All of us admit we're disturbed at being gripped by so odd a conviction so ill-supported by the physical evidence.  None of us is a lunatic.  We speculate about what it would mean if invisible dragons were really hiding out in garages all over the world, with us humans just catching on.  I'd rather it not be true, I tell you.  But maybe all those ancient European and Chinese myths about dragons weren't myths at all.

Gratifyingly, some dragon-size footprints in the flour are now reported.  But they're never made when a skeptic is looking.  An alternative explanation presents itself.  On close examination it seems clear that the footprints could have been faked.  Another dragon enthusiast shows up with a burnt finger and attributes it to a rare physical manifestation of the dragon's fiery breath.  But again, other possibilities exist.  We understand that there are other ways to burn fingers besides the breath of invisible dragons.  Such "evidence" -- no matter how important the dragon advocates consider it -- is far from compelling.  Once again, the only sensible approach is tentatively to reject the dragon hypothesis, to be open to future physical data, and to wonder what the cause might be that so many apparently sane and sober people share the same strange delusion.

The people are masters of both Congress and courts, not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert it!
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 Post Number: 52
Stone-Magnon Search for posts by this member.


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PostIcon Posted on: Apr. 11 2011,8:07 am Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

I got a feeling...this is the sound of Santorini's brain after reading Sagan...

...everybody must get stoned

-Bob Dylan
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 Post Number: 53
the breeze Search for posts by this member.


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PostIcon Posted on: Apr. 11 2011,10:19 am Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

(Santorini @ Apr. 08 2011,11:59 pm)

(the breeze @ Apr. 08 2011,9:17 am)

(Santorini @ Apr. 07 2011,6:03 pm)
What exactly is your point with that LONG submission on did the Catholics give us the Bible?
Please explain :angel:

history shows it didn't happen that way.

Breeze, you do not have any authors that wish to take credit for the article you posted...what are they afraid of?

2nd...St. Ignatius [50-107AD] was the first to ever use the Greek work  Katholicos meaning universal.  This word was used to describe the universality of the Church established by Christ.
and in 397AD the Catholic Church gave definitive decision as to which writings and books should be admitted into the Bible.  As stated previously, Catholic is the only religion that can be traced back to Jesus :angel:

"".  As stated previously, Catholic is the only religion that can be traced back to Jesus :angel:""" if you mean roman catholic, its a lie. :)
but this one can.

A Call for New Testament Christianity
Jesus died for his church, the bride of Christ. (Ephesians 5:25-33) Man throughout history has corrupted the church that Christ died for through denominationalism, by adding man-made laws to the scriptures, and by following creeds other than the Holy Bible.

It is possible today, to be obedient to the will of Christ. Christians can resolve to restore the church to being the church of the New Testament. (Acts 2:41-47)
Some Things You Should Know
You should know that in Bible times, the church is called:
The temple of God (1 Corinthians 3:16)
The bride of Christ (Ephesians 5:22-32)
The body of Christ (Colossians 1:18,24; Ephesians 1:22-23)
The kingdom of God's son (Colossians 1:13)
The house of God (1 Timothy 3:15)
The church of God (1 Corinthians 1:2)
The church of the first-born (Hebrews 12:23)
The church of the Lord (Acts 20:28)
The churches of Christ (Romans 16:16)
You should know that the church is:
Built by Jesus Christ (Matthew 16:13-18)
Purchased by the blood of Christ (Acts 20:28)
Built on Jesus Christ as the only foundation (1 Corinthians 3:11)
Not built on Peter, Paul, or any other man (1 Corinthians 1:12-13)
Composed of the saved, who are added to it by the Lord who saves them (Acts 2:47)
You should know that members of the church are called:
Members of Christ (1 Corinthians 6:15; 1 Corinthians 12:27; Romans 12:4-5)
Disciples of Christ (Acts 6:1,7; Acts 11:26)
Believers (Acts 5:14; 2 Corinthians 6:15)
Saints (Acts 9:13; Romans 1:7; Philippians 1:1)
Priests (1 Peter 2:5,9; Revelation

JESUS DID THE ORGANIZING for His church and whenever men go beyond that pattern (found only in the New Testament of Jesus Christ) they do so at their own peril. One needs to only read the New Testament to see the problem that has been created over the last two centuries within the churches.
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 Post Number: 54
stardust17 Search for posts by this member.


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PostIcon Posted on: Apr. 21 2011,1:25 am Skip to the previous post in this topic.  Ignore posts   QUOTE

(Santorini @ Mar. 15 2011,11:02 pm)

(stardust17 @ Mar. 12 2011,1:09 am)
How coincidental it is that humans, so good at creating myths, story books, and republics, then ordain ONLY themselves with "unalienable" rights.

Seems all these are really handy survival mechanisms.

How can you dispute The Book that was written thousands of years ago over a period of 1400-1800 years with over 40 different authors :dunno:

Do you really think the likes of Palin and Beck just sat down and wrote this volumous book one day to be contrary? is the scientists that cannot agree on their theories :frusty:
But The Book has held steadfast :angel:

How grateful am I that scientists have proven past "truths" untrue. Stagnant beliefs breed ignorance.

How odd that Christianity reflects the philosophy of Plato who lived some years earlier...that nothing exists outside ones mind; and a total rejection of natural law.

There are people who yet believe in astrology, a belief older than The Book...a belief proven by astronomers to be factually impossible.

As in politics people tend to believe what they WANT to believe. And that belief invariably benefits the believer...or so they believe.

A curiousity of the unkown(including death)is a major factor in creating human myths, which are an integral part of human development. But when religious zealots cannot integrate newly discovered natural truths into their beliefs then humanity suffers, as what happened for hundreds of years during the Dark Ages.

Let's let the Sun shine.
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