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 Post Number: 91
Liberal Search for posts by this member.


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PostIcon Posted on: Jun. 13 2013,10:09 am  Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE


Telling friends, family- (that's the hardest one), co-workers, police, people we know that are in the military, city officials, the AL Tribune people. We do the same thing out in the real world that we've been doing in the forum. Sharing information and talking.

Why is telling family the hardest? Is it because your family will have no problem telling you what they really think about your mental health?

One thing I wonder about you conspiracy kooks. When all that top secret wikileaks stuff went online, what evil things did you discover the government was responsible for?

The people are masters of both Congress and courts, not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert it!
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 Post Number: 92
Rosalind_Swenson Search for posts by this member.


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PostIcon Posted on: Jun. 13 2013,12:03 pm Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

(Liberal @ Jun. 13 2013,10:09 am)

Telling friends, family- (that's the hardest one), co-workers, police, people we know that are in the military, city officials, the AL Tribune people. We do the same thing out in the real world that we've been doing in the forum. Sharing information and talking.

Why is telling family the hardest? Is it because your family will have no problem telling you what they really think about your mental health?

One thing I wonder about you conspiracy kooks. When all that top secret wikileaks stuff went online, what evil things did you discover the government was responsible for?

Wikileaks? Why you bringing up wikileaks? The other things we've been bringing up in the forum isn't enough for you? Or you just looking for more things to try pointlessly arguing about? -Especially since MSM barely mentions any of the really big things in the wikileaks files, and the government only responds to them as "damaging to National Security". So there's no proof in those files that those things are true. Assange and Manning are just enemy #1 and 2 for no good reason.

Water shortages? Must not be a big deal to you. Disappearing and dying bees? No big deal again? Nuclear power plant problems? - Oh yeah, that's right, according to you there are no problems, even though it's been several decades since we've been using them and still to this day have no idea what to do with the waste. - Not to mention the other problems.
Indefinite detention of American citizens and stripping of rights? We shouldn't worry about that silly thing, the government would never ever use that power, they just gave themselves that power because they could.
Killing of American citizens with no trial or explanation? Eh, so what, at least one of the four they killed probably had it coming, I'm sure the government will never do anything like that again.
Corporations/banks keeping a revolving door of employees with Presidential administrations and almost every single government agency? No big deal, we can just pretend the policies these people help make are actually a good thing. We can keep pretending that the revolving door corporations/banks share with the agencies that are supposed to be watchdogs over those very same companies/banks are a good idea, because all these people are so trustworthy. We can keep bailing out the banks, keep printing more money, keep poisoning the air, land and water. Everything will be fine.
Government able to spy on the citizens? Who cares. Even  though they've used private information in the past to blackmail, threaten and even destroy lives. - I'm sure they would never do that again. The government should know everything about each one of us, and we should know as little as possible about them. - That's what keeps us safe.
We should keep invading/starting wars in other countries. We should keep killing hundreds of thousands/millions of innocent people in other countries and putting in puppet leaders for those countries. - Those things keep us safe. Nobody in our government should ever be held accountable for anything. We should just turn a blind eye each time they lie, and like good little Americans we the people should just ignore all their previous lies that contradict the new ones.

Nope, liberal doesn't see any problems in this country. Nobody else should either.

We should just wait until things get worse.

And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.
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 Post Number: 93
Liberal Search for posts by this member.


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PostIcon Posted on: Jun. 13 2013,3:11 pm Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

So why is it hardest to explain your goofy theories to family? Is it because your family has no problem calling you crazy?

What sort of "big things" did the main stream media ignore in the wikileaks info?

The people are masters of both Congress and courts, not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert it!
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 Post Number: 94
Rosalind_Swenson Search for posts by this member.


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PostIcon Posted on: Jun. 13 2013,4:15 pm Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

So why is it hardest to explain your goofy theories to family? Is it because your family has no problem calling you crazy?

Nope, not at all. It's hardest discussing these things with family because those are the people we worry most about upsetting. It's kind of nice to not know about some of the things that are going on. I've only talked to a few family members about some of the things.

You're the only person who thinks I'm nuts. You and all those forum people who call you and send you private messages.
When I tell people about all the people who keep switching back and forth between certain corperations and government they are skeptical. Until I show them proof. Then they are quite surprised. when I show them some of the things that have happened as a consequence, then they're angry.
If you ask a person why we invaded Iraq, they'll say it was because of 9-11, or because Hussein had WMD's or because he was an evil guy. Most times people just shrug and say they aren't actually sure. Show them the proof that we had a huge part in Iraq having WMD's in the first place, and show them the declassified documents which show that we knew in advance how horrible it would be for innocent people by destroying their water facilities. People get pissed. Tell them to find any mainstream national news that informed us of what was REALLY causing so many deaths, specifically lack of safe water, or to find any mainstream national news pointing out those declassified documents, they don't understand why they can't find any mention of either.  
Mention the NDAA and indefinite detention- people REALLY have a hard time believing that one. Show them the proof and they're shocked, and very confused why they can't find any mention in mainstream national news about the group of people suing Obama over it.
Bring up nuclear power plants. Nobody wants to talk about those at all. Most people KNOW at least partly, how dangerous and stupid they are.
Bring up Ruby Ridge and Waco, I haven't talked to a single person on those two things who doesn't think the government was completely in the wrong, and havne't talked to one person who doesn't think some heads should have rolled.
Show people how many reporters/journalists have been harassed and even jailed for trying to cover stories the government doesn't want covered, they're shocked and angry.
More and more people all the time are realizing how unAmerican America actually is.

What sort of "big things" did the main stream media ignore in the wikileaks info?

You're the master at derailing and getting off topic into an area you feel you can argue argue argue. I think you must be an avid scholar of Schopenhauer's ways to win an argument. But that only works when the other person hasn't figured out what you're up to.

Besides, like I said already:
Wikileaks? Why you bringing up wikileaks? The other things we've been bringing up in the forum isn't enough for you?

And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.
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 Post Number: 95
Santorini Search for posts by this member.


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PostIcon Posted on: Jun. 13 2013,5:29 pm Skip to the previous post in this topic.  Ignore posts   QUOTE

(Grinning_Dragon @ Jun. 07 2013,8:04 pm)
John Kerry is a POS, and should be removed from office and locked up.
He DOES NOT have the approval of the Senate to sign the treaty, doing so is an act of treason.

Second, even if the Senate does ratify the treaty, a treaty cannot supersede the Constitution or any of the Enumerated Amendments, if any of the provisions of said ratified treaty are in conflict with the Constitution, said treaty is dead, null and void.

Third, in order to comply with the provisions of this treaty, laws would need to be created and put into place.  Just because a Senate ratifies a treaty, does not automatically put the laws into place.

Fourth, what jurisdiction would the UN have here in the United States?  ZERO.  If ratified, and Congress failed to put into place de facto UNCONSTITUTIONAL laws, or if one of the States here in the US does not comply with the treaty it would violate the spirit of the treaty.  So in essence the UN is nothing more than a paper tiger with gummy bear teeth.  *BONUS* Blue helmets make for excellent target practice.

Fifth, a single State can challenge the treaty on Constitutional grounds, which will put the ratified treaty in peril.

But what about UN Agenda 21

Seems so much us going on so on behind the scenes it's hard to keep up?!

"Things turn out best for those who make the best
 of the way things turned out."    Jack Buck
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