Forum: Miscellaneous
Topic: Baseball in AL
started by: unknown

Posted by unknown on Dec. 30 2003,12:22 am
When I drive by Snyder Fields in the summer, 98% of the time I see it vacant.  It's a fine set of fields that go unused most of the year which is disappointing.

I wonder if it could be possible to start a "city league" of sorts for the enjoyment of people that want to play and watch.  Have a group run it, charge a small fee and have people provide their own glove, etc.  Does anyone else have any say on this?  I hope I'm not wrong if there is already such a thing.

Posted by Baseball Fan on Dec. 30 2003,10:55 am
This place is a poor excuse for a baseball town.  Last year they did not have a American Legion team.  So what are the kids suppose to do besides get into trouble.  Our A.L. rec department is run by knuckleheads with no drive to do a good job or promote anything.  Just another reason this town sucks.
Posted by GEOKARJO on Dec. 30 2003,12:19 pm
Ya Complain but offer no ideas for solution Baseball Fan
Posted by Lil Pimp on Dec. 30 2003,8:59 pm
Anyone ever try & get a Northwoods team in Albert Lea?  There are teams in Rochester, Waterloo, Mankato, St. Cloud, Alex, Duluth, Madison...

Only need to draw about 800-1000 per game to support a team.  If Alex can do it I think Albert Lea could.


Posted by unknown on Dec. 30 2003,9:49 pm
Quote (Guest @ Dec. 30 2003,10:55:am)
This place is a poor excuse for a baseball town.  Last year they did not have a American Legion team.  So what are the kids suppose to do besides get into trouble.  Our A.L. rec department is run by knuckleheads with no drive to do a good job or promote anything.  Just another reason this town sucks.

Part of the problem of this town is us the people, just look at what we say like above.  And yes our city does have some issues, but we gotta be part of the solution.

But to the baseball part.  If there would be enough interest in something like a city league for anyone interested, then it can be done!!!!  Half the problem of this town is that people just sit and let things happen, then complain because it didn't go their way.  If they got involved, things could be different.  If the interest is there, I bet there is too, then a sort of summer city league of sorts could be formed.  I know they got city volleyball and hockey, so why not baseball?  I know I wouldn't hesitate in helping in this.

Posted by pie eye on Dec. 31 2003,11:27 am
I've played baseball and softball my whole life. I remember when Snyder Fields were full every day. The reason adult sports in this town are nonexistant is there is no jobs to keep the 20-30 year old people here!!!! Last year mens softball had 8 teams!!! I've heard rumors that we won't even have a league this year. That is pathetic.I'm sorry, but you can't compare Albert Lea to Alexandria. If you look at a map you will see Alex is the only town with any size in that area. If you go  25 miles any direction out of A.L. there is another town that is willing to take our young people. I've talked to peolpe in Alex. and that's the way it is. As for park and rec. We have always had the worst dept. in the state, but the people we have in there now are trying. Let's get some jobs here and the sports will come back.
Posted by Rumor has it... on Jan. 02 2004,1:23 am
Rumor has it that the American Legion team will be fielded again this year after the one-year lay-off.  Last year, instead of the A.Legion team, there was a VFW one.  Kids still had a chance to play Legion ball, but the problem was that there were not enough kids out to fill both the VFW and the Legion teams.  The options were/are there for the kids in town, they just are not being utilized.

Also, check out the Colonels in the Summer.  They are an amateur team and are usually pretty competitive in their league.  Anyone, I believe, can play on it as long as they can hack it.  I usually catch a few games each year, and I encourage everyone to attend a game.  If for no other reason, the crowd is very friendly, and you'll probably be offered popcorn and/or bugspray by at least one person in the audience.

About the park-n-rec, I also believe that the current people are trying, but it is hard with constant cuts to keep things interesting for the kids.  but still they try :)

Posted by hoosier on Jan. 02 2004,10:41 am
I dont fully understand all this park and rec crap here in Minnesota. Until I moved here I had never heard of a park and rec running the kids baseball programs. In Indiana there was a little league in almost every town, along with a babe ruth program for kids between little league and high school. Local business in town sponsered the teams, bought there uniforms, real baseball uniforms, not the cheap @ss tee shirts they have here. And here is the one that will shock you all, not one coach got payed, they all did it because they had kids playing or they just loved to coach. But the point is, it didnt cost the city or county a pennie. So when there is budget troubles, the kids dont suffer because they dont depend on the budget.

The little leage in my town had about 12 teams in it, they had there own field that volenteers maintained on their own and played games almost evert night of the week. Same thing with the babe ruth program. This would be about the same as legion ball here, except we had more than one team per town. It worked just like the little league, there was about 10 teams in my town, they all stayed in town and played at the same field. Doesnt cost anyone any money except for the parents in buying a mitt.

When I moved here I truely never understood why the baseball programs are run like they are, through the park and rec. Its like everything else in this town, if they can find a way to make it worse, or cost money, they will.

There are other options out there, number one, park and rec should not be in charge of any summer baseball, there should not be a legion team, there should be a league, right here in town. How many times have you heard that only the rich kids can play on a traveling team because of the cost to parents. You should only have to travel to the ball park. Sorry, I love it here in Minnesota, but its things like this that I just cant understand why someone hasnt came up with a better way.

By the way, the town I grew up in that had a tee ball league, minor league, little league, and a babe ruth league, they also had the same for girls softball, and this town is about half the size of A.L. Its all run by the people, no cost to government, and the coache's dont get paid.

Posted by Tony Montana on Jan. 20 2004,12:25 am
For all you "self-proclaimed" baseball experts/fan!  Wake up!!  Baseball is alive and well in Albert Lea!  Yea, check out the Colonels and see some fine amateur baseball, go out and watch the small kids playing t-ball through our Park and Rec, watch the Albert Lea Youth Baseball (6) youth teams from 12 and under to 15 and under, they play two games per week in Albert Lea and weekend tournaments in town and across Minnesota, stop and take a look at our VFW youth baseball team playing down at Hayek Park at least two games per week and weekend tournaments.  If you don't see any baseball going on in Albert Lea this summer, it is not because the games are not out there, it is just because you are not looking or smart enough to find it.  The majority of the baseball programs in our town are run and supported by parents, family, baseball euthuiast/fans, local clubs and businesses financial support!!  And by the way, you don't have to be a rich kid to play baseball, they have scholarships in several of the leagues that will make sure the less fortune get the opportunity to play baseball.  Oh! I almost forgot, the baseball program through Park and Rec for the SWJH 7 and 8 graders in the spring play at least two games per week for two months, and the baseball program through the Albert Lea Schools, for the 9, 10, and varsity team play at least two games per week this spring for two months or more, at both Hayek Park, Hammer Field #1 and #2.  So don't go around crying and complaining about no baseball in Albert Lea!!  Just open your eyes, read the newspaper, check the out the school website for schedules, etc. for locations and dates/times for games, it is all there for your choosing!!
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