Forum: Opinion
Topic: Courthouse Tours
started by: guest

Posted by guest on Jan. 11 2004,5:02 pm
It looks like the county  is now giving 5 hour tours according to the new Tribune editor.
She likes what she sees after her 1 hour tour according to this article.

Column: Time learning about school, courthouse enlightening

...I also met with Ron Gabrielsen, county administrator. He has not yet moved into the new space which residents will recognize as their courthouse.

The old buildings are fine examples of an earlier graceful, functioning architecture and I mourned the eventual loss of the character found there.

As with Mr. Root, Mr. Gabrielsen was excited about the new building and took me on an hour-long tour. As he talked lickety-split trying to make all the pertinent points about the assets of the new building, I couldn't help but think he was trying to condense a several-hour tour to just one. I was right - some tours have taken up to five hours.

I appreciated the tour as I've heard both positive and negative about the new construction and it allowed me to form my own opinion.

The building is without a doubt costing a bundle. Are there ways the county could have cut expenses in some areas? Undoubtedly. Should they have sought out those less expenses options. Perhaps. But as a landmark, as a community building, as one which many visitors from out-of-town see and will use, perhaps not.

Cost is always an important issue when government does anything and officials need to watch those costs, keeping in mind you and I are paying for them. Excessive extravagance should not be tolerated.

However, anyone who objects to the new building simply because it will cost money, should perhaps work from a broom closet, as some county employees do.

Or consider the incredible risk involved in taking a jail inmate from a cell to a courtroom. I was appalled at the opportunity for disaster such a transport allowed.

The technology and thoughtful planning of the jail most impressed me. Talk to law enforcement. The growing drug problem will result in more people being jailed, not less. Anyone who refuses to look down the road isn't reading the current writing on the wall.

I thank both Mr. Root and Mr. Gabrielsen for taking such extensive time from their schedules to give me a look inside their worlds. It was both interesting and enlightening and allowed me to form my own opinion.

There's more to be learned about both the community and its politics, and I look forward to it with relish.

(Debbie Irmen is the Tribune's managing editor. E-mail her at

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Published: Jan 10, 2004 - 05:41:19 pm CST

Posted by minnow on Jan. 11 2004,5:42 pm
I appreciated the tour as I've heard both positive and negative about the new construction and it allowed me to form my own opinion.------>translation: The tour definately sold me.

The building is without a doubt costing a bundle. Are there ways the county could have cut expenses in some areas? Undoubtedly. Should they have sought out those less expenses options. Perhaps.----->?PERHAPS!?
But as a landmark, as a community building, as one which many visitors from out-of-town see and will use, perhaps not.---->Why would visitors use it? LOL, Don't you really mean...the $40 million we'll blow over the next 20 years will impress people....oh gee, whoopee!

Cost is always an important issue when government does anything and officials need to watch those costs, keeping in mind you and I are paying for them. Excessive extravagance should not be tolerated.------>Perhaps?

However, anyone who objects to the new building simply because it will cost money, should perhaps work from a broom closet, as some county employees do.----->Oh I see! Perfect logic! Because a janiter keeps his supplies in the supply closet....we just HAD to spend $40 million and another $10 million in excess and unnecessary interest expense.

Or consider the incredible risk involved in taking a jail inmate from a cell to a courtroom. I was appalled at the opportunity for disaster such a transport allowed.-----> Ah yes... when all other logic fails... play the safety card. Don't you see we had to spend an insane amount of money because those nasty inmates will hurt county personal.

The technology and thoughtful planning of the jail most impressed me.----->Really? Did you think they were going to pop up a $20 million dollar structure without thoughtful planning?
Talk to law enforcement.------>They'll complete the sale if the rest of the tour hasn't already.
The growing drug problem will result in more people being jailed, not less.------>Ah yes...we had to waste $20 million because we have to jail druggies and we know you like hearing that.
Anyone who refuses to look down the road isn't reading the current writing on the wall.----->I couldn't agree more, only I wish you knew how to interpet what you read.

I thank both Mr. Root and Mr. Gabrielsen for taking such extensive time from their schedules to give me a look inside their worlds.----->Their sell job sold me like nobodies business!
It was both interesting and enlightening and allowed me to form my own opinion.------>LOL, now THAT'S funny...LOLOLO

There's more to be learned about both the community and its politics, and I look forward to it with relish.------->Oh good lord....God help us all...

Posted by Nostradamus on Jan. 11 2004,10:37 pm
The county propaganda machine has just begun. Remember its an election year and the county wants the newspaper (Pravda) telling the party line . They start with the new editor so they can get stories in that show how right they were and are. Some people have alot to lose if the current elected officials aren't back in 2005.
Watch the newspaper stories you'll see this prediction come true.

Another prediction at election time: Tribune Endorses Incumbents (they've worked so hard)

Posted by guest on Jan. 12 2004,1:41 am
Dylan Belden may not have been the best editor in the world and he made his share of mistakes, but compared to the new editor he's Dan Rather.
Posted by jimhanson on Jan. 12 2004,10:22 am
I had a 5 hour tour of the courthouse last fall, with Mr. Gabrielson.  The details have been previously posted--but several things stuck in my mind:

There was lots of "politicikng"--many instances of "we're probably going to catch hell for this, but we spent extra money on..."  The extra money was spent on inside parking, emergency generating system, heat recovery system, and a host of "well, this didn't fit" items.  So much for "careful planning".  Where is the accounting for the over half-million dollar (now largely depleted) "contingency" fund?

Gabrielson also pointed out many items that had to be designed into the structure by mandate from our local Judges--some made sense, some were examples of extreme paranoia--like "the present courtrooms are dangerous, because there is "wire mold" conduit on the walls outside the courtroom--this conduit could be pried loose, and the wires to the alarm bell cut".  What would happen then?   There is no power to the bells unless the alarm is ringing--so there is no danger of electrocution.  Bells could still be heard throughout the building.  Why were these "Mandates" not challenged?

On the tour, Gabrielson was asked "Why did you go to lease-revenue bonds?".  The answer was "Because we knew it wouldn't pass a referendum".  Why didn't our editor ask the same question, and print it?

I asked Gabrielson about the future of the 1954 building--scheduled for demolition next summer, just BEFORE the election.  He said "There very well may be changes in the makeup of the next County Board--if you want it saved, start a petition--I don't (have an opinion)".  Why didn't our editor ask the same questions?

It is widely known in the community, and on this Forum, that the County blew about half a million dollars in interest by borrowing ALL the money for construction right away (required by "lease-revenue" bonds--remember those?), PLUS the millions of dollars in EXTRA interest payments over the life of the bonds due to the higher cost of lease-revenue bonds, PLUS the inability to refinance lease-revenue bonds (they are fixed rate).  MILLIONS OF DOLLARS SQUANDERED BY USING LEASE-REVENUE BONDS TO CIRCUMVENT AN ELECTION--WHY ISN'T OUR EDITOR ASKING THOSE QUESTIONS?

The editor said
There's more to be learned about both the community and its politics, and I look forward to it with relish.

I will take her at her word at this time--LOOK INTO IT!

Posted by hoosier on Jan. 28 2004,10:25 am
Dylan Belden isnt Dan Rather to a high school journalism student.

This is the way our county government opperates. Gabe showed her one side of the issues. She probably believes that someone in his position surely wouldnt lie to get what he wants.

What Gabe and the commissioners want is a local newspaper that they can call up and give a story to that will not challenge them, or even look into the story themselves. Pretty much what she did with her article. Everythign Gabe told her could be disputed, and I doubt that he told her one reason it is costing so much is because he and the board were total idiots by borrowing all the money at once.

Think about it, 500,000 in interest alone last year that would not have had to been payed, because it didnt have to all be borrowed at once.

Posted by Ole1kanobe on Feb. 07 2004,5:58 pm
Not even to mention stuff like 'lease revenue'.
It ought to be interesting watching the new editor evolve to her new environment.
Any one know if this is her first editing job, or has she held the editor title before at other papers?

Posted by jimhanson on Feb. 07 2004,6:05 pm
After her editorial saying that (paraphrase) "we need the input of the community to find news, we can't be everywhere at once, we want to be responsive to what the community is interested in" I sent her a letter (not for publication) saying that I was taking her at her word, and suggested that she watch (but not participate in) this Forum for news tips and community views.  No response to date.

The young reporters DO seem a little more agressive, however.

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