Forum: Opinion
Topic: Al Quaida
started by: bianca

Posted by bianca on Jul. 18 2007,6:44 am
A couple of things I found interesting this week is that this "security report" says that we are more susceptable for a hit from Al Quaeda and NOW they just captured the "supposed" top leader. Coincidence?

Ed Koch, for all he's worth, has been behind Prez. Bush from the get-go, now after this latest report he says more or less that Iraq has had enough time and money spent to get their $hiznit together and if they haven't by now, they probably never will. Coincidence?

And why would our senators think all of a sudden that after this "report" the republicans and democrats are going to change their mind about the war and just be able to pick up and get out of there by yesterday, because of this report? I mean why now? IMO,the damage has already been done if Al Quaeda is supposedly stronger now due to different countries being even more pi$$ed at Americans for getting involved, I would think that pulling out right now because of this report is going to give terrorist the impression that Americans can be swayed by a supposed threat that might or might not happen. :dunno:

I'm just throwing this out there to see what others think about this "latest development". I've personally been against this war from the beginning(and still don't like Bush but that's a whole different story) and wanted our troops home but right now I'm wondering what we would have gained or lost if we leave right now? :dunno:

Posted by Botto 82 on Jul. 18 2007,11:20 am
The spin goes on ad nauseam, and I, for one, don't care.

Whichever of you has the signature quote from Garet Garret that reads, "We have crossed the line between Republic and Empire" hit the nail on the head.

I truly hope we get our arrogant clocks cleaned. I really do. It's the only way we'll wise up and throw these billion-dollar-baby crooks out of government, and get back to being a country by, of, and for the fugging people. That ideal may be a little to socialist for you far-right wingers, but that's how I feel.

Overthrow! amBushCo!
Overthrow! amBushCo!
(sing it with me)
Overthrow! amBushCo!
And so on.
Or else.

Posted by TameThaTane on Jul. 18 2007,6:31 pm
^You were all up in bushes big ideas in the beginning. I didn't see you speak up then? I did, where were you? Oh I know...bashing me!  :laugh:
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