Forum: Opinion
Topic: Fox Dominates (Again),
started by: the breeze

Posted by the breeze on Mar. 02 2011,9:32 am
Fox Dominates (Again), Takes Top 11 Cable News Slots in February
By Lachlan Markay | March 01, 2011 | 19:07

The Fox News Channel absolutely dominated its cable news competition in February. In terms of overall viewers, the top 11 cable news shows were all on Fox. In the coveted 25-54 demographic - the group that advertisers pay particularly close attention to - Fox took 11 of the top 15 spots.

The Rachel Maddow Show earned the top spot for an MSNBC program. Despite her struggles with factual accuracy of late, it seems Maddow has assumed the role of leading prime time anchor left vacant by Keith Olbermann's departure.

CNN's AC360 led that channel, beating out Maddow in the demo with 304,000 viewers, but trailing MSNBC and Fox leaders in total viewership.

TVNewser provided this pair of handy charts for our reference. The first is total audience and second is demo viewership.

Feb '11 P2+ cable news rankers

Read more: < >

Posted by canvasback on Mar. 02 2011,12:02 pm
^...and someone has recently asked what killed this site. That would be one example...
Posted by the breeze on Mar. 02 2011,2:26 pm

(canvasback @ Mar. 02 2011,12:02 pm)
^...and someone has recently asked what killed this site. That would be one example...

if you are blaming fox, i dont understand. if you are blaming me, it was dead when i got here.
Posted by Common Citizen on Mar. 02 2011,6:48 pm
304,000 viewers.  Now that's funny.  Alci must be 249,876.   :rofl:
oh wait that was CNN

Posted by Expatriate on Mar. 02 2011,7:27 pm
Regulators Reject Proposal That Would Bring Fox-Style News to Canada

Canada's Radio Act requires that "a licenser may not broadcast...any false or misleading news." The provision has kept Fox News and right wing talk radio out of Canada and helped make Canada a model for liberal democracy and freedom. As a result of that law, Canadians enjoy high quality news coverage including the kind of foreign affairs and investigative journalism that flourished in this country before Ronald Reagan abolished the "Fairness Doctrine" in 1987.

Posted by nedkelly on Mar. 03 2011,9:22 am

(Expatriate @ Mar. 02 2011,7:27 pm)
Regulators Reject Proposal That Would Bring Fox-Style News to Canada

Canada's Radio Act requires that "a licenser may not broadcast...any false or misleading news." The provision has kept Fox News and right wing talk radio out of Canada and helped make Canada a model for liberal democracy and freedom. As a result of that law, Canadians enjoy high quality news coverage including the kind of foreign affairs and investigative journalism that flourished in this country before Ronald Reagan abolished the "Fairness Doctrine" in 1987.

We have freedom of speech, too bad we can't be given the truth...We have laws against plagiarism, but not lies... We as a country are poorer because of it.. Canada has legislators who aren't afraid to protect the average person.... :p ...ned

Posted by Expatriate on Mar. 03 2011,9:44 am
In August 1987, the FCC abolished the doctrine by an Executive Order from Ronald Reagan opening the air waves to Fox style snake-oil journalism...

< >

Posted by Common Citizen on Mar. 03 2011,9:47 am
Nobody is forced to watch it. libs still think that commentary is news.  It's not our fault you can't tell the difference.   :laugh:

You bring a tear to my eye.  sniffle

Posted by nedkelly on Mar. 03 2011,12:07 pm

(Common Citizen @ Mar. 03 2011,9:47 am)
Nobody is forced to watch it. libs still think that commentary is news.  It's not our fault you can't tell the difference.   :laugh:

You bring a tear to my eye.  sniffle

Many guys at the coffee shop believe anything said on Fox is gospel truth...Unable to tell truth from BS...They vote for the repubs everytime... :dunno: ....ned

Posted by Glad I Left on Mar. 04 2011,8:53 am
Why is it that every one gets up in arms over Fox?  I just don't get it.
Fox is as far right as MSNBC is left and no one get there undies in a bunch over MSNBC.
Personally, I watch both and usually find my opinion shaped somewhere in the middle.
Seems pointless to argue about TV shows when you get your news from 3000 channels or 1.2million websites.
I mean, don't we really have bigger problems in this country than what channels are on the air?

Posted by Navy_Gary on Mar. 04 2011,12:52 pm
It's amazing how low the American media has sunk. During the Egyptian riots, when all the cable news shows were talking about Charlie Sheen, the only place I could find constant coverage was on the < English- Al Jazeera > website. That's not all, after watching it for awhile I realized they actually were reporting news, and it was good reporting... Shocking.
Posted by nedkelly on Mar. 05 2011,10:19 am
It is just too bad that our news outlets believe they must jazz up the news with untruths just to get viewership....
We as US citizens need to hunt for the truth, it involves more than a few little sound bites on TV....I personally watch both CNBC and Fox!... :- 0
The truth is somewhere between right and left, make your choice as it suits you and your family beliefs and  your country.... :- )...... :D ....ned

Posted by Expatriate on Mar. 05 2011,10:54 am
Unfortunately there is no rule against distorting or falsifying the news in the United States, Murdoch flavored kool-aid floods the air waves...the weak minded except it as gospel...
Posted by Glad I Left on Mar. 05 2011,3:12 pm
Most of us except too :p
Posted by Liberal on Mar. 05 2011,10:22 pm
Fox lies. I heard it several times on FUX news last week.

Posted by Grinning_Dragon on Mar. 05 2011,10:50 pm

(Expatriate @ Mar. 05 2011,10:54 am)
Unfortunately there is no rule against distorting or falsifying the news in the United States, Murdoch flavored kool-aid floods the air waves...the weak minded except it as gospel...

Hmm, kinda like weak minded who believe in the gospel according to msnbc, cbs, cnn, hufington, ect.
Posted by Common Citizen on Mar. 07 2011,11:40 am
I give Fox a pass...because they usually follow up their stories with the phrase, " You decide."  So they are giving you the option to think for yourself...right?  So what's the problem?   :D
Posted by Glad I Left on Mar. 07 2011,12:30 pm

(Liberal @ Mar. 05 2011,10:22 pm)
Fox lies. I heard it several times on FUX news last week.

Ok, So I wasted 3 minutes of my life watching that clip and here is what knowledge I gained:

A reporter trying to give his report being drown out by the sound of "Fox Lies" chants

Reporter confronts one chanter and asks him a question to which said chanter can only reply "Fox lies"

Reporter then goes on to add that the protesters have been very decent and that this guy is the exception, not the rule when it comes to describing them.

Not sure what was to be gained by by showing that, but then again, if you have 10 bucks you too can get your own domain name and put whatever you want on the internet,

Posted by Liberal on Mar. 07 2011,3:01 pm

Posted by stardust17 on Mar. 07 2011,3:51 pm
[/QUOTE] "It's amazing how low the American media has sunk. During the Egyptian riots, when all the cable news shows were talking about Charlie Sheen, the only place I could find constant coverage was on the English- Al Jazeera website. That's not all, after watching it for awhile I realized they actually were reporting news, and it was good reporting... Shocking."

Exactly my experience. Compared to BBC and Al Jazeera, the media here is absolute garbage. The same stories reported on Al Jazeera were butchered and misleading on US media. Pathetic.

Posted by Mad Mike on Mar. 11 2011,12:48 pm
Who cares about their ratings. So that means their lies are reaching more people. People who can be brainwashed easier than the rest.  So what if they have a stupid slogan "we report you decide" Anyone with an opposing view is shouted over and interrupted over and over so we hear very little of the other side. In fact they are down right nasty to many of their guests. They get their RATINGS by acting like uninformed loud big-mouthed lying idiots and yes, people do enjoy watching that stupid crap.
Posted by grassman on Mar. 11 2011,2:18 pm
You mean it is kind of like Jerry Springer outside of the trailer park. :D
Posted by Common Citizen on Mar. 14 2011,10:12 am

(Mad Mike @ Mar. 11 2011,12:48 pm)
Who cares about their ratings. So that means their lies are reaching more people. People who can be brainwashed easier than the rest.  So what if they have a stupid slogan "we report you decide" Anyone with an opposing view is shouted over and interrupted over and over so we hear very little of the other side. In fact they are down right nasty to many of their guests. They get their RATINGS by acting like uninformed loud big-mouthed lying idiots and yes, people do enjoy watching that stupid crap.

I love the "who cares" "so what" comments followed by a rant... :rofl:

That statement reminds me of a person who loses a game and stomps off defiantly stating, "Who cares.  It's only a game.", all the while making excuses and going on and on about why they lost...

Posted by Expatriate on Mar. 14 2011,4:37 pm

(Common Citizen @ Mar. 14 2011,10:12 am)
That statement reminds me of a person who loses a game and stomps off defiantly stating, "Who cares.  It's only a game.", all the while making excuses and going on and on about why they lost...

Seems last I heard there were over 300 million people in this country and the vast majority of them
could care less about Rupert's Kool Aid....

Posted by Common Citizen on Mar. 14 2011,5:48 pm
Obviously you care.  Why else would you take the time to post a pic.  At least be honest with yourself.   :rofl:
Posted by Mad Mike on Mar. 14 2011,7:37 pm
I will put it this way CC. Fox doesn't get their high ratings from delivering honest news. They get high ratings from all the entertainment / opinions they portray as news and facts. It is a freak show on that channel. So when Fox and  thier sheep brag about the news ratings my "who cares" means who cares they are not a legitimate news source like they want people to believe. They dominate in entertainment not news. But it is scary that people believe it as news so maybe I should care
Posted by Common Citizen on Mar. 15 2011,7:54 pm
Do you have examples?
Posted by Stone-Magnon on Mar. 15 2011,9:01 pm
Some of you idiots just don't get it. Viewership does not equal "agrees with". Charlie Sheen is getting huge rating not because people agree with, but because of the spectical... the trainwreck. CONTROSEY sells and this is what FOX sells. Only you idots are too dumb to realize when you been played.
Posted by Santorini on Mar. 15 2011,11:14 pm

(Mad Mike @ Mar. 14 2011,7:37 pm)
I will put it this way CC. Fox doesn't get their high ratings from delivering honest news. They get high ratings from all the entertainment / opinions they portray as news and facts. It is a freak show on that channel. So when Fox and  thier sheep brag about the news ratings my "who cares" means who cares they are not a legitimate news source like they want people to believe. They dominate in entertainment not news. But it is scary that people believe it as news so maybe I should care

Where do you get honest news Mike???
Maddcow??  ED?? other MSNBC commentators?
I watch most all news channels.  The one that continuously interrupts its guests is MSNBC.  Those commentators just like to hear themselves talk.  Entertaining at best...funny most of the time...
I NEVER see guests from both sides of an issue on that channel...always a guests viewpoint that sides with their own view.

Was in NY last week and went to NBC...(went to all the stations)  
Looked at their souvenirs.  Right the Clearance isle... big red CLEARANCE SALE tag on it...
the Keith Olberman T shirts :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:

Biggest group of people waiting to get in were at

Posted by irisheyes on Mar. 16 2011,7:05 am

(Santorini @ Mar. 15 2011,11:14 pm)
I watch most all news channels.  The one that continuously interrupts its guests is MSNBC.

And often Fox interrupts different viewpoints also.  Hannity and O'Reilly come to mind.

I NEVER see guests from both sides of an issue on that channel...always a guests viewpoint that sides with their own view.

Riiigght...  How many clips would you like of different viewpoints on MSNBC?  I remember seeing plenty and I hardly ever watch the channel.  Joe Scarborough, Chris Mathews, Pat Buchanan, Ron Paul, and G. Gordon Liddy all on MSNBC just to name a few.

Posted by Common Citizen on Mar. 16 2011,7:14 am
Same can be said for Fox.  I can provide just as many clips of differing viewpoints.  You choose to focus on what you want to.

Face it.  Libs are pissed at Fox because their conservative opinions are being heard by more people than liberal viewpoints.  So people like you (liberals), attack the fox news channel, point out how stupid Fox viewers are, accuse Fox of brainwashing people, rather than debate the conservative talking points heard on the channel.

Don't worry about Fox.  You can always find refuge at the taxpayer funded NPR liberal media machine.    


nuff said...

Posted by irisheyes on Mar. 16 2011,7:55 am

(Common Citizen @ Mar. 16 2011,7:14 am)
Same can be said for Fox.  I can provide just as many clips of differing viewpoints.  You choose to focus on what you want to.

Where did I claim otherwise?  They both interrupt at times and they both show different viewpoints at times, that was the point of my post when I replied to Santorini.

Face it.  Libs are pissed at Fox because their conservative opinions are being heard by more people than liberal viewpoints.

Libs are pissed?  Nah, not too worried.  Sunday morning talk shows on the networks get far more viewers than Fox and they cover both reps and dems pretty good.  There's conservatives and liberals that listen to NPR or watch C-SPAN for their information.  Plus, the internet is getting information out to plenty voters, at least for those of us that check more than email forwards.  

So people like you (liberals), attack the fox news channel, point out how stupid Fox viewers are, accuse Fox of brainwashing people, rather than debate the conservative talking points heard on the channel.

Are you suggesting that we don't take on the conservative talking points?  Where is CC and what have you done with him!?  I've debated the conservative talking points many times on here.

Posted by Common Citizen on Mar. 16 2011,4:13 pm
I know you have Irish Eyes.  But I was referring to arguements directly related to quotes by pundits on Fox.

Oh and the reason the Sunday morning network shows do well during that time is because most church-going folk are conservatives and spend the morning in church.

Posted by Expatriate on Mar. 16 2011,6:05 pm
^^^Praying to lord Limbaugh no doubt... :frusty:
Posted by Common Citizen on Mar. 16 2011,6:42 pm
Nope.  He's on Monday - Friday from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM.   :p
Posted by irisheyes on Mar. 18 2011,6:40 am

(Common Citizen @ Mar. 16 2011,4:13 pm)
Oh and the reason the Sunday morning network shows do well during that time is because most church-going folk are conservatives and spend the morning in church.

Maybe the evangelicals, but I was just reading polling data last week that was saying the majority of Jews and Catholics are left-leaning.  Also, the Sunday shows are on at 8am, most churchgoers I know go at 10am (most, not all).
Posted by grassman on Mar. 18 2011,6:54 am
Implying ones religious beliefs with ones politcal beliefs is so third world. We go at 10:30. :)
Posted by Common Citizen on Mar. 18 2011,8:15 am

(irisheyes @ Mar. 18 2011,6:40 am)

(Common Citizen @ Mar. 16 2011,4:13 pm)
Oh and the reason the Sunday morning network shows do well during that time is because most church-going folk are conservatives and spend the morning in church.

Maybe the evangelicals, but I was just reading polling data last week that was saying the majority of Jews and Catholics are left-leaning.  Also, the Sunday shows are on at 8am, most churchgoers I know go at 10am (most, not all).

Then you agree.  Because the Catholics I know are usually at home on Sunday mornings.  They either go to Church Saturday evenings before a night out on the town or they wait for Christmas, Lent, and Easter.   :beer:

Posted by Mad Mike on Apr. 03 2011,11:02 pm
Religious people watch fox because they can be talked into anything. Whatever is said is true. Whether it is the bible or Fox. No need to question anything. It's in a popular old book, it's on a popular network with many viewers...well it must be true then !!  All you need to do is throw a little religion in the news mix and it is the truth. That is who we should follow.. Beck and company,who pretend to believe in god to get people to believe their crazy ideas. They know a little religion goes a long way. It doesn't take much too fool people and fox knows how.
Posted by Common Citizen on Apr. 04 2011,10:52 am
^ Speak for yourself.
Posted by Mad Mike on Apr. 04 2011,12:58 pm
Try thinking for yourself.
Posted by Stone-Magnon on Apr. 04 2011,1:52 pm
He has and you described him perfectly!  :blush:

Those who are easily led by religion may also be led by Fox propaganda. You're spot on. These types are followers through and through.

Posted by Common Citizen on Apr. 04 2011,3:29 pm
What is there to think about?

Whenever you libs get all bent out of shape about Fox News you tend to confuse the commentators uber right leaning opinions with the actual news segments like Special Report with Bret Baier and the Fox Report with Shep Smith.  Why?  Because it's in the donk playbook to label ALL things conservative as "extreme".  Just ask your buddy Chuck Shummer.

I can see you left wing hacks coming from a mile away.    :rofl:

Posted by Liberal on Apr. 04 2011,3:38 pm

Whenever you libs get all bent out of shape about Fox News you tend to confuse the commentators uber right leaning opinions with the actual news segments like Special Report with Bret Baier and the Fox Report with Shep Smith.

Two weeks back Jon Stewart made Baier look like the clown that he is. After Baier tried to claim he was straight news, Stewart played the Bush interview and the Obama interview, then pointed out that Baier and Bush were literally sitting on a love seat during part of the interview.

"Actual news". :rofl:

< >

Posted by alcitizens on Apr. 04 2011,3:52 pm
Elect Republicans if you want your kids to have a lower education. Elect Republicans if you want shanties in your town. Elect Republicans if you want high crime and prisons. Elect Republicans if you enjoy watching people starve to death. Elect Republicans if you want to see people protest nationwide because of a loss of civil rights and freedom. Elect Republicans if you want a Civil War.
Elect Republicans if you're "Extreme"... Fox News likes "Extreme"... Gaddafi of Libya likes "Extreme"...

Posted by Mad Mike on Apr. 04 2011,4:27 pm
On the left we do know the difference between opinion and news. The problem is Fox commentators present their opinion as fact and the right falls for it. They are the ones who take opinion as fact. How sad.

Most republicans don't believe Obama was born here. Where do you think this crazy crap comes from ? Not from Shep or Brett but from the real heros on fox. Hannity, O'Reilly and Beck can push any agenda they need with no questions asked from their followers.

Posted by Common Citizen on Apr. 04 2011,5:38 pm

(Mad Mike @ Apr. 04 2011,4:27 pm)
On the left we do know the difference between opinion and news. The problem is Fox commentators present their opinion as fact and the right falls for it. They are the ones who take opinion as fact. How sad.

Most republicans don't believe Obama was born here. Where do you think this crazy crap comes from ? Not from Shep or Brett but from the real heros on fox. Hannity, O'Reilly and Beck can push any agenda they need with no questions asked from their followers.

You mention that most republicans don't believe Obama was born here.

When a liberal attempts to spin you need to hit them between the eyes with the truth.  I will even take it one step further and use a noted liberal source to debunk what you believe to be the facts.

(In reference to a new ABC News/Washington Post poll)  It showed that about one in three conservatives and Republicans believe the president was born abroad. Fifteen percent of Democrats agree.  < My Webpage >

That would hardly be considered a majority.

You are doing the same thing that you are accusing the Fox commentators of doing.  Presenting your opinion as facts.

You complain that the followers on Fox aren't doing enough to question those commentators yet how many times have you questioned the lib commentating of Matthews, Schultz, Maddow, and Olbermann?

Your hypocrisy is embarrassing.

Posted by Liberal on Apr. 04 2011,6:06 pm

When a liberal attempts to spin you need to hit them between the eyes with the truth.  I will even take it one step further and use a noted liberal source to debunk what you believe to be the facts.

You can't dispute one poll with another and call it "facts" especially when the polls clearly didn't poll the same group. The poll you posted is a poll of conservatives and republicans, that hardly debunks a poll of republicans.  :dunce:


Public Policy Polling released a survey today on the attitudes of likely Republican primary voters, including their opinions of Obama’s citizenship. The findings are extraordinary, with 51 percent of likely 2012 primary voters saying they believe President Obama was not born in the U.S.

From the report:

   Birthers make a majority among those voters who say they’re likely to participate in a Republican primary next year. 51% say they don’t think Barack Obama was born in the United States to just 28% who firmly believe that he was and 21% who are unsure. The GOP birther majority is a new development. The last time PPP tested this question nationally, in August of 2009, only 44% of Republicans said they thought Obama was born outside the country while 36% said that he definitely was born in the United States. If anything birtherism is on the rise.


   There is really a remarkable divide in how the birther and non-birther wings of the GOP view Sarah Palin. With the birthers she is a beloved figure, scoring an 83/12 favorability rating. Non-birthers are almost evenly divided on her with 47% rating her positively and 40% unfavorably.

   This is yet another poll where we find Palin with the highest favorability among Republican primary voters but still lagging in the horse race. 65% have a positive opinion of her compared to 58% for Huckabee and 55% for Romney and Gingrich. Her problem is that even though they like her, few GOP voters think Palin’s qualified to be President. Asked whether she’s more qualified to be President or Vice President, only 29% of voters place her in the top spot compared to 46% who say she’d be a more appropriate number 2.

< >

Posted by Common Citizen on Apr. 04 2011,6:54 pm

(Liberal @ Apr. 04 2011,6:06 pm)

When a liberal attempts to spin you need to hit them between the eyes with the truth.  I will even take it one step further and use a noted liberal source to debunk what you believe to be the facts.

You can't dispute one poll with another and call it "facts" especially when the polls clearly didn't poll the same group. The poll you posted is a poll of conservatives and republicans, that hardly debunks a poll of republicans.  :dunce:


Public Policy Polling released a survey today on the attitudes of likely Republican primary voters, including their opinions of Obama’s citizenship. The findings are extraordinary, with 51 percent of likely 2012 primary voters saying they believe President Obama was not born in the U.S.

From the report:

   Birthers make a majority among those voters who say they’re likely to participate in a Republican primary next year. 51% say they don’t think Barack Obama was born in the United States to just 28% who firmly believe that he was and 21% who are unsure. The GOP birther majority is a new development. The last time PPP tested this question nationally, in August of 2009, only 44% of Republicans said they thought Obama was born outside the country while 36% said that he definitely was born in the United States. If anything birtherism is on the rise.


   There is really a remarkable divide in how the birther and non-birther wings of the GOP view Sarah Palin. With the birthers she is a beloved figure, scoring an 83/12 favorability rating. Non-birthers are almost evenly divided on her with 47% rating her positively and 40% unfavorably.

   This is yet another poll where we find Palin with the highest favorability among Republican primary voters but still lagging in the horse race. 65% have a positive opinion of her compared to 58% for Huckabee and 55% for Romney and Gingrich. Her problem is that even though they like her, few GOP voters think Palin’s qualified to be President. Asked whether she’s more qualified to be President or Vice President, only 29% of voters place her in the top spot compared to 46% who say she’d be a more appropriate number 2.

< >

How in the world did you get that I was comparing two different polls from my post?    ???

For those wondering, the PPP firm that Liberal used is a known Democratic Party affiliate owned by a registered Democrat.   :oops:

This is yet another poll where we find Palin with the highest favorability among Republican primary voters

Now I know this poll is full of crap.   :rofl:

Posted by Stone-Magnon on Apr. 04 2011,7:47 pm

Posted by Liberal on Apr. 04 2011,9:04 pm

How in the world did you get that I was comparing two different polls from my post?    ???


You mention that most republicans don't believe Obama was born here.

When a liberal attempts to spin you need to hit them between the eyes with the truth.  I will even take it one step further and use a noted liberal source to debunk what you believe to be the facts.


(In reference to a new ABC News/Washington Post poll)  It showed that about one in three conservatives and Republicans believe the president was born abroad. Fifteen percent of Democrats agree.  My Webpage

To dispute Mad Mike's claim about republicans, you posted a poll that was referring to both conservatives and republicans.


For those wondering, the PPP firm that Liberal used is a known Democratic Party affiliate owned by a registered Democrat.   :oops:

You don't seem to have a problem with FOX being owned by a republican, but you have an issue with a pollster that is a registered democrat. :oops:

Posted by Common Citizen on Apr. 04 2011,9:21 pm
There is a difference between Fox commentators and a polling firm.  Wouldn't you agree?  

After all, the commentators on Fox are the ones you libs seem to be obsessed with.

Since I have been on this forum, libs have used the term conservative and republican interchangably.  Everyone knows it.  Now you want to be technical.  pfft...


Posted by Liberal on Apr. 04 2011,9:41 pm

There is a difference between Fox commentators and a polling firm.  Wouldn't you agree?  

I wasn't comparing FUX news to a polling firm. I was pointing out that you have an issue with a democrat owning a polling firm and you think that makes it less credible, but you don't think that FUX is biased even though the owner gave the Republican governers a million dollars.


Since I have been on this forum, libs have used the term conservative and republican interchangably.  Everyone knows it.  Now you want to be technical.  pfft...

So you're saying that conservatives and republicans are the same thing? You might want to let the rest of the kooks know considering there are several conservatives on this forum that swear they are not republicans.

Posted by Common Citizen on Apr. 04 2011,10:34 pm
So you're saying that conservatives and republicans are the same thing? You might want to let the rest of the kooks know considering there are several conservatives on this forum that swear they are not republicans.

No.  What I am saying is that is how you libs lump the two together. I know the difference but your entourage doesn't.   If someone posts a conservative view they are labeled as a kook, a Republican, a tea bagger, or a kool-aid drinker.

I wasn't comparing FUX news to a polling firm. I was pointing out that you have an issue with a democrat owning a polling firm and you think that makes it less credible, but you don't think that FUX is biased even though the owner gave the Republican governers a million dollars.

I do think that certain programs on Fox News are biased.  I recognize the fact that they have uber conservative pundit's, but they also have straight up news.  Funny thing is that I recognize this but it would be a cold day in hell if a lib ever admitted that about the liberal biased news agencies or gov't funded channels on the air waves.  They think their $hi+ doesn't stink and I will make it my mission on this forum to remind them it does.  The libs on this forum can not differentiate between the two and yet they accuse those that watch Fox news of the same thing.  Ya dig?  

Posted by Mad Mike on Apr. 04 2011,11:27 pm
Yeah I do use conservative and republican interchangibly because MOST of them go hand in hand..and you know it. So don't pretend you care about being technical. What a lame argument that is.

Why don't I question Maddow, Oberman, Schultz and the MSNBC bunch ? Partly because they spend so much time cleaning up all the lies fox has puked out..and they don't give me the creeps like the fox gang. Like when Glen Beck pretends to cry or he stares stupidly in the camera fooling people into thinking he is deeply affected by whatever he is babbling about that day.

MSNBC gives their views and opinions with intelligence and information not with lies and ignorance. When MSNBC
commentators start crying and acting like moronic jackasses with lies and stupidity I will then question their credibility. Fox loves to go after people who have dissed them except for MSNBC. Why ??? Fox is always out to defend their name but when MSNBC point out their lies fox backs off. It is funny how scared they are of MSNBC even though fox is ahead in the ratings

Posted by Common Citizen on Apr. 05 2011,11:49 am

(Mad Mike @ Apr. 04 2011,11:27 pm)
Yeah I do use conservative and republican interchangibly because MOST of them go hand in hand..and you know it. So don't pretend you care about being technical. What a lame argument that is.

I don't care.  I already know what you admitted to.  If you would have read the exchange between Liberal and I you would know that I was pointing out that Lib was being technical.   :dunce:
Posted by Liberal on Apr. 05 2011,12:43 pm
No I was pointing out that you were comparing two different groups of people, Republicans and Conservatives. They are two different groups of people, if you don't believe me just ask Jimhanson if he's a republican.


The libs on this forum can not differentiate between the two and yet they accuse those that watch Fox news of the same thing.  Ya dig?  

You're the one that has an issue with a polling company run by a democrat, but you have no problem getting your news from a channel owned by a well known republican. You kooks can't have it both ways. :crazy:

Posted by OEF_Soldier on Apr. 05 2011,2:44 pm
[quote=Liberal,Apr. 04 2011,9:41 pm]
You're the one that has an issue with a polling company run by a democrat, but you have no problem getting your news from a channel owned by a well known republican.

Based on the quote below from Wiki I'd say Murdoch is more an independent type of person despite the right leaning FNC his company owns.

On 8 May 2006, the Financial Times reported that Murdoch would be hosting a fund-raiser for Senator Hillary Clinton's (D-New York) Senate re-election campaign.
In a 2008 interview with Walt Mossberg, Murdoch was asked whether he had "anything to do with the New York Post's endorsement of Barack Obama in the democratic primaries." Without hesitating, Murdoch replied, "Yeah. He is a rock star. It's fantastic. I love what he is saying about education. I don't think he will win Florida... but he will win in Ohio and the election. I am anxious to meet him. I want to see if he will walk the walk."

Posted by Common Citizen on Apr. 05 2011,3:55 pm

(Liberal @ Apr. 05 2011,12:43 pm)
No I was pointing out that you were comparing two different groups of people, Republicans and Conservatives. They are two different groups of people, if you don't believe me just ask Jimhanson if he's a republican.


The libs on this forum can not differentiate between the two and yet they accuse those that watch Fox news of the same thing.  Ya dig?  

You're the one that has an issue with a polling company run by a democrat, but you have no problem getting your news from a channel owned by a well known republican. You kooks can't have it both ways. :crazy:

Let me break this down for you.

People read polls because they expect unbiased data (for the most part)...that is, IF they believe there is not an underlying motive.  When you take a poll from a known Democratic affliated company, it  muddies the water.

On the other hand, most people know when they turn to fox news they understand what they are getting when they listen to Beck, Hannity, etc...  A right leaning opinion that shouldn't surprise anyone.

The difference lies in the presumed expectation of truth from a polling firm by everyone regardless of political affiliation vs. a conservative opinion news organization.

nuff said...

Posted by Liberal on Apr. 05 2011,5:04 pm
Let me break this down for you.

People watch the news because they expect unbiased data (for the most part)...that is, IF they believe there is not an underlying motive.  When you take news from a known Republican affiliated company, it  muddies the water.

The difference lies in the presumed expectation of truth from the news by everyone regardless of political affiliation...

Posted by Expatriate on Apr. 06 2011,10:41 am
If Fox news viewers had a half a brain they would see these guys for what they are, snake oil salesmen with no real point other than the to voice fascist views of their Reich Wing puppet master Murdoch....
Posted by Santorini on Apr. 06 2011,10:59 am

(Expatriate @ Mar. 02 2011,7:27 pm)
Regulators Reject Proposal That Would Bring Fox-Style News to Canada

Canada's Radio Act requires that "a licenser may not broadcast...any false or misleading news." The provision has kept Fox News and right wing talk radio out of Canada and helped make Canada a model for liberal democracy and freedom. As a result of that law, Canadians enjoy high quality news coverage including the kind of foreign affairs and investigative journalism that flourished in this country before Ronald Reagan abolished the "Fairness Doctrine" in 1987.

Did not know Canada took such control over the airwaves :dunno:
No wonder they are a liberal democracy!
That is all the country will allow!
Too bad for the people of Canada.  Apparently their government does not think their people are very intelligent...the government has to do the political thinking for them.  Bummer!

Posted by Santorini on Apr. 06 2011,11:02 am

(nedkelly @ Mar. 03 2011,9:22 am)

(Expatriate @ Mar. 02 2011,7:27 pm)
Regulators Reject Proposal That Would Bring Fox-Style News to Canada

Canada's Radio Act requires that "a licenser may not broadcast...any false or misleading news." The provision has kept Fox News and right wing talk radio out of Canada and helped make Canada a model for liberal democracy and freedom. As a result of that law, Canadians enjoy high quality news coverage including the kind of foreign affairs and investigative journalism that flourished in this country before Ronald Reagan abolished the "Fairness Doctrine" in 1987.

We have freedom of speech, too bad we can't be given the truth...We have laws against plagiarism, but not lies... We as a country are poorer because of it.. Canada has legislators who aren't afraid to protect the average person... :p ...ned

We have laws against plagiarism...not lies??

Can you say Rachael Maddow??? :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:

Posted by Santorini on Apr. 06 2011,11:17 am

(Mad Mike @ Apr. 04 2011,11:27 pm)
Yeah I do use conservative and republican interchangibly because MOST of them go hand in hand..and you know it. So don't pretend you care about being technical. What a lame argument that is.

Why don't I question Maddow, Oberman, Schultz and the MSNBC bunch ? Partly because they spend so much time cleaning up all the lies fox has puked out..and they don't give me the creeps like the fox gang. Like when Glen Beck pretends to cry or he stares stupidly in the camera fooling people into thinking he is deeply affected by whatever he is babbling about that day.

MSNBC gives their views and opinions with intelligence and information not with lies and ignorance. When MSNBC
commentators start crying and acting like moronic jackasses with lies and stupidity I will then question their credibility. Fox loves to go after people who have dissed them except for MSNBC. Why ??? Fox is always out to defend their name but when MSNBC point out their lies fox backs off. It is funny how scared they are of MSNBC even though fox is ahead in the ratings

:rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:

You just categorically listed why MSNBC does not have the ratings!!!!!

Ed, Maddcow, the bunch!

Viewers are the ones that can decipher fantasy from reality...and the polls show it! :beer:

Personally, I love watching Ed and that other dude get all red faced and swollen like they are ready to explode!
Funny stuff.  Maddcow just likes listening to herself talk.
Nothing of quality..
obscure gotta-find-something-to-report-on kind of junk.
And interestingly, they would have nothing to talk about if it was not for Fox News...guess you could say MSNBC is the one running scared they have no material!

Posted by Expatriate on Apr. 06 2011,11:18 am
The Canadian Government as well as that of England realize well the propagandic style tripe that Goebbels and Hitler used to sway the German people works, there are far to many half-wits that
suckup Fox snake oil showmanship as news..
Did I just call you a half-wit?

Posted by Santorini on Apr. 06 2011,11:24 am

(Expatriate @ Apr. 06 2011,11:18 am)
The Canadian Government as well as that of England realize well the propagandic style tripe that Goebbels and Hitler used to sway the German people works, there are far to many half-wits that suckup this snake oil showmanship as news..
Did I just call you a half-wit?

No you did not call me just called yourself that!
Your post just validated mine!  Your words:

the Canadian Government...realize the propagndic style tripe that...and Hitler!

Why do you think they control what their people hear and see???  Because they found out control works to further their agenda allowing only liberal views :dunce:

Posted by Liberal on Apr. 06 2011,12:26 pm

Viewers are the ones that can decipher fantasy from reality...and the polls show it! :beer:

What polls? You're just making stuff up.

Like anyone called people and said "Can you decipher fantasy from reality?" followed by "Do you watch FUX news?" :crazy:

Posted by Expatriate on Apr. 06 2011,1:04 pm
Santorini is a real  prevaricator, she's got a definite thing for Rachael Maddow they'll be the talk of Glenville... :rofl:
Posted by Glad I Left on Apr. 06 2011,1:48 pm
Personally I've started watching Maddow now that Olbermann is not on. I think her and Glenn Beck would make an awesome duo.  Polar opposites colliding on the same set.  These two couldn't get much further apart I don't think.
Have Jason Lewis as the moderator, would be good TV.

Posted by Common Citizen on Apr. 07 2011,4:07 pm
To dispute Mad Mike's claim about republicans, you posted a poll that was referring to both conservatives and republicans.

According to a recent CNN/Opinion Research Corporation national poll, 72 percent of Americans say that the president was definitely or probably born in the U.S., with one four saying that he was definitely or probably born outside the country. But the survey indicates a partisan divide, with 43 percent of Republicans but only 11 percent of Democrats saying that Obama was definitely or probably born outside the U.S. < My Webpage >

Liberal,  does this make you feel better?  

I just want to be sure there is no confusion so I screened the piece to ensure they were only referring to Republicans and not conservatives.   :rofl:

Posted by ControlledHyperness on Apr. 07 2011,4:33 pm
Just to throw a kink in things, Beck is getting booted from Fox. Some point later in the year is when.
Posted by OEF_Soldier on Apr. 07 2011,9:44 pm

(Expatriate @ Apr. 06 2011,11:18 am)
The Canadian Government as well as that of England realize well the propagandic style tripe that Goebbels and Hitler used to sway the German people works, there are far to many half-wits that
suckup Fox snake oil showmanship as news..
Did I just call you a half-wit?

You can't really be serious and agree that having the government in total control over your Television and Radio is a good thing. How do you think Goebbels and Hitler were able to spread their propaganda so well Expat? They took over total control of the airwaves and silenced all dissension.

Let's break this down a bit... FNC is one channel with a FOX Business offshoot. FOX sports has numerous offshoots around the country such as our own FSN but there is still only one FNC. NBC has 3 News sources with 2 of them being full time news channels. MSNBC and CNBC as well as the NBC nightly news and yet they cannot find a way to knock FOX news out of the #1 spot. On top of this people in this country have so many varieties when it comes to news that the fact that FOX has remained #1 for so long is nothing short of amazing.

According to the link below FNC claimed the top 13 spots in rankings and when you compare all the channels available to people for news FNC still comes out on top. Granted only a couple of shows actually qualify as news shows but still the top 13 are all FNC.

< Rankings >

All I can say is thank god we have the freedom to enjoy our TV/Radio news without total control by the government and thank god for BBCA.

Posted by Liberal on Apr. 07 2011,9:59 pm

According to the link below FNC claimed the top 13 spots in rankings and when you compare all the channels available to people for news FNC still comes out on top. Granted only a couple of shows actually qualify as news shows but still the top 13 are all FNC.


That’s a very interesting point. I wasn’t aware that ratings equals quality. But now that I know that I’m gonna reassess my feelings about the show Three’s Company. But you know that the two are not related. I’m suggesting not that it’s not popular or powerful, so is crack.

Jon Stewart

Posted by Expatriate on Apr. 07 2011,11:16 pm

(OEF_Soldier @ Apr. 07 2011,9:44 pm)
You can't really be serious and agree that having the government in total control over your Television and Radio is a good thing. How do you think Goebbels and Hitler were able to spread their propaganda so well Expat? They took over total control of the airwaves and silenced all dissension.

We as citizens have the right to free speech but should journalists have a constitution protected right to speech, does that give them the right to misrepresent distort the news, a free pass for legal lying...It's not just Fox, but they're by far the worst of all the networks, Journalism has been dead for some time in this Country, the networks are spoon fed propaganda from the US government and the Israel Lobby...a handful of moguls control the American media, We are simply being brainwashed with propaganda...It's very much the situation that George Orwell describes in 1984.

Posted by irisheyes on Apr. 08 2011,1:47 am

(Glad I Left @ Apr. 06 2011,1:48 pm)
Personally I've started watching Maddow now that Olbermann is not on. I think her and Glenn Beck would make an awesome duo.  Polar opposites colliding on the same set.  These two couldn't get much further apart I don't think.

Yeah, I'm happy to see shows like Crossfire or the McLaughlin group where we get a round table of conservatives and liberals.  Anytime we just get our information from far right or far left pundits without hearing the other side we're doomed for ignorance.
Posted by Stone-Magnon on Apr. 08 2011,2:05 am
^And that comment brings this thread full circle because ignorance is what all this thread title is about.
Posted by Glad I Left on Apr. 08 2011,8:46 am
And the king of ignorance spouts off again (dull)  Go back to being Saggin' Pants Sybil.

Yeah, I'm happy to see shows like Crossfire or the McLaughlin group where we get a round table of conservatives and liberals.  Anytime we just get our information from far right or far left pundits without hearing the other side we're doomed for ignorance.

Excellent point IE, and I agree.

Posted by OEF_Soldier on Apr. 08 2011,9:33 am

(Liberal @ Apr. 07 2011,9:59 pm)

That’s a very interesting point. I wasn’t aware that ratings equals quality.
Jon Stewart

I did add in a disclaimer there Lib.
Granted only a couple of shows actually qualify as news shows but still the top 13 are all FNC.

Ratings don't equal equality but as I said before with the 24 hour news channels and other means of getting your daily news the fact that people are watching FNC and putting 13 of it's shows ahead of all others from ANY other network is rather mind boggling. I watch FNC's morning show if I watch it at all and most times if I am watching any TV news it is BBCA.

Expat they should have the same rights to free speech as a regular citizen does. There are liable laws in place to prevent blatant ignorance on the part of reporters no matter what channel they are affiliated with. It is impossible to not put into a news cast a persons personal political leaning or beliefs. It's not always done overtly but we are human beings so if we want to remove that aspect then just get rid of the humans behind the news desk and replace them with something more mechanical.

Journalism has been dead for some time in this Country, the networks are spoon fed propaganda from the US government and the Israel Lobby...a handful of moguls control the American media, We are simply being brainwashed with propaganda...It's very much the situation that George Orwell describes in 1984.

The only change I would make is I would put HONEST in front of this but otherwise I don't disagree with this at all Expat.

I.E. excellent point. I wish more "news" channels would do this and do it in an honest and open environment so nobody could truly claim bias against one side or the other.

Posted by Common Citizen on Apr. 12 2011,10:19 pm
Dan Rather and Walter Cronkite come to mind...for the past 30 years...prior to the fnc era... :rockon:

never mind that...right Lib? :rofl:

sheesh I'm dating myself... :blush:

Posted by Liberal on Apr. 13 2011,12:07 am
It's funny how you kooks continue to claim fox has the most viewers when the liberal networks blow them out of the water every night. Isn't NBC, CBS, and ABC liberal news? And do they not get way more viewers every night?
Posted by stardust17 on Apr. 21 2011,3:37 am
Whew! And people pay to be brainwashed!

Like SM said..."meaningless dribble".

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