Forum: Miscellaneous
Topic: My Veiws
started by: Marneman

Posted by Marneman on Mar. 29 2015,4:47 am
Sitting here with time on my hands and just thought I'd ruminate a bit about what I believe.
I beleive in the death penalty should be used more often, and for more crimes. Hanging is what was in use when the founding fathers wrote the constitution so it's good enough for me.  And for those who want to quote the 8th amendments cruel and unusal clause that was put in to stop the English practice of drawing and quartering.
I believe in a womans right to choose, in other words I'm pro-abortion, but only to a point.  No third trimester abortions allowed.  But I don't think anyone has the right to force someone to have a child they don't want.  Which brings me to my next point, Freedom of religeon, or freedom from religeon if you prefer.  Just remember though if you don't like or want to hear about my religeon that's fine, but remember I don't want to hear about yours (or lack of) either.  I think we should have a flat tax system in this country and a new tax enforcement group to go with it.  Bye-bye IRS.  My two favorite Presidents, after Washington and Lincoln, are Teddy Roosevelt and Harry Truman.  Ironicly both were made Vice-President for political reasons with no one ever expecting them to become President. T.R. I can understand, nobody could forsee Mckinleys assaination, but some people had real blinders on with FDR and his health in 1944.  Eisenhower loses points from me for his treatment of the outgoing Truman after his inaugaration. Last 3 President aren't worth a pile of dog crap!  I think the border needs to be closed, illeagals need to be sent home, the citenzenship clause in the 14th amendment needs clarification or revision, and companies that hire illeagals need to be fined big time, like millions not thousands!.  And who pick our lettuce you ask?  well all those people we should kick off the welfare roles of course.  Yes, I understand that sometimes people get into a situation where they need help, but welfare was supposed to be short term help, not a lifestyle!  Build a new factory here with jobs for Americans, tax break, build one overseas double tax.  That should help the un-employment numbers some.  Good high paying manufacturing jobs like we used to have.  And dumbass Ivyleague CEO's who run a company into the ground..Cement overshoes, not golden parachutes. If the U.S. government is bailing your company out finacially, NO bonuses, you don't get paid extra for sloppy work.  
Well enough CBU's for now look forward to comments.

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