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Topic: What do you think should be done about the meth ep, Here's some excellent copy from the DM R< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
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PostIcon Posted on: Apr. 27 2004,4:39 am  Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE


Rick Langel - 11:11pm Feb 20, 2004 (68.)
"If you don't like Kerry's views wait a week"
Do you have to fight with everyone?

I'm not having a fight with you, Julie. I'm having a discussion, usually on a topic we disagree on. If I see something that I disagree with, I'm usually going to respond.

Rick-When did Warren not answer a question?

Many times, too numerous to list here. They were in discussions I was trying to have with him in the political forums.

And, why does he irritate you so much? Maybe because you can't get a rise out of him?

The only thing I'm trying to get out of him is an honest answer. He doesn't irritate me at all, it's fun to watch him squirm out of actually providing those honest answers.

Why can't you stop and leave him alone?

I have left him alone, as I've stopped responding to him. He lost his entertainment value to me.

What's your problem any way?

I have no problem here other than with people who do not provide those honest answers that I seek. Too many people choose to not take responsibility for their words, or they let their egos instead of their minds control their conversations. You don't appear that way, you seem honest and forthright. My general policy about people is that I provide them respect until they give me a reason not to. I disagree with many things you write, but I've dealt with you in a very respectful manner. If you ever do anything to make me lose that respect for you, as auld and Warren have, I will no longer deal with you in that respectful manner.

You jumped right on my post.

As I said, if I see something I disagree with, I usually respond to it. That's how these forums work.

 W. D. Hunter - 01:36am Feb 21, 2004 (69.)
"Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain - and most fools do." - Dale Carnegie
The truth or a version of the truth has surfaced.....

Dear Editor,

Some people are entertained by harassing and publicly ridiculing other people. Name calling and character assassination must become an Olympic sport soon! I always knew the special needs crowd was easily entertained. I only wish I was as easily amused as they seem to be....

Rick Langle publicly posted the following:

"Why can't you stop and leave him alone?

I have left him alone, as I've stopped responding to him. He lost his entertainment value to me."

 Carl E. Olsen - 11:17am Feb 21, 2004 (70.)

When I quit smoking cigarettes in 1990, I left an open pack laying around because I thought the best way to quit was to face the situation head on. I'm skeptical of hypnosis, particularly when the cure is so fragile that being around cigarettes is enough to break the spell (or whatever they call it).

I still avoid people who are smoking, but it has nothing to do with any concern about relapse. Cigarette smoke irritates my lungs. I don't remember being irritated by cigarette smoke when I was a kid, but it really bothers me now.

My experience tells me that addiction to cigarettes and marijuana is mostly psychological. Drugs like methamphetamine, on the other hand, are more physically addictive. I would say that anything can be addictive from a pschological perspective.

I still have to say that Julie's example of the kid addicted to pot is no reason to keep pot illegal. I'm skeptical about the honesty of the kid, but if someone gets addicted to pot and they want to get help for it, why does the law says they are a criminal and not someone with a health problem? That's the real tragedy here.

Some people use marijuana for medical reasons, and it's even more unhealthy for them to be arrested. Making addiction into a crime doesn't help solve the situation.

If you're caught selling drugs, the question should be whether the buyer was a willing participant. I don't think there should be a permanent criminal record unless there is some kind of harm being inflicted on someone against their will. With methamphetamine, I suppose you could say that the buyer didn't understand the consequences, although it seems like everyone has heard that the stuff is bad.

If you get caught driving under the influence of alcohol there is a criminal law for that particular behavior, but nobody thinks that should translate into a law making it illegal just to have a glass of wine or a beer. It's illegal to give alcohol to kids, but nobody is trying to make it illegal to put alcohol on the grocery store shelf 6 inches off the ground where any child can easily see it and touch it.

We are completely hypocritcal in our approach to substance abuse.

 W. D. Hunter - 12:56pm Feb 21, 2004 (71.)
"Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain - and most fools do." - Dale Carnegie


I understand why you think that we are hypocritical. I admit I attempt to balance my opinion on drug use and drug abuse. Just like cigarettes, drinking, alcoholism, gambling and many vices; I try to differentiate what is use v. abuse. I do not think American's deal with any kind of addiction very well. I know in my family we live with "denial". I have that tendency when something rears its ugly head in my life. I deny that there is even a problem at first. Until that problem really gets its claws into my hide. That is when I tend to recognize..... "Houston, we have a problem".

I do have great sympathy for anyone that is attempting to break the cycle of habit for addiction. Regardless of what the addiction maybe. Some things like food can be addictive. Thus, you can't go "cold turkey" on all foods. You need to substitute a healthier choice until you break that cycle.

Just my humble opinion and two cents on the matter.

Thanks for sharing.

W. D. H.

 Carl E. Olsen - 12:02pm Feb 22, 2004 (72.)
I agree with WD

Hi WD,

Yes, I've never kicked an addicition until it has kicked me first. Until it appears to be a critical threat to my existence, I can't find the will power to do anything about it. Some people are better than me and some people are worse than me, so it has a lot to do with the psychological makeup of the person more than it does with the physical attributes of the substance. Congress called it the "Controlled Substances Act" instead of the "Illegal Drugs Act" so there's plenty of room there to add alcohol or tobacco (or chocolate, for that matter). But wait, there's an explicit exemption for alcohol and cigarettes written right into the Controlled Substance Act. Wow, imagine that!?! I wonder how that got there?

 C. Franklin - 03:18pm Feb 22, 2004 (73.)
She screamed

Last night in front of my house a young auburne haired 20 something woman parked in front of a vacant rental house. She looked like your average sweat pant wearing young person with an old beater van. She was checking out the house. Then she went back to her van and slept for 2 hours. She woke and proceeded to ask the neighboring residents where she was, the time, and location of planned parenthood. We tell her figuring a sleepy kid new in town and looking for directions. How ever she gets back in her vehicle and lights up. Stupid!!! We call law enforcement. She leaves before they arrive. WE call law enforcemnt back and tell them she is gone in case they need to redirect patrol cars to other areas. She's back parked and smoking. We call the law and inform them of her questions her behavior and what we had thought. She saw the law and tries to leave and then this woman who could not possibly wiegh more than a 100lbs continues with odd behavior and resists arrest. I heard her scream loud when she was placed on the ground obviously disoriented she was asking the question where am I. Then she got angry with stupid words. The officers told us she was a gypsy with a lot of different things in her van. They had her drugs and will be checking if the possesions were stolen from yards and construction sites. I am glad she is in jail. She will get her day in court, the health care people will check for pregnacy/birth control or devastating illness. The scream will stay with me a while. I know our law enforcement people have some air heads patrolling our streets, but she tried to leave using her vehicle. She was in this nieghborhood asking for information from people who would give a hand up. She decided that we were worthy of her drug usage and theft. She can now sit in jail on her felony charges. The stuff will hopefully be returned to the real owners and she will get the help she needs. C.Franklin

 C. Franklin - 01:44pm Feb 23, 2004 (74.)
she's back

Hey, granola for brains came back to our neighborhood. She decided she was going to rent the vacant house. I spoke to her and told her the landlord does not rent to dopers. During the course of the day she meandered around town asking people to help her charge her cell phone(the grocery store clerks). She asked for help after locking her keys in van(it was so unsanitary nobody would)she paid for a locksmith. Anyway after deciding that she was trying to camp illegally, but looking at a scared girl I continued to speak with her. During our conversation she made frequent trips to the planet Neptune. I applied an ice bag to her busted up face, gave her instructions to health dep. for her alleged pregnancy as she was either one month then again she she said she wasn't pregnant also. She was scared called me a fine term of endearment and then asked if she could sleep. No was the answer as then I would have to stay up and watch you to make sure you are unharmed. I gave her directions to the place of her destination assured her they were the folks to help her and then called everybody who had contact with her and the health dept. to be expecting her. She wasn't broke asshe could afford her drugs the very day after the police confiscated her dope. She was one of those lost souls that wanders through brazen, scared pregnant and probably dumped on and beaten by the person she was currently escaping. Today the community will hopefully get her to see the hand up that she was seeking. Your prayers for this 22-year old woman, aka Amanda the Gypsy. Ain't drugs wonderful in their effect on the population of lost souls. All the best, C. Franklin

 Julie R. - 03:02pm Feb 24, 2004 (75.)
Prayers for the baby

The baby, if there is one, is the one that is going to need our prayers, C.. My heart goes out to the babies of drug-using "mothers" who don't (or can't) get off the drugs long enough to give birth to a healthy baby. Mrs. Franklin, I admire you for what you did do for that poor young woman, as lost as she probably is. You are to be applauded for all you tried to do for her, despite her appearance and her little side trips to Neptune (that had to be a riot). I would have given a hundred bucks to have seen that one. I'm sitting here laughing now C., just picturing you trying to get a conversation across to her. That is toooo much!!!! Thanks for doing it, though. Everyone needs someone. You just happened to be there. Good job, C.!


This message has been approved by me, Kid Dyn-o-mite.
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 Post Number: 12
kid dyn-o-mite Search for posts by this member.


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PostIcon Posted on: Apr. 27 2004,4:40 am Skip to the previous post in this topic.  Ignore posts   QUOTE

last one...

Michelle Gregory - 07:57pm Feb 24, 2004 (76.)
The woman needs prayer, too.

Prayer that something or someone will bring her out of her self-destructive lifestyle. Prayer that she will 'come clean' and turn away from her addictions. Prayer that she will act responsibly in caring for herself, especially if there is a baby involved. Prayer that she won't just go in and end that precious infant's life (again, if there is one) to suit her own selfish interests. Prayer that she won't turn up dead somewhere after wandering through the city at all hours--prayer for her safety, and the safety of those around her.

 W. D. Hunter - 08:33pm Feb 24, 2004 (77.)
"Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain - and most fools do." - Dale Carnegie
I agree with Julie R and Michelle Gregory....prayers all around!

C. Franklin writes:

"She wasn't broke as she could afford her drugs the very day after the police confiscated her dope. She was one of those lost souls that wanders through brazen, scared pregnant and probably dumped on and beaten by the person she was currently escaping. Today the community will hopefully get her to see the hand up that she was seeking. Your prayers for this 22-year old woman, aka Amanda the Gypsy. Ain't drugs wonderful in their effect on the population of lost souls. All the best, C. Franklin"

I agree with Julie R. and Michelle Gregory: prayers all the way around. I feel sorry for the young lady, who has very much lost her way in her drug addictive haze. I feel sorry for the unborn child that is being polluted by the drug abuse that the mother shares with the unborn child. I feel sorry for C. Franklin for having to witness this pain and misery. God has seen fit to challenge each of us to prove our belief in him and his ways. I am always shocked at what God will put us through. My faith tells me that he does not challenge us beyond our capabilities; I am sure that does not apply to evil. I will pray for all parties to this drama of addiction.

Thanks for sharing!

W. D. H.

 C. Franklin - 05:54pm Mar 7, 2004 (78.)
Julie R.

I believe a loving and caring God gave this young woman a independent mind to make choices...she just made the wrong ones. Most people make bad choices now and then and usually end up paying in some way or another for them.

I don't believe God specifically had her arrested, caused her to be stoned, unbathed, paranoid, living in her van, and mostly at the end of her rope. Her conscious choices put her into that scene. I do however, believe that most people ultimately turn to their faith for hope when they themselves reach the end of their rope. I also believe one's true faith is between themselves and their God, and that when called on, faith can work quite well.

Of course, this is just my opinion.

All the best from the Oregon coast, 70 degrees, no rain for two whole days.

C. Franklin

  Julie R. - 01:18pm Mar 9, 2004 (78.1)
I agree

C., For once, C., You and I agree completely on something. My heart goes out to that young woman. I was that young woman at one point in my life-I wasn't homeless and I never did drugs while I was pregnant. But, doing the drugs until you've sold everything you had (I'm sorry I can't remember the whole story, C.), and not knowing where to turn-I've definetly been there. I hope she's okay and I hope the baby is okay. God, I'm so sick, I have no business even being on this computer. I just want to tell you how humbled I am by your actions C.. I'm not sure I would even have done that, and I'm usually the one that always steps up to the plate when it comes to the underdog. You are to be applauded.

 W. D. Hunter - 06:16pm Mar 7, 2004 (79.)
"Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain - and most fools do." - Dale Carnegie
Nice! Iowa is sunny and lower 40's.....we have some catching up to do....

C. Franklin writes: All the best from the Oregon coast, 70 degrees, no rain for two whole days.

 W. D. Hunter - 08:23am Mar 31, 2004 (80.)
"Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain - and most fools do." - Dale Carnegie
Troy H it was good to hear from you again!

 Julie R. - 01:52pm Apr 10, 2004 (81.)

I want to thank everyone, well most everyone for the patience you have shown me. I was really stupid when I first started posting wasn't I? I thank you all for helping me along and not getting too frustrated with me. ALMOST all of you, (maybe minus 1) have been so wonderful, guiding me along. I think I'm getting better, but I realize I still have much to learn. You guys are terrific!! Give yourself a pat on the back. I'll be returning----From Iowa!

  Rick Langel - 06:16pm Apr 11, 2004 (81.1)
"If you don't like Kerry's views wait a week"

This message has been approved by me, Kid Dyn-o-mite.
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