Forum: Opinion
Topic: Do Deer Eat Meat?
started by: Stone-Magnon

Posted by Stone-Magnon on Sep. 13 2011,12:49 pm
Ok, so I've been grilling outdoors and always leave a chunk of beef for what I thought was a cat and kitten I'd seen.

I pull in, get out and two deer are just standing about 100 feet away and I can see them in the street light. Baby deer hangs back little farther and Momma deer is huge healthy female. They see me and I whistle and say what's up and they just stand there. I slam the car door and they just go back to grazing. I go sit in a chair and Momma begins to walk towards me! I thought she might charge and was going the roll the chair over me if she did. But the damn deer just walked up by my grill and stood there about 40 feet away. Do deer eat beef?

Posted by Liberal on Sep. 13 2011,1:29 pm
< >
Posted by hymiebravo on Sep. 13 2011,8:11 pm
At Wiki it says that they will eat young birds and mice. So larger meat might not be that big of a jump.

If they are eating other deer. That might explain a source for CWD.

Isn't that what ended up being the source for Mad Cow Disease?

Cows eating cows.

They couldn't take the cannibalism so they went mad.  :;):

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