Forum: Opinion
Topic: 9/11 Fatigue
started by: Stone-Magnon

Posted by Stone-Magnon on Sep. 11 2011,10:22 pm
I'm so tired of it. So every year we gots to watch big city fireman cry on TV. It's like watching Tony Soprano I tell ya.

Enough already! All this for 3000 victims? More than 3000 people die of worse things every year all the time. A dog a pony show is just that. Tiresome and bad acting from all these big city types on TV.

I've had it. We shouldn't glorify this date. Just stop it.

Posted by White Pride on Sep. 12 2011,2:27 am
it's what our government wants!  it wants us to be AFRAID!  It wants to be in control of us!  That is why they did it and blamed it on the muslims!
Posted by Botto 82 on Sep. 12 2011,7:44 am
Oh, I'm afraid, all right - of our government.

If they can do something like this in the name of some perceived "greater good," they're capable of anything.

< >

Posted by hymiebravo on Sep. 12 2011,6:19 pm

(Stone-Magnon @ Sep. 11 2011,10:22 pm)
I'm so tired of it. So every year we gots to watch big city fireman cry on TV. It's like watching Tony Soprano I tell ya.

Enough already! All this for 3000 victims? More than 3000 people die of worse things every year all the time. A dog a pony show is just that. Tiresome and bad acting from all these big city types on TV.

I've had it. We shouldn't glorify this date. Just stop it.

I'm surprised they haven't marketed it like Valentine's Day, or something, yet.

"Hey honey what did you get me for my 9 - 11 anniversary?"

Posted by hymiebravo on Sep. 12 2011,6:22 pm
That guy in the thermite demo video really knows how to have a good time. I'll say that. lol

For some reason he doesn't strike me as your typical evening news viewer though.

Posted by atlantic on Sep. 13 2011,2:38 am
Why watch the memorial if all you're going to do is complain about. The memorial is for the innocent people who were killed. Not for what the government is saying or doing. Get your head out of the hole, or your a$$ and realize that a lot of people were affected by this ONE day.
Posted by hymiebravo on Sep. 13 2011,7:50 am
Why watch the memorial if all you're going to do is complain about.

I'll take it a step further. Why watch TV period? Hook that 60" er up to your computer. Although the internet is in steady decline too. IMO

Use it as an occasional movie monitor.

Anything but TV watching.

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