Forum: Opinion
Topic: Blow Your Horn Up Your A$$
started by: alcitizens

Posted by alcitizens on Sep. 07 2015,1:54 am
I contacted Union Pacific Railroad a couple days ago and told them that if their Psycho Engineer continues to go through town Blowing his Horn Endlessly, somebody is going to shoot him..

He has been more respectful ever since..  :thumbsup:

Councilman Reid Olson, you're welcome.. 

Our leaders are worthless pieces of sh!t in this town.. :dunce:

Posted by alcitizens on Sep. 07 2015,2:46 am
Union Pacific Railroad was also informed that the other Engineers go through town with limited blasting of their Horn..
Posted by nzeroesc on Sep. 07 2015,6:01 am
You know it might be a good idea for you to consider moving since you seem to hate everything about that neighborhood.

Some food for thought:

There is a large precedent for why they are fairly liberal in the use of the horn.  There has been more than one suicide by train in the area, one fairly recently.  The training is to generally hit the brakes, hit the horn, and look away, but it is something every engineer that experiences will tell you if it isn't career ending, is absolutely life altering.  Perhaps the engineer you think is being a psycho, just doesn't want a repeat performance.

Over the years I have also heard first hand many incidents of engineers watching kids/people/animals dart across the tracks in fairly close proximity to the trains in this area.  See above if you need any clarification on why this could be bad.

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Horn Signals: A Proven Safety Precaution
On April 27, 2005, the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA), which enforces rail safety regulations, published the Final Rule on the Use of Locomotive Horns at Highway-Rail Grade Crossings. Effective June 24, 2005, the Final Rule requires that locomotive horns be sounded at all public grade crossings 15-20 seconds before entering a crossing, but not more than one-quarter mile in advance.

Emphasis mine however I think you can figure out just how many crossings there are, and given a 30mph speed limit through town, understand that they are just barely meeting the required number of signal crossings most nights.  

Fair disclosure, your neighborhood to the tracks is ~760ft.  Approximately 1500ft SE or NW of the signal warning markers for the South Broadway crossing.    I am 400ft from the same set of tracks, and about 1600ft NE and SW of my closest grade crossings.  Doesn't bother my family, and I stopped even paying attention to it about a year after I moved in.

Posted by Expatriate on Sep. 07 2015,6:43 am
I'll have to agree with AL, I realize they're required to sound their whistles but there's a few of these guys that are overzealous!
Posted by nzeroesc on Sep. 07 2015,6:47 am
I'd rather they blow the horn and hope whatever is on the tracks moves than have to be one of the first responders on scene removing yet another brother / daughter / father in a body bag.  Sometimes it is futile, but as far as the human being in the cab is concerned at least they know they did everything they could to make sure the person on the tracks heard them coming until it was too late.
Posted by Self-Banished on Sep. 07 2015,7:03 am
Hang around driving on the right side of my truck when I want that lane and I can truly give you the experience as to how loud train horns can be. :D
Posted by Expatriate on Sep. 07 2015,7:04 am
There's actually a black box similar to the airlines in the engine, so should there be an accident there's always a big investigation and the engineer would be fired if he had not sounded the whistle. I'm not questioning the safety issue.
The guy AL is complaining about and me too, lays on that whistle continuously all the way though town, it's NOT about safety at that point, it's about noise pollution.

Posted by nzeroesc on Sep. 07 2015,7:36 am
Guess I am just missing the legitimacy of your complaint here.  The laws simply back up what that engineer is doing, and anyone else is doing you a favor and possibly jeopardizing their job or someone's safety whether you agree with that or not.  And I am still going to maintain that there is a real possibility that  engineer has already had one close call or fatality, and doesn't want to repeat it.

For everyone’s safety, federal regulation requires locomotive horns be sounded for 15-20 seconds before entering all public grade crossings, but not more than one-quarter mile in advance. This federal requirement preempts any state or local laws regarding the use of train horns at public crossings.

Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) required pattern for blowing the horn is two long, one short, and one long sounding horn, repeated as necessary until the locomotive clears the crossing. Locomotive engineers retain the authority to vary this pattern as necessary for crossings in close proximity and are allowed to sound the horn in emergency situations.


Starting at Hammer Rd, the maximum distance north they can sound the horn would be pretty much directly behind MCB.  The train is slowing from 50 to 40mph at this point.  Passing Goose Lake they would repeat at the grade crossing for Hawthorne.  Rounding the curve at Sheridan, again sounding the horn for the crossings at Garfield and Ramsey, probably doubling up because of the proximity.  They then may or may not have signal requirements depending on trains on the siding at Main St.    Passing behind the car wash on Main, there is another 1/4mi before crossing at Front and Broadway. But might as well hit it again for 3rd St, which is coming right up.  Grab a sip of coffee while you round the curve, but make it quick before you have to signal again for South Broadway.  Watch for Motel 65 on your left though, so you can make it in time for Margaretha.  Take a 20 second break, throttle her up to 50mph and then hit the horn again for Myers Rd, just repeat it for Co 84, and one short blast as you cross the last driveway on the way out of town, then repeat at every driveway and county road all the way to Glenville.

Posted by alcitizens on Sep. 07 2015,8:52 am
Are you saying all the other engineers that Blow their horn's with a 3 second blast then a 1 second blast then a 3 second blast at intersections are breaking the rules? I don't think so..

Every railroad crossing has flashing lights and a gate in Albert Lea.. Pretty much says don't pull in front of a train or you will die..

Stupid or suicidal people are playing russian roulette if they try to go around the gate..

We would go to jail if we drove through town blasting our car horn non stop..

Just because I want to live in a more perfect Albert Lea doesn't mean I don't like living here.. At the last city council meeting Reid Olson said he was getting complaints about excessive horn blowing by Union Pacific..

I took care of it..

Posted by nzeroesc on Sep. 07 2015,12:37 pm

(alcitizens @ Sep. 07 2015,8:52 am)
Are you saying all the other engineers that Blow their horn's with a 3 second blast then a 1 second blast then a 3 second blast at intersections are breaking the rules? I don't think so..

Why yes... yes I am...

Single gates aren't good enough by federal law.

SSMs are engineering improvements, which when installed at highway-rail grade crossings within a quiet zone, would reduce the risk of a collision at the crossing. SSMs are installed to reduce the risk level either to the level that would have existed if the train horn were sounded (compensating for the lack of the train horn) or to a level below the Nationwide Significant Risk Threshold. Approved SSMs include:

Four quadrant gates
Gates with medians or channelization devices, also known as traffic separators
One-way streets equipped with gates that fully block the street
Temporary closure (i.e., nighttime closure)
Permanent closure

And the City of Albert Lea did not have any Quiet Zones established prior to October 9, 1996 and December 18, 2003 because of state/local law or community agreement with the railroads). If all crossings do not qualify as pre-rule crossings, then the proposed quiet zone does not qualify as a Pre-Rule QZ, and you should refer to Section III, New Quiet Zones.

Posted by Botto 82 on Sep. 07 2015,6:40 pm
You live by the tracks, you get what you get. What's next? Advising the cops to clamp down on Harleys and jake-braking trucks for noise ordinance violations?
Posted by alcitizens on Sep. 07 2015,7:51 pm

(nzeroesc @ Sep. 07 2015,12:37 pm)
Why yes... yes I am...

Single gates aren't good enough by federal law.

This is how the sane engineers toot their horn and that's fine with me, only the Psycho Engineer will blast his horn without taking a break, all the way through town..

He is still very excessive..

< View on YouTube >

Posted by Liberal on Sep. 08 2015,1:36 am
I don't live by tracks but have had a couple friends complain, and I've heard the Union Pacific insane horn blowing and if I lived near a track I'd call my councilman everyday until they change their behavior.  We closed roads and put gates in to cut down on the horn blowing and it's gotten worse.

Also what good is blowing a horn if someone is trying to commit suicide, is the horn going to change their mind and get them off the tracks?

If you haven't heard it go sit down by the intersection and listen for yourself, there's really no excuse for the amount they blow them.

And SB, if you blew your horn to get me to move out of a lane I was legally in  I'd keep you in that lane for as long as I could, and wouldn't hesitate to call the police for illegal use of a horn.


2015 Minnesota Statutes

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2015 Statutes Topics (Index)
Chapter 169
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Section 169.68
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Emergency Vehicles
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Recent History
2013 169.68 Amended 2013 c 127 s 41
2000 169.68 Amended 2000 c 426 s 26
169.68 HORN, SIREN.

(a) Every motor vehicle when operated upon a highway must be equipped with a horn in good working order and capable of emitting sound audible under normal conditions from a distance of not less than 200 feet. However, the horn or other warning device must not emit an unreasonably loud or harsh sound or a whistle. The driver of a motor vehicle shall, when reasonably necessary to insure safe operation, give audible warning with the horn, but shall not otherwise use the horn when upon a highway.

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Posted by Botto 82 on Sep. 08 2015,2:09 am
Hey, I'm okay with fixing the problem, if they are indeed being overzealous with the horn, but why is it Harleys get a free pass? I find those things damn annoying, especially at night. That whole "loud pipes save lives" crap is just that. I lost a muffler on Frank Avenue going through some deep snow one night, and the 5-0 was on me in minutes. You never hear of that happening to bikers.
Posted by Self-Banished on Sep. 08 2015,5:22 am

(Liberal @ Sep. 08 2015,1:36 am)
And SB, if you blew your horn to get me to move out of a lane I was legally in  I'd keep you in that lane for as long as I could, and wouldn't hesitate to call the police for illegal use of a horn.

Call the cops? Yeah sure pal :rofl:

If you want to hang out on the right side of trucks as you're driving, well, nice knowing you. Especially with the crop of Somali immigrants that are driving. The train horns I use are for idiots that aren't paying attension and chatting on their cells.

I'm pretty sure you probably pay attension and either slow down or speed up if you see a truck with a blinker on.

Posted by Self-Banished on Sep. 08 2015,5:49 am

(Botto 82 @ Sep. 08 2015,2:09 am)
Hey, I'm okay with fixing the problem, if they are indeed being overzealous with the horn, but why is it Harleys get a free pass? I find those things damn annoying, especially at night. That whole "loud pipes save lives" crap is just that. I lost a muffler on Frank Avenue going through some deep snow one night, and the 5-0 was on me in minutes. You never hear of that happening to bikers.

Where I live the city and the BNSF have gotten together to create "horn free crossings" I don't know the specifics but I haven't heard a train horn in over a year.

Stillwater has cracked down on loud pipes for years, if your bike has straight pipes you better throttle back when you ride in that town, from what I hear the give out tickets like Halloween candy in the summer.

Posted by Botto 82 on Sep. 08 2015,8:15 am
Good for Stillwater. One more reason to love that town. Around here, there's more hog racket than a Sons of Anarchy episode.
Posted by MADDOG on Sep. 08 2015,9:54 am

(nzeroesc @ Sep. 07 2015,6:01 am)
You know it might be a good idea for you to consider moving since you seem to hate everything about that neighborhood.

If you don't like the weather, MOVE! -George Carlin

And remember, one out of every three Americans is suffering from some form of mental illness. Think of two of your best friends. If they are OK, then it must be you.  :p

Posted by Self-Banished on Sep. 08 2015,11:57 am

(MADDOG @ Sep. 08 2015,9:54 am)
And remember, one out of every three Americans is suffering from some form of mental illness. Think of two of your best friends. If they are OK, then it must be you.  :p

Well if I'm ok and you're ok, who's the malcontent here that's making bubbles in the bathtub? :crazy:
Posted by MADDOG on Sep. 08 2015,2:30 pm

(Liberal @ Sep. 08 2015,1:36 am)
(a) Every motor vehicle when operated upon a highway must be equipped with a horn in good working order and capable of emitting sound audible under normal conditions from a distance of not less than 200 feet. However, the horn or other warning device must not emit an unreasonably loud or harsh sound or a whistle. The driver of a motor vehicle shall, when reasonably necessary to insure safe operation, give audible warning with the horn, but shall not otherwise use the horn when upon a highway.

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So I guess when someone drives by and honks a hello its against the law but is it OK to
Posted by Self-Banished on Sep. 08 2015,8:35 pm
^^ this is called sign language, a valuable tool, though I have been pulled over for an ass chewin' by state patrol for excercising my 1st amendment right :thumbsup:

Never ticketed though :D

Posted by Liberal on Sep. 09 2015,7:03 pm
I don't drive in the left lane unless I'm passing, and I usually flash my lights to let truck drivers know when their ass end is clear of my bumper in heavy traffic. It's a habit I picked up in Kentucky, where there's a lot of two lane  hilly roads.
Posted by Self-Banished on Sep. 09 2015,7:53 pm
^^ no, I'm referring to the idiots that hang out on the right side lane(passenger side) I got a new dash cam last week that has a main cam looking forward and a second weather proof cam that I can hang on the right side mirror pointing down.
Posted by Common Citizen on Sep. 09 2015,8:21 pm
In the past 24 hours I have driven on 90, 35, and 80 and I have to tell you there are alot of dumb ass truckers who have a habit of cutting people off in the hammer lane. No offense SB but there are some dumb sob's that shouldn't be licensed to drive. Most common issue I have experienced a lot lately is a trucker driving below the posted speed limit cutting you off so they can pass another truck going up a hill.  It has gotten worse over the past few years.  

Would it do any good to call their trucking company to complain about how they just about created a major traffic accident and putting their assets at risk?

Posted by MADDOG on Sep. 09 2015,9:28 pm

(Liberal @ Sep. 09 2015,7:03 pm)
I don't drive in the left lane unless I'm passing, and I usually flash my lights to let truck drivers know when their ass end is clear of my bumper in heavy traffic. It's a habit I picked up in Kentucky, where there's a lot of two lane  hilly roads.

Same here, except for the Kentucky roads.   :laugh:
Posted by Self-Banished on Sep. 10 2015,4:46 am

(Common Citizen @ Sep. 09 2015,8:21 pm)
Would it do any good to call their trucking company to complain about how they just about created a major traffic accident and putting their assets at risk?

Yes it does and no offense taken. At one of the truck driving school in So.St Paul the lot is packed with car of students getting "meat grinderd" through a 3 week course. Companies like CR England and SWIFT,put up the "tuition" for these folks and end up with a driver they can lead around by the nose. The companies promise 3000+ miles a week but usually only come up with about a thousand.

Call on the guys, sometimes it helps, if it a good company.

Posted by Self-Banished on Sep. 10 2015,5:05 am
Here's one of the brain-dead idiots I took a pic of yesterday, look closely, on the front of that tanker is a hazmat placard for corrosive chemicals, he's so close to a LIVE TRACK that a train would hit him. He sat there parked across from the receivers door while he was inside for about 20 min before I had to leave and I've seen this happen before at the same place.

I'm trying to find an e-mail of a guy I know in MN DOT this morning.

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