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PostIcon Posted on: Jun. 07 2012,7:41 am  Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

Editorial: Who leaves their car running?
Published 10:16am Tuesday, April 24, 2012

There it was, like a reminder of the olden days: a beat up car outside a preschool with its engine running, as though gasoline was as cheap as pocket lint.

Yes, there was a time in America when people left their car running because they were going right in and right back out. In northern states, we still do it in the winter just so our cars stay warm and don’t encounter starting problems.

But in April, on a 50-degrees-and-sunny morning?

It wasn’t as though it was some brand-new SUV, where it seemed money was nothing to the owner. It was a two-door Chevy with dents in it, and the engine sounded like it needed maintenance. It didn’t appear as though the owner could afford to keep a car running like that.

We imagined it must be a habit leftover from the era of inexpensive gasoline. People would do that frequently, like when running into a store for one item.

Nowadays, people need to conserve every drop. Plus, law enforcement discourages leaving automobiles running because of security reasons. It is a sure sign that the doors are unlocked, too.

If you aren’t turning your car off when you are away from it, perhaps you ought to start changing your habits. Don’t be that gas waster who complains about gas prices, too.

The Albert Lea Tribune is not one to shy away from taking a cheap shot at someone who doesn't have a lot of money. This is the perfect example of media elitism.

Can you imagine the sneer on the face of the person who wrote this? Can you imagine how small-town high and mighty one would have to feel about themselves to put this in the newspaper?

A car with dents in it? In Albert Lea? Oh, my goodness. And the person who owned it is too poor to keep it highly maintained? Heavens.

Instead of rushing to judgment, why not step back for a moment and consider that someone who has to rush into a preschool probably has some sort of emergency on their hands, something more important than worrying about being picked on by their hometown newspaper.

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Just when I was running out of humorous reading material...

Some of this stuff is just too funny. But be warned: The author is not too fond of this forum, either.

Dear future generations: Please accept our apologies. We were rolling drunk on petroleum.

- Kurt Vonnegut
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PostIcon Posted on: Jun. 07 2012,7:59 am Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

Pornography is a top issue today
Published 11:24am Monday, March 26, 2012

I commend Rick Santorum’s vow to end America’s “pandemic of pornography.”

One look around and one can see that we are no longer living in Bedford Falls but in Pottersville — that place so very far from “A Wonderful Life.” Temptations to sins of the flesh abound everywhere — from billboards, art and newspapers to television, music and the Internet. Even the law encourages sexual depravity by its legalization of contraceptives, prostitution, abortion, homosexuality and same-sex marriage.

Apart from abortion, pornography is perhaps the most pressing issue of our age. It is a big business that victimizes everyone including those who market and sell it. The Internet especially makes it possible for pornography to enter every home with the potential of corrupting whole families, including children. It is degrading, ruins family relations and leads to everything from incest, adultery, prostitution and violence to human trafficking and murder.

Let’s get America off the boulevard of broken dreams. Pick Rick!

Paul Kokoski

Hamilton, Ontario

Today marked the seventh or eighth time someone said to me, "why didn't you call your blog "The Albert Lea Tribune Sucks?"

Really, it's not about what sucks. It's about why things suck and what can be done about it. If the suckage along the way is identified, discussed, analyzed, and put in the proper context, people are, hopefully, more informed. More and better information leads to a society that knows more and can, hopefully, make better decisions.

Other times, people just like to laugh.

Why, in the name of all that is pure and holy, is the Albert Lea Tribune publishing a letter to the editor from some crank in Canada (isn't that where Hamilton, Ontario is?) about Rick Santorum's war against pornography? And, why does anyone care?

Rick Santorum's war against pornography is inherently un-American and hypocritical, pretty much all at the same time and wrapped in a brown piece of paper.

You see, Rick Santorum is a conservative who used to be a paid contributor to a little thing called Fox News, which is owned by News Corporation. News Corporation is a purveyor of pornography. News Corporation actually owns hardcore pornography channels and has never been shy about it. News Corps ties to hardcore pornography are so prevalent, it would be miraculous to search the Internet and find "safe for work" examples of how deeply embedded they are in this world. Do you have any idea how difficult it is to find links that don't take you to smut sites when you search for News Corporation's ties to the hardcore pornography industry?

Now, just so we're clear--you have a Canadian writing a letter to the editor to a small Minnesota newspaper about Rick Santorum and his campaign against pornography and nowhere is it mentioned that Rick Sanoturm used to accept money to give his commentary to Fox News, which is owned by one of the world's leading purveyors of hardcore pornography channels. One would think that even a Canadian or a small-town newspaper would see the irony in all of this.

Wait a minute--was it tongue in cheek? Those Canadians are sneaky that way.

How can you reconcile an American politician who calls for the end of pornography with who he was working for just last year? I don't get it. But, perhaps a better newspaper would be able to "connect the dots" and provide this sort of information to its readers. Perhaps.

Original Blog

Yes, the FishWrap sucks, as does its sister publication, The Austin Daily Herald. And this is yet more proof. But this blog underscores a question we've had for a while now: How does this tripe get published, while the FishWrap refuses to dig into the whole Rhonda Moen controversy?

It probably has something to do with lawyers. Or it might simply be a case of journalistic laziness. Either way, one thing is certain: FishWrap is not a newspaper. It is simply a text-intensive wrapper for the weekly Hy-Vee flyer.

Dear future generations: Please accept our apologies. We were rolling drunk on petroleum.

- Kurt Vonnegut
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PostIcon Posted on: Jun. 07 2012,8:08 am Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

And then there's this doosey:

U.S. need to halt mass migration
Published 8:43am Monday, January 30, 2012

True immigration reform means ending mass immigration. This is not a negative agenda. The following are the benefits that a sensible immigration policy offers our country: harmony, freedom, general prosperity and sustainability.

Harmony is a great blessing to any society. It means that people can live and work together without strife. For this to happen, a common culture and common values are essential. Mass immigration, and the multiculturalism that follows in its wake, make harmony impossible.

Freedom, as our Founding Fathers understood, depends on a society united by common values, particularly those values necessary for the maintenance of liberty such as personal responsibility and respect for the rule of law. Today, thanks to mass immigration, we have a large and growing number of people from countries where our concept of freedom is little understood. And as more keep coming, the less likely it is they will assimilate to our viewpoints.

General prosperity, or our middle-class economy, is one of our country’s greatest achievements. But today mass immigration is undercutting our wage levels, particularly for low-income Americans. We should aim for a high-wage society, and reduction of immigration is essential to that aim.

Mike Gordon

Albert Lea

Bless his poor heart, this man thinks he knows what he's talking about. The fact that this was published in a newspaper is a shame. I can understand the argument--letters to the editor should be published no matter how crazy they are. But, Lord. This one is cray-zeeeee.

What's not to like, though? It reads like a Fox News crawl. The writer thinks that if the Mexicans stop coming to this country, we will have a thing called "harmony." Really? I've seen how people in Albert Lea live, and, brother, the kind of harmony this man seeks comes from living in a place where people stay out of the business of other people. And that's most emphatically what does NOT happen in Albert Lea. Everyone knows everyone else's business and that doesn't lead to a whole lot of harmony.

Do you know what is a bigger threat to "harmony" and "prosperity" than the Mexicans? Crystal methamphetamine. Why don't we dedicate the same negative energy towards eliminating the problem of crystal meth? Nobody, and I mean, nobody, thinks we should legalize it except for the tweakers who stand to make another billion from the debris it causes across the American social landscape. And, you can say whatever you want about the Mexicans, but who does a better job of raising their kids? The meth head who burns up his house on a frenzied Monday night of cooking or the Mexican family that works hard, goes to church, and doesn't bother anyone?

You see, when someone starts cooking and selling meth, this has a definite impact on a community. And, when a Mexican family moves into a house, that has an impact as well. Family A starts dealing meth out of their home. Their kids end up being neglected. The chemicals cause the house to become a toxic waste dump. Nefarious people start coming around at all hours of the day. Guns, porn, and tweaking are the stew served up by this lifestyle. And when Family A starts seeing the money, and starts to consume goods conspicuously, well, all that's left is for the neighborhood busybody to tap into that feeling of "harmony" and drop a dime to the drug task force.

Meanwhile, Family B works, goes to school, tries to learn the language, and live a decent life. And, what confounds their detractors so much is the fact that they worship God, have healthy extended families, and eventually educate themselves and rise above their situation quickly. Quickly. What's not to hate about people who do well for themselves in a country founded on the principle of multicultural values?

I know what you're thinking--yes, there are people who come here from foreign lands to make and sell drugs. They're called Russians. And they're white, you know. So put that back in your pocket and hold on to it for another argument.

Seriously, though, this is the divide which people who are obsessed about illegal immigration cannot see--the class divide between the wealthy and the poor. The wealthy aren't creating jobs. They're hoarding their wealth. They use the media to tell the poor whites who vote for their white trash politicians that the reason why there aren't any good jobs out there is because the Mexicans took them all. And that's patently false.

Ask the vegetable growers in Alabama how this worked out for them. Alabama thought that, by driving out thousands of workers with brown skin, they would see unemployment for whites go down. Well, what it did was, it conspired greedily to satisfy the blood lust of a lot of politicians who don't care if they end up leaving a lot of farmers with no one willing to bend over all day and pick food by hand. Somehow, all of this "harmony" did not conspire to create a perfect nation full of white people who will work for peanuts in the cucumber harvesting industry. It's hard to keep your iPod working when there is sweat rolling in your ears from having to spend ten hours separating the food from the good Mother Earth, and white people are too cool to wear sweat bands, you see.

Next year, they're going to let a lot of their land lay fallow. What a great metaphor for hating and being ignorant, right?

So, to kind of wrap up what turned into another long-winded attempt at me saying "quit hating poor people, numbnuts," what got published was a fraud. An ignorant, misinformed piece of garbage.

This is a screed of pure, unadulterated racism. Saying that "multiculturalism" leads to the destruction of our common culture and values is another way of saying that anyone who comes here and doesn't look and sound like a small-town racist crackpot is plainly dumb. Pure, slack-jawed stupidity. It's the sound that the racist dog whistle makes when someone blows it often enough; a way of repeating, ad nauseum, what they are thinking in their pitiful little heads, over and over again: everything in my life sucks because of the people who aren't white.

And that's the fallacy of this whole argument. The people who think that their life sucks because of "mass immigration" have been tricked into not looking when plants close, when banks take their homes away, when wages stagnate, and when taxes on capital gains receive yet another cut. They've been sold the flim-flam of resenting poor people just like them, pure and simple.

A responsible newspaper would know when to file letters like this in the trash can.

Original Blog


Dear future generations: Please accept our apologies. We were rolling drunk on petroleum.

- Kurt Vonnegut
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PostIcon Posted on: Jun. 07 2012,8:18 am Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

And it's not just Albert Lea that sucks...

Worker fired over alleged porn
Published 9:59am Monday, December 26, 2011

AUSTIN — An Austin Housing and Redevelopment Authority worker who allegedly exposed himself to a female tenant has been fired.

Marv Repinski, chairman of the HRA board, said Ronald Heimer, of Adams, was let go after the board held a closed meeting in early December. Heimer is accused of watching a pornographic movie in a tenant’s bedroom and exposing himself to her as he walked out of the room zipping up his pants. He faces criminal charges in Mower County District Court.

Repinski said he made the choice to publicly announce that Heimer had been fired.

“I did not care to have him be released from his employment, but we were getting calls from the public after the newspaper articles,” Repinski said. “It’s kind of a gray zone of how to protect your residents.”

Repinski said the HRA continues its record of accountable performance the public can trust.

Letting Heimer go “was really to protect ourselves from scuttlebutt and people being fearful that our management was not appropriate or that they would also be subject to such an invasion of privacy,” Repinski said.

Heimer recently pleaded not guilty to the charges he is facing in Mower County District Court. He was charged with felony bribery, misconduct of a public employee, fourth-degree burglary and indecent exposure.

When someone has the gall to say "I did not care to have him be released," it means one of two things--either the manager didn't believe the woman's story or the manager didn't care what his employee did.

This happened in Austin. Hence, Austin sucks. Right?

Well, perhaps not. But it just goes to show you--this sort of nuttiness is universal.

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Dear future generations: Please accept our apologies. We were rolling drunk on petroleum.

- Kurt Vonnegut
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PostIcon Posted on: Jun. 07 2012,9:57 am Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

And now, a word from our sponsor...

Dear future generations: Please accept our apologies. We were rolling drunk on petroleum.

- Kurt Vonnegut
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 Post Number: 6
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PostIcon Posted on: Jun. 07 2012,11:06 am Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

I am not really sure of his point... but whatever makes him happy I guess..

After we screw up health care reform, let's take on the initiative of unscrewing the education system (gov't education)
Tacitus: (c. 56 AD-c. 117) "The more corrupt the state, the more it legislates."
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PostIcon Posted on: Jun. 08 2012,6:40 pm Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

Is this blog another one of shock jock  Denevo?  Peter B.   :rofl:
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PostIcon Posted on: Jun. 08 2012,7:42 pm Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

I'm concluding that Botto is trying to say, "Hey, how stupid is all of this..."

And I would agree... :clap:  :clap:  :clap:

Local newspapers tend to hide under "rocks" as if they have all the "good info" that ONLY the general public could ever handle tolerating...

Reality would suck for most people if local newspapers actually explained things as they are...
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PostIcon Posted on: Jun. 09 2012,8:38 am Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

Do you know what is a bigger threat to "harmony" and "prosperity" than the Mexicans? Crystal methamphetamine. Why don't we dedicate the same negative energy towards eliminating the problem of crystal meth? Nobody, and I mean, nobody, thinks we should legalize it except for the tweakers who stand to make another billion from the debris it causes across the American social landscape. And, you can say whatever you want about the Mexicans, but who does a better job of raising their kids? The meth head who burns up his house on a frenzied Monday night of cooking or the Mexican family that works hard, goes to church, and doesn't bother anyone?

Yea just a bunch of hardworking church goers. Like going to church means you're beyond reproach. Nobody lies cheats or steals, or pick a commandment or similar metric to judge by, that goes to church. :sarcasm:  

And let's go off on an unrelated  tangent about crystal meth.

I guess that guy hasn't seen that big hole on Main Street in Austin.  :rofl:

And he has the audacity to think he sees everything the true way.   :rofl:
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PostIcon Posted on: Nov. 11 2013,1:38 am Skip to the previous post in this topic.  Ignore posts   QUOTE

Albert Lea

Finally some good reading.
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