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Topic: Mpls schools< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
 Post Number: 31
Santorini Search for posts by this member.


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PostIcon Posted on: Dec. 22 2012,8:40 am  Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

(Cheyenne @ Dec. 21 2012,10:48 am)
As a former parent of a student in Dist 241...I tried really hard to have my oldest son held back in grade school because he had not met the objectives for passing to the next grade they would NOT hold him back and he continued to fail meeting the expectations for each grade he passed through and they just kept pushing him from one grade to the next he did graduate from Dist 241. However, he can not fill out a job application without help, he can not understand the directions on a box of mac & cheese...but our public education system is soooo awesome. Might I remind you that I as his parent tried to have him held back so he would meet the goals of his grade level the school administration would not allow his being held back was approved by his parent and they still did not hold him back.

The schools have certain criteria that needs to be met.
Perhaps your son met their criteria and was moved on, despite your opposition, because according to their guidelines he was successful enough to move forward.  This is the problem.  Not all kids learn the same way, yet, we have an archaic, on-size-fits-all system.  And it is flawed.

"Things turn out best for those who make the best
 of the way things turned out."    Jack Buck
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 Post Number: 32
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PostIcon Posted on: Dec. 23 2012,5:13 pm Skip to the previous post in this topic.  Ignore posts   QUOTE

The first paragraph here details the ideal outcome pretty well. Sadly in life, the ideal outcome is seldom realized. The second paragraph outlines the more likely Human scenario.

A more subtle critique is that teaching to the test can be good or bad. If curricula are carefully developed by educators and the test is written with curricula in mind, then teaching to the test means teaching students the knowledge and skills we agree they ought to learn—exactly what our teachers are legally and ethically obligated to do.

Yet there are two senses in which teaching to the test can indeed be harmful: excessive preparation that focuses more on the format of the test and test-taking techniques than on the subject matter, and the reallocation of classroom time from subjects on which students are not tested (often art and physical education) to those on which they are (often reading and mathematics).*

* Article: Teach to the Test? - Wilson Quarterly

When I went to school, teachers (persons now designated by the PC term "educators") brought their own style of teaching and emphasis, unlike the cookie-cutter approach implied by things like NCLB. As a general rule, people my age walked out of the system more or less able to enter adult life. I don't see that so much anymore. While I'm reluctant to blame any one single factor for this, I'm fairly sure that cookie-cutter top-down administrative micromanagement isn't helping.

When I see kids that can't make change without the cash register, or horrific examples of what passes for grammar on Facebook and the like, I think it's safe to say that things are slipping. And I'd like to help stop this trend, if possible. Lame excuses and handing out trophies to all participants isn't working for me. If things like NCLB actually do shift focus to things like reading and arithmetic, I shudder to think how bad things are getting in the areas that suffer as a result, don't you?

Dear future generations: Please accept our apologies. We were rolling drunk on petroleum.

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31 replies since Dec. 15 2012,9:13 am < Next Oldest | Next Newest >

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