Forum: Opinion
Topic: CDC Says Obesity is Hazardous
started by: GEOKARJO

Posted by GEOKARJO on Mar. 10 2004,6:47 pm
Ok it is time for all you do gooders to ban fat people from all public places for the sake of your childrens health. You don't want some overweight person to be any kind of role model for them. That means all overweight teachers must be dismissed.
Posted by jimhanson on Mar. 10 2004,7:52 pm
But Geo, we FAT PEOPLE have a CONDITION--we CAN'T HELP IT--like the gays, WE'RE GENETICALLY DISPOSED TO BE THIS WAY!.  We are not FAT, we're  ECTOMORPHICALLY CHALLENGED!  We need MORE GOVERNMENT PROGRAMS--Crisis Centers, Hotlines, a national Czar of Corpulence, a Federally Funded War on Fat, little ribbons on the lapels of the Hollywood Elite on Oscar night, protests in front of restaurants.  We need Anti-discrimination Laws, Fat Police, special parking spaces, Affirmative Action, and seats in the front of the bus!  We need it to be a crime to sell white bread, high-fructose drinks, baked potatoes, and any packaged item over 1500 calories.  CHOCOLATE should be available ONLY BY PRESCRIPTION! CAN'T YOU TELL, WE ARE VICTIMS! :D  (sarcasm)

Geo--Smokers NEED to be VICTIMS in order to get public sympathy or Federal protection.  DO THAT, AND YOU'VE GOT IT MADE! :D

Posted by Ole1kanobe on Mar. 10 2004,8:15 pm
I can see it now, junkies gobbling whopers in the alley's, manditory minimums for possesion of a fillet-o-fish wrapper.
Big brother is watching you, be afraid.
lol!! :D

Posted by cpu_slave on Mar. 10 2004,8:56 pm
Does this mean we will start seeing 'non-eating' sections in our resturaunts?  :p
Posted by jimhanson on Mar. 11 2004,12:25 pm
Maybe we'll have to have a Permit to Carry Concealed Food! :D

To paraphrase Mae West--Is that a Big Whopper in your pocket, or are you just glad to see me? :D

Posted by GEOKARJO on Mar. 11 2004,12:58 pm
People our individual freedoms are being taken by the few who want to push their beliefs. The current smoke free colition want to take away the rights of property owners. If you don't stand back and think about the big picture then this picture is going to become your future.
Posted by Frustrated on Mar. 11 2004,1:01 pm
Actually, banning fat people from restaurants would be for their own good.  And it would be in the public interest - think of how much money is wasted on healthcare for fat people.  And isn't it gross to see folds of fat from peoples thighs hanging over their knees?  Its so stupid really - all they would have to do would be to eat less and maybe get off the couch once in a while.

Save the whales - Harpoon a fat chick!

Posted by Frustrated on Mar. 11 2004,1:03 pm
If smoking is banned from bars I will simply quit going to bars.
Posted by GEOKARJO on Mar. 11 2004,2:39 pm
If a smoke free ban is placed on the ballot, do not sit back and think it won't pass. This country is controlled by a small percentage of the population who vote. You must make your voice count and vote. Smokers are 40 percent of the population. Don't let the 10 percent of the population decide this issue.
Posted by The Advocate on Mar. 11 2004,8:07 pm
Next, I think all people with horse faces should be banned from public places.  I mean if they don't have the good sense to get on that total make-over show, they should not be allowed to show their ugly faces in public.  Then once we get rid of the horse faces, we should go after the people with short legs, they are so ugly.  How dare they even walk anywhere in public, their torsos' are so out of proportion.  And once they are all out of the way let's ban those horrendous people with not enough hair.  Haven't they heard of Rogaine, I mean come on.  And wrinkles are about driving me nuts.  All old people with wrinkles need to stay home, like all the time because if they can't look like Joan Rivers or Burt Reynolds they don't deserve another breath.  But the absolute worse is those people that think their kids are actually cute.  Get real.  Ugly kids need to all go to an ugly kid farm and stay there.  They don't have a chance.  Pretty soon, everywhere we look, it will be Miami Beach or Beverly Hills and only the truly beautiful people will be left.  Boy, that will be interesting!!  I mean have you ever been there??? Clones each and everyone.
Posted by cpu_slave on Mar. 12 2004,10:50 am
It's time for these health police and control freaks to get a life!
When will everyone figure out that the death rate is 100% and the #1 cause is living?

--Start Sarcasm--

Let's treat fat people with the same disdain smokers receive.  Most importantly, let's charge them higher insurance rates. Smokers pay much higher premiums for life insurance and the like because they're far more likely to drain the system. Ditto for the obese. Unless they've a proven thyroid issue, or something of the sort, they should pay the price for their lifestyle and their addictions. It's only fair!! The idiots next door voluntarily wallow in their crapulence and we normal folk have to pick up the bill? Huh? Am I in Russia?

I would also suggest that we ban them from most restaurants and bars. Their gastronomic dominance means that the majority of eateries tailor their menus to suit the obese. The outcome is that we normal folk are generally met with a menu where every item starts with "deep fat fried." We're basically getting a blast of second-hand saturated fat! It's unfair that the majority (for now) must suffer the filthy habits of the minority. Get them out!!

--End Sarcasm--

Posted by Montyman on Mar. 12 2004,11:01 am
I don't think that's so sarcastic, slave.
It's true...

Posted by jimhanson on Mar. 12 2004,12:27 pm
LOL, Slave! :D   I don't want to see fat people at the pool, my sensibilities might be offended.  Maybe we should have a separate area for fat (or skinny) people--but the control crowd would like to see them banned--for their own good! :D sarcasm.
Posted by Truth on Mar. 14 2004,10:29 pm
I like clones.
Posted by The Advocate on Mar. 15 2004,4:53 pm
Truth, then what the heck are you doing in middle America? You would feel so much more at home in South Beach I am sure.  I was there last year and got such a kick out of the old and I mean old men hanging onto the sweet young thing, and I mean young.  I had to chuckle, the accessory had to be all of 20, legs up to the sky, boobs out to there, there and everywhere, blond blue eyed, with a  bought and paid for Jennifer Lopez derriere. trailing the two.  He on the other hand was gray, really gray with wrinkles there, there and everywhere.  Posture wanning with the hint of a chest of perhaps 40 years previous.  The limo picked them up because gramps was too damn near blindness to do so in any safe manner.  My 2  gorgeous daughters and my plain self laughed all the way back to the hotel.  I am really not attempting to be discriminatory but men generally don't get it.  Women have a lot better handle on it.  The power and the money is all the sweet young things are after.  Truly sad.  Men get a clue.  You are being used.  You are being laughed at.  They don't give a rip, it's totally and completely about them.  I'm pretty old myself and see this and are just plain sick of the users of the world.  Make your own way, get your own education, live your life for you and not to be an accessory to Mr. Moneybags.  And truth, that is the truth.
Posted by MrTarzan on Mar. 15 2004,7:21 pm
I like big butts and I cannot lie, you other brothers can't deny, when a woman walks in with a itty bitty waist and a round thing in my face I get sprung!  :laugh:
Posted by Truth on Mar. 15 2004,10:17 pm
I've been able to use some people too but, they liked it.

You sound angry Advocate.  I could be way off here however, I sense some underlying resentment or jealousy. I have also seen beautiful women with older men and it used to bug me too.  However, I met my wife eight years ago, she's hot and I can't give her limo rides or anything really expensive and she stays with me.  Now I look at the old dudes with hot chicks and I'm all like NICE JOB OLD DUDE!  YOU ROCK....and if he doesn't rock that doesn't change the fact that he's with a hot chick.  Good for him.  Good for anybody who's happy and if the wrinkly old guy isn't happy then that is sad but he's still with the hot chicks so its like the old saying goes, "Sex is like pizza, when it's good it's great and when it's bad, it's still pretty good."

Yeah, South Beach sounds nice.

Posted by The Advocate on Mar. 17 2004,2:15 pm
Truth, I happen to be a pretty unjealous person, never have been, guess I'm lucky.  I'm old too and average looking but have found a higher level of functioning by being an observer of human nature, and like my handle states I advocate for people.  Been that way my whole life.  I do not like it when people get used.  It is wrong pure and simple.  Does not matter to me how old, what sex, what offense: to me, if someone is not making their own way in this life then it is a life wasted.  I can't seem to get past that.
Posted by The Advocate on Mar. 17 2004,2:26 pm
As an addendum, let me just add that if you think any of my anger is directed at people with money let me just say that early in my life I married an individual that became a multi-millionare but was a total  jerk. My current husband is not a millionaire but does very well financially and is a funny, caring, intelligent person and I am so glad we found each other.  He has joked that most people are waiting for their ship to come in but no you, yours came in and you bailed off and I came along in my row boat and here we are.  You see, others lives are never really what we think they are.  Are they?
Posted by LisaMarie on Mar. 17 2004,3:50 pm
Quote (cpu_slave @ Mar. 12 2004,10:50:am)
--Start Sarcasm--

Let's treat fat people with the same disdain smokers receive.  Most importantly, let's charge them higher insurance rates. Smokers pay much higher premiums for life insurance and the like because they're far more likely to drain the system. Ditto for the obese. Unless they've a proven thyroid issue, or something of the sort, they should pay the price for their lifestyle and their addictions. It's only fair!! The idiots next door voluntarily wallow in their crapulence and we normal folk have to pick up the bill? Huh? Am I in Russia?

--End Sarcasm--

A lot of insurance companies already charge more for premiums for overweight people.  My sister pays more than her husband because of her weight.
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