Forum: Current Events
Topic: Republicans Eating Their Own :)
started by: alcitizens

Posted by alcitizens on Jul. 13 2011,9:10 am

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Posted by MADDOG on Jul. 13 2011,4:03 pm
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Posted by OEF_Soldier on Jul. 13 2011,4:49 pm
So on one side you have the mouthpiece of the Democrats and Liberals (MSNBC) saying that the Prez is winning this battle and on the other hand you have the mouthpiece of the Republicans saying that they are going to keep on keeping on.

The funny thing about this entire mess is that both party's are playing political games with this debt ceiling battle. The Democratic majority failed to pass a budget prior to the elections in November and now this country has basically been playing with the checkbook but not keeping it up to date.

“The fact that we are here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure,” he said on March 16, 2006. “Leadership means that ‘the buck stops here.’ Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership . Americans deserve better. I therefore intend to oppose the effort to increase America's debt limit.”

Care to guess who is quoted above?

Posted by Stone-Magnon on Jul. 13 2011,5:09 pm
How about the good banks of the area setting up a fund to loan to Social Security folks if their checks stop?
Posted by MADDOG on Jul. 13 2011,5:11 pm
Uh, let me guess.  The Golfer in Chief?
Posted by alcitizens on Jul. 13 2011,5:18 pm
(May 31,2011) Republican Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp urged members of his party to vote "no" on the bill, and they all did. "Today we are making clear that Republicans will not accept an increase in our nation's debt limit without substantial spending cuts and real budgetary reforms," he said.

< >

Sounds like Republicans were holding the future of the United States hostage..  :dunce:

Posted by OEF_Soldier on Jul. 13 2011,8:53 pm

(alcitizens @ Jul. 13 2011,5:18 pm)
Sounds like Republicans were holding the future of the United States hostage..  :dunce:

So if the Dems HAD passed a budget BEFORE the beginning of the fiscal year (you know by the end of LAST September) do you think this would even be going on?

Yes the Republicans are also playing their political game but in the end the Dems had a MAJORITY in both the House and Senate and could have gotten a budget done that would have been to their advantage but they failed to do so. To busy < > rather then doing what they should have been doing.

Oh and Mad Mutt you are indeed correct it was the golfer in chief.

Posted by Common Citizen on Jul. 13 2011,9:06 pm
Obama abruptly walks out of a heated debt limit meeting today.  I heard he was looking for his blanky and corner to pout in.   :O
Posted by alcitizens on Jul. 13 2011,9:44 pm

(OEF_Soldier @ Jul. 13 2011,8:53 pm)
So if the Dems HAD passed a budget

This has nothing and I mean NOTHING to do with budget negotiations.. This is about raising the debt limit, ONLY.. Raise the debt limit or go into a Depression..

The World Currency is the US Dollar.. Think about it..

Posted by Grinning_Dragon on Jul. 13 2011,10:43 pm
The debt limit absolutely has everything to do with budgets.  It is past budgets the requires the limit to be raised when TOO much money is being spent vs incoming revenue.

Democrats dragged their feet in the quagmire and never passed a budget, and now they are whining.

While it is true Congress has never before refused to raise the debt ceiling, it has frequently taken its sweet time to do so. In 1985, Congress waited nearly three months after the debt limit was reached before authorizing a permanent increase. In 1995, 4 1/2 months passed between hitting the ceiling and congressional action. And in 2002, Congress delayed raising the debt ceiling for three months. In each case, the U.S. and the economy survived.

If Congress refuses to raise the debt ceiling, the federal government will still have more than enough money to fully service our debt. Next year, about 7 percent of all projected federal government expenditures will go to interest on our debt. Tax revenue is projected to cover at least 70 percent of all government expenditures. So, under any circumstances, there will be plenty of money to pay our creditors.

Moreover, as the Congressional Research Service has noted, the Treasury secretary himself has the discretion to decide which bills to pay first in the event that a cash flow shortage occurs. Thus, it is he who would have to consciously, and needlessly, choose to default on our debt if the debt ceiling is not promptly raised upon reaching it. It takes a lot of chutzpah to preemptively blame congressional Republicans for a default only he could cause.

Federal revenues will reach $2.17 trillion this fiscal year. Interest payments on the nation’s debt are estimated to be $205 billion this year, or about 10 percent of revenues. Taking that payment off the top, as Mr. Toomey’s plan would, leaves $1.9 trillion for Congress to spend.
Sen. Toomey (along with Senator David Vitter) proposed the Full Faith and Credit Act, which would require Treasury to prioritize the payment of interest to America’s creditors — a demonstration of seriousness that we will not default.

That’s enough to pay for Social Security ($741 billion), Medicare ($488 billion), and Medicaid ($276 billion), with $395 billion left for other programs.

There is not enough money to pay for the Leviathan the obama Left insists we must have (and to which we have been led by the years of out-of-control spending by both parties that President Obama has wildly intensified). This impasse will saddle us with another $1.7 trillion deficit for this year … adding to the already accumulated trillions of debt

Posted by Grinning_Dragon on Jul. 13 2011,11:58 pm
I hear obumbler got all butt hurt and stomped out of the room like a big baby because he didn't get his way.  :rofl:

does obumbler need his pacifier and babba and a nap :rofl:

Posted by amyzone on Jul. 14 2011,8:56 am
This is my Facebook status for today...

Dear Mr. President, I heard you say you will not guarantee SS checks if the debt ceiling isn't raised. Why is it, the scare always has to do with SS, Medicare, & our Soldiers pay? Why not stop your own pay, or all of Congress, to save much more money for our country? Why use the Seniors, Soldiers, & our Needy as examples? Take the money from those who take no risks and reap the benefits?

:rockon:  I know... :frusty:

Posted by alcitizens on Jul. 14 2011,9:41 am
Keep an eye on Gold Prices.. As the US Dollar becomes worth less, Gold Prices will Climb, along with Interest Rates..
If Gold reaches $2000.00 an Ounce, we've got problems..

< >

Posted by alcitizens on Jul. 14 2011,11:30 am
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, meanwhile, warned that if the government defaults on its debt, it could throw "shock waves through the entire financial system." Thomas Donohue, the Chamber president, warned in an opinion piece on that failing to raise the debt ceiling would kill jobs, increase the debt and deficits and depreciate the dollar.

Their warnings added to McConnell's, who in an interview with conservative radio talk-show host Laura Ingraham, cautioned that Republicans will be blamed if the debt limit isn't raised.

< >

Posted by Glad I Left on Jul. 14 2011,1:25 pm

(alcitizens @ Jul. 14 2011,9:41 am)
Keep an eye on Gold Prices.. As the US Dollar becomes worth less, Gold Prices will Climb, along with Interest Rates..
If Gold reaches $2000.00 an Ounce, we've got problems..

< >

You are starting to sound like Glen Beck  :p
Posted by Liberal on Jul. 14 2011,2:00 pm
The republicans are going to come out looking bad on this no matter what happens but it's only because they've painted themselves into a corner with the extremists in their party.

At this point they can not raise it and it would send shock waves through an already fragile world economy, or they can raise it and the extremists in the party will get angry and possibly angry enough to vote for a 3rd party candidate in 2012, which would guarantee Obama a 2nd term.

Posted by alcitizens on Jul. 14 2011,2:08 pm

(Glad I Left @ Jul. 14 2011,1:25 pm)
You are starting to sound like Glen Beck  :p

Wouldn't know, I don't watch FOX News or listen to Glen Beck, sorry.. I've been trading Precious Metal Stocks for years and its crap like this that shows the US Dollar tanking and Gold rising.
Try keeping up ole slow one.. :laugh:

"Our problem is, we made a big deal about this for three months," Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina told The New York Times, illustrating the difficult position in which senior Republicans find themselves.

"How many Republicans have been on TV saying, 'I am not going to raise the debt limit,'" Graham told the newspaper, including himself among the GOP members dealing with the seemingly no-win situation. "We have no one to blame but ourselves."

< >

Posted by Glad I Left on Jul. 14 2011,2:46 pm
Was only meant as a joke since I know you don't like Beck.  And the fact that Glen is always pushing gold on his show since it was the only sponsor he had left, thus the :p icon.
But that is ok, keep calling ME slow  :dunce:

Posted by alcitizens on Jul. 14 2011,6:38 pm
You are starting to sound like Homer Simpson. :p

Funny?? Huh?? :D

Posted by Glad I Left on Jul. 14 2011,7:12 pm
Posted by irisheyes on Jul. 15 2011,9:38 am

(amyzone @ Jul. 14 2011,8:56 am)
This is my Facebook status for today...

Dear Mr. President, I heard you say you will not guarantee SS checks if the debt ceiling isn't raised. Why is it, the scare always has to do with SS, Medicare, & our Soldiers pay? Why not stop your own pay, or all of Congress, to save much more money for our country? Why use the Seniors, Soldiers, & our Needy as examples? Take the money from those who take no risks and reap the benefits?

:rockon:  I know... :frusty:

What difference will it make to stop paying politicians?  We stop the pay for an entire year to all members of Congress and the President, and we're talking about between one and two hundred million...  Look at the budget figures and tell me how that will do anything.  Also, why cut their pay if they're only doing exactly what their constituents told them to do?

If the debt ceiling does not get raised there will not be money to pay government employees (civilians and soldiers) or other obligations.  SS & Medicare could easily be in the same category since by law the trust fund is not in a "lock-box", it has been loaned in what was thought to be a safe investment-- the federal government.  Also, if the employees of these agencies are government workers, I don't know if they'll even be able to issue those payments or Medicare reimbursements to providers.

The nation decided to not get new revenue (taxes), but still spent far more than the revenue that came in...  And voila, we have debt.  Without more debt, and without more revenue, we default on expenses.  So, Obama decides to play Captain Obvious and point this out to the American people, and somehow they're outraged by learning this.   ???

Posted by Common Citizen on Jul. 15 2011,11:37 am
Bottom line is that the they both will vote for raising the debt ceiling and they both want to reduce the deficit.  The only difference is that the GOP is demanding major spending cuts and as usual the donks are calling for more taxes.  
Gee.  Which way would work in your house?  When you are in debt and need to get out do you cut your spending first or do you demand that your neighbor pay it because he makes more money.

Nuff said...

Posted by irisheyes on Jul. 15 2011,1:12 pm

(Common Citizen @ Jul. 15 2011,11:37 am)
Bottom line is that the they both will vote for raising the debt ceiling and they both want to reduce the deficit.  The only difference is that the GOP is demanding major spending cuts and as usual the donks are calling for more taxes.

And what "major spending cuts" would this be?  These same people promised to balance the budget and have the government live within its means.  So far they're still overspending but telling their party they'll trim a little here and there on things like Amtrak and student loans; tax increases aren't necessary.  I'd say a look at the national debt charts and the failure of voodoo economics proves them wrong.

When you are in debt and need to get out do you cut your spending first or do you demand that your neighbor pay it because he makes more money.

Again, before the conservatives decided that it was unpatriotic to pay taxes, we increased the progressive income tax to pay for wars.  Now, fast forward and somehow we'll remain at war, but balance the budget by cutting taxes and cutting non-defense discretionary spending, while we increase spending in all other areas.  They haven't quite added up how they're going to do this, but hey, neither did Reagan or Bush.   :rofl:

Posted by alcitizens on Jul. 16 2011,9:46 am

Posted by alcitizens on Jul. 18 2011,9:30 am
Poll: 71% shun GOP handling of debt crisis

President Obama earned the most generous approval ratings for his handling of the weeks-old negotiations, but still more people said they disapproved (48 percent) than approved (43 percent) of what he has done and said.

CBS News senior White House correspondent Bill Plante reports there was no visible progress over the weekend, despite warnings from debt rating agencies that the nation's credit rating could drop, even if there is a deal, if government spending isn't cut.

Congressional leaders' inability to convince their own party members that concessions are necessary is likely driving the dismal approval for lawmakers involved in the testy negotiations.

Approval drops to 31 percent for the Democrats in Congress, and only 21 percent of the people surveyed said they approved of Republicans' handling of the negotiations, while 71 percent disapprove.

Even half of the Republican respondents (51 percent) voiced disapproval of how members of their own party in Congress are handling the talks. Far fewer Democrats expressed disapproval of their own party's handling (32 percent) or President Obama's (22 percent) of the urgent quest to raise the nation's debt limit ahead of a looming default on Aug. 2 if action isn't taken.

< >

Posted by Common Citizen on Jul. 19 2011,11:41 pm
The "wealthy" in this country already pay the majority of the taxes.  The least you could do is say thank you.  

Nuff said.  Or will you delete this too?

Posted by Common Citizen on Jul. 19 2011,11:45 pm are as bad as someone else I know on this forum with the cutting and pasting.   :p
Posted by Stone-Magnon on Jul. 20 2011,12:05 am
The "wealthy" in this country already pay the majority of the taxes.  

Do they make the majority of the income?

What, are you some kind of wise guy or something?

Posted by Common Citizen on Jul. 20 2011,12:10 am
crap.  It didn't take you long.  Let nobody mistake, nothing gets past you.  :cool:
Posted by Common Citizen on Jul. 20 2011,12:18 am
The tree hugging libs in this country act like the rich don't pay chit.  Sometimes they need to be reminded.

Ya dig?

Posted by alcitizens on Jul. 20 2011,8:40 pm

(Common Citizen @ Jul. 19 2011,11:45 pm)
QUOTE are as bad as someone else I know on this forum with the cutting and pasting.   :p

People get more facts from one of my posts than anything you've ever posted combined..

Those that scammed the people of America out of Trillions of Dollars and became multi-millionaires are now suppose to get tax breaks on the money they stole.
Now when it comes to paying back those Trillions of Dollars, you and your Republican friends want to take it out of the hides of the Middle Class and the Poor with cuts to Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Workers Rights etc.

You want a society that rewards the crooks while punishing the innocent.. :crazy:

Posted by irisheyes on Jul. 21 2011,12:54 am

(Common Citizen @ Jul. 19 2011,11:41 pm)
The "wealthy" in this country already pay the majority of the taxes.

Yeah, they do.  But they always have.  It isn't a question of who will pay the most of the taxes, that's obvious.  It's the rates and brackets that will be decided on.  You can argue taxes are bad, but all that "say no to higher taxes" hogwash went out the window when all they were trying to do was avoid progressive taxes (income, estate) in favor of regressive taxes (sales, property, sin taxes, fees, etc.).

I posted the historical rates in another thread, the wartime tax rate of the wealthy was either double or triple what it is for the past decade.  So my question to you is:  Do you think that might have something to do with the debt?   < Income Tax brackets & rates:  1913-2011 >

Although neocons often blame entitlements, the highest tax rate in 1932 was 68%, and that was many years before entitlements even started making any expenditures.  If I remember correctly Ida May didn't even cash her first Social Security check until 1940.  Medicaid and Medicare weren't started until much later, so the incredibly high taxes of these periods were just for defense, infrastructure, education, farm subsidies, FHA, etc.

Anyway, sorry for rambling, but feel free to answer the question above.

Posted by irisheyes on Jul. 21 2011,1:18 am

(Common Citizen @ Jul. 20 2011,12:18 am)
The tree hugging libs in this country act like the rich don't pay chit.  Sometimes they need to be reminded.

Ya dig?

I dig.  You won't hear me say that the rich don't pay much, they pay a lot in taxes.  Trump's real estate empire pays far more in taxes than the local shoe store or the guy selling sweet corn on the side of the road.  But if they both paid the same in taxes, I wonder what would happen to the already massive deficit.   :laugh:
Posted by alcitizens on Jul. 22 2011,5:51 pm
Posted by alcitizens on Jul. 22 2011,6:44 pm
House Republican Speaker John Boehner walked away from negotiations :rofl:

< >

Posted by Santorini on Jul. 23 2011,11:23 pm

(irisheyes @ Jul. 15 2011,9:38 am)

(amyzone @ Jul. 14 2011,8:56 am)
This is my Facebook status for today...

Dear Mr. President, I heard you say you will not guarantee SS checks if the debt ceiling isn't raised. Why is it, the scare always has to do with SS, Medicare, & our Soldiers pay? Why not stop your own pay, or all of Congress, to save much more money for our country? Why use the Seniors, Soldiers, & our Needy as examples? Take the money from those who take no risks and reap the benefits?

:rockon:  I know... :frusty:

What difference will it make to stop paying politicians?  We stop the pay for an entire year to all members of Congress and the President, and we're talking about between one and two hundred million...  Look at the budget figures and tell me how that will do anything.  Also, why cut their pay if they're only doing exactly what their constituents told them to do?

If the debt ceiling does not get raised there will not be money to pay government employees (civilians and soldiers) or other obligations.  SS & Medicare could easily be in the same category since by law the trust fund is not in a "lock-box", it has been loaned in what was thought to be a safe investment-- the federal government.  Also, if the employees of these agencies are government workers, I don't know if they'll even be able to issue those payments or Medicare reimbursements to providers.

The nation decided to not get new revenue (taxes), but still spent far more than the revenue that came in...  And voila, we have debt.  Without more debt, and without more revenue, we default on expenses.  So, Obama decides to play Captain Obvious and point this out to the American people, and somehow they're outraged by learning this.   ???

Some Americans are only enraged by this because HE is the one quoted as saying raising the debt ceiling is a sign of poor leadership...then HE voted against it!

Is that any oxymoron or a hypocrite :dunno:

Posted by Santorini on Jul. 23 2011,11:34 pm

(alcitizens @ Jul. 18 2011,9:30 am)
Poll: 71% shun GOP handling of debt crisis

President Obama earned the most generous approval ratings for his handling of the weeks-old negotiations, but still more people said they disapproved (48 percent) than approved (43 percent) of what he has done and said.

CBS News senior White House correspondent Bill Plante reports there was no visible progress over the weekend, despite warnings from debt rating agencies that the nation's credit rating could drop, even if there is a deal, if government spending isn't cut.

Congressional leaders' inability to convince their own party members that concessions are necessary is likely driving the dismal approval for lawmakers involved in the testy negotiations.

Approval drops to 31 percent for the Democrats in Congress, and only 21 percent of the people surveyed said they approved of Republicans' handling of the negotiations, while 71 percent disapprove.

Even half of the Republican respondents (51 percent) voiced disapproval of how members of their own party in Congress are handling the talks. Far fewer Democrats expressed disapproval of their own party's handling (32 percent) or President Obama's (22 percent) of the urgent quest to raise the nation's debt limit ahead of a looming default on Aug. 2 if action isn't taken.

< >

Posted by alcitizens on Jul. 27 2011,9:55 am
McConnell told reporters after his party’s weekly luncheon. “So I’m prepared to accept something less than perfect, because perfect is not achievable.'

< >

Republicans are so stupid.. Compromise isn't perfect, neither side gets everything they want. Now they're going to get less cuts than what was offered by Obama..

And we pay these morons $175,000+ a year..  :crazy:

Posted by Santorini on Jul. 27 2011,10:21 am
Where is the leadership?
Why didnt Obama in his address attempt to unite instead of divide?
Why didnt he admit the sides cannot come together on this so we need to put aside our personal differences and work together for the people of this nation?
Why didnt he say we are at a critical point as a nation and we need to be united in our efforts?

But no...the perpetual campaigner just ranted on in his own biased, partisan script-reading way :dunce:

Ya wonder why they cannot get anything done :frusty:

Posted by alcitizens on Jul. 27 2011,11:39 am
'I can’t do this job unless you’re behind me,' Boehner said to House Republicans.

Scrambling for votes on his troubled deficit package, Speaker John Boehner bluntly told wavering GOP lawmakers Wednesday morning to “get your ass in line” behind his debt ceiling bill.

Read more: < >

Republicans Eating Their Own  :rofl:

Posted by Santorini on Jul. 27 2011,4:03 pm

(alcitizens @ Jul. 27 2011,11:39 am)
'I can’t do this job unless you’re behind me,' Boehner said to House Republicans.

Scrambling for votes on his troubled deficit package, Speaker John Boehner bluntly told wavering GOP lawmakers Wednesday morning to “get your ass in line” behind his debt ceiling bill.

Read more: < >

Republicans Eating Their Own  :rofl:

Kind of like Pelosi:

Just hurry and agree to it and sign it!
Dont worry, read it later!!! :dunce:

Posted by alcitizens on Jul. 27 2011,9:24 pm
Call Speaker Boehner's office now at (202) 225-0600 -- and tell him we can't afford to let politics hold our economy hostage. It's time to put ideological demands aside and agree to a balanced approach.
Posted by alcitizens on Jul. 28 2011,11:16 pm
Republicans cancel vote on Boehner debt bill

"The votes obviously were not there," conceded Rep. David Dreier, R-Calif., after Speaker John Boehner and the leadership had spent hours trying to corral the support of rebellious conservatives.

Earlier, Boehner had exuded optimism.

< >

Republican Speaker of the House Boehner can't even pass his own bill with a Republican controlled House of Reps.. :rofl:

Posted by Glad I Left on Jul. 29 2011,8:16 am
It is a cluster F isn't it...
Fire em all and start over I say.

Posted by nphilbro on Jul. 29 2011,11:16 am
For what it's worth, Michelle Bachmann flatly said she would not vote for an increase in the debt ceiling regardless of the bill.
Bachmann said it is a "flawed" assumption to believe that the debt limit must be raised in order for America to thrive.

She steadfastly promised she would not vote for any bills that would raise the debt ceiling, but rather urged for the White House to craft legislation that would lower the nation's debt.

While I will agree that we need to work quickly to get there, default does noone a bit of good. It's a levy on America via higher interest rates.
< Source and other Bachmann world view gems. >

null< Source >

She thinks she's a real economist now. :dunce:

Here's another one:
(10) BACHMANN CLAIMED THAT GLENN BECK COULD SOLVE THE DEBT CRISIS: During a February trip to South Carolina, Bachmann told a South Carolina audience, “I think if we give Glenn Beck the numbers, he can solve this [the national debt].”

Posted by Santorini on Jul. 29 2011,2:39 pm

(Glad I Left @ Jul. 29 2011,8:16 am)
It is a cluster F isn't it...
Fire em all and start over I say.

:beer:  :thumbsup:

but the major obstacle for true financial reform is all the fraud!
Cut out the pork...get rid of lobbyist...implement term limits...

and 51% of the population not working leaves a heavy burden on the 49% who are!

We see this every time we go to the polls to vote...
the democrats depend on buying the votes of the weak,
by that I mean those on entitlement programs; be it food stamps, or welfare, or unemployment, or housing, or a plethora of other subsidies meant to be temporary and not a way of life. Social Security was not meant to be a sole form of income! The dems always claim the repubs are gonna take it all away tomorrow and leave you with nothing but your own resources!  Scare tactics abound!  
Personally, I am sick of the name-calling, the denigration, the childish behavior, the egoes, and lies from ALL of them!  The president needs to set an example if he expects the parties to display bipartisian leadership.  He instead incites segregation and prejudice.

Posted by nphilbro on Jul. 29 2011,3:02 pm
There was an old man walking on the beach one day and found an old lamp. He rubbed it with his shirt to read the inscription and out popped a genie!

The genie said "for releasing me from this lamp I will grant you one wish."
The man paused for a moment, then said "I want to live forever!"
The genie said "that I cannot do as it breaks the genie code"
"Fine," the man said "then I want to live until congress pulls its head out of its a$s."

"Crafty Bas+ard" said the genie.

Posted by OEF_Soldier on Jul. 29 2011,6:13 pm

(alcitizens @ Jul. 28 2011,11:16 pm)
Republican Speaker of the House Boehner can't even pass his own bill with a Republican controlled House of Reps.. :rofl:

Oops  :rofl:

< Here's to you Alki >

Posted by Glad I Left on Jul. 29 2011,6:24 pm

(nphilbro @ Jul. 29 2011,3:02 pm)
There was an old man walking on the beach one day and found an old lamp. He rubbed it with his shirt to read the inscription and out popped a genie!

The genie said "for releasing me from this lamp I will grant you one wish."
The man paused for a moment, then said "I want to live forever!"
The genie said "that I cannot do as it breaks the genie code"
"Fine," the man said "then I want to live until congress pulls its head out of its a$s."

"Crafty Bas+ard" said the genie.

NICE ONE  :thumbsup:
Posted by Glad I Left on Jul. 29 2011,6:25 pm
The thing the frustrates me about the GOP plan is they dicked around to the last minute then delayed a vote so they could add a poison pill before sending it to the senate, knowing full well they will probably kill it there.
What a bunch of cocky phucks, don't be playing games with the rest of the country, don't be playing politics.

Posted by alcitizens on Jul. 29 2011,10:17 pm

(OEF_Soldier @ Jul. 29 2011,6:13 pm)

(alcitizens @ Jul. 28 2011,11:16 pm)
Republican Speaker of the House Boehner can't even pass his own bill with a Republican controlled House of Reps.. :rofl:

Oops  :rofl:

< Here's to you Alki >

Boehner's bill didn't come to a vote because he didn't have the votes, then passed it the next day after offering his Teabagger Republicans a change to his bill that included a major change to the Constitution..

The Senate killed it with Republican Support, 59-41..

Good Job Mr. Speaker.. :rofl:

Posted by alcitizens on Jul. 29 2011,10:40 pm

(Glad I Left @ Jul. 29 2011,8:16 am)
It is a cluster F isn't it...
Fire em all and start over I say.

Posted by Santorini on Jul. 29 2011,11:59 pm

(alcitizens @ Jul. 27 2011,9:24 pm)
Call Speaker Boehner's office now at (202) 225-0600 -- and tell him we can't afford to let politics hold our economy hostage. It's time to put ideological demands aside and agree to a balanced approach.

You watch WAAAAY too much MSNBC...
       You are even repeating the rhetoric word-for-word!

Posted by Santorini on Jul. 30 2011,12:31 am

(alcitizens @ Jul. 29 2011,10:17 pm)

(OEF_Soldier @ Jul. 29 2011,6:13 pm)

(alcitizens @ Jul. 28 2011,11:16 pm)
Republican Speaker of the House Boehner can't even pass his own bill with a Republican controlled House of Reps.. :rofl:

Oops  :rofl:

< Here's to you Alki >

Boehner's bill didn't come to a vote because he didn't have the votes, then passed it the next day after offering his Teabagger Republicans a change to his bill that included a major change to the Constitution..

The Senate killed it with Republican Support, 59-41..

Good Job Mr. Speaker.. :rofl:

What is the MAJOR CHANGE to the Constitution you speak of??
A balanced budget amendment?
Did a balanced budget amendment not pass the house back in 1995 and come short votes in the senate?
It is okay to make a MAJOR CHANGE to the Constitution IF a democrat sees it that about right?

Posted by Santorini on Jul. 30 2011,12:37 am
Ya know what is so predictable??
The democratics :dunce:
Reid:  we will NOT pass that bill...
         it will NOT pass the senate!

Kind of like how they (dems) treated the healthcare reform thing...
         just pass it...we will read it later!

Talk about MY WAY or NO WAY :crazy:

Posted by alcitizens on Aug. 01 2011,10:31 pm

(Santorini @ Jul. 30 2011,12:37 am)
Talk about MY WAY or NO WAY

I'm just glad our economy won't have to be held hostage by a bunch of Republican teabaggers again until 2013.. They got their ransom..

Posted by Self-Banished on Aug. 02 2011,6:40 am
^ what economy???
Posted by Santorini on Aug. 02 2011,9:09 am

(Self-Banished @ Aug. 02 2011,6:40 am)
^ what economy???

:rofl:  :beer:
THAT was a good one!!!!

Posted by nedkelly on Aug. 02 2011,12:55 pm
Now the stock market will go up! Unemployment numbers will go down! Mr Boehner got 98% of what he wanted..... :rofl: ......ned
Posted by Stone-Magnon on Aug. 02 2011,3:41 pm
I don't want to be a Debbie downer but this economy doesn't look good. The worst in my lifetime so far and it's far from over.

Boomers will inherit great wealth. They will spend that wealth and that will be the thrust of the economy now until were dead. What will be left will be NO inheritance for the boomer off spring, no source of wealth, INSANE debt and America will move to 3 or 4 as a world power.

...BUT! We'll be dead by then so it'll be their problem. I'm gonna put it all on the Biebs. Justin Bieber can take care of it. He'll know what to do in 2041.

Posted by Santorini on Aug. 02 2011,6:13 pm

(nedkelly @ Aug. 02 2011,12:55 pm)
Now the stock market will go up! Unemployment numbers will go down! Mr Boehner got 98% of what he wanted.... :rofl: ...ned

so ned, did ya check out the stock market today :dunno:
Posted by Santorini on Aug. 02 2011,6:16 pm
heres the thing...

we have $X coming in
we have $XX going out

Cut the stupid spending NOW, not over 10 years, heck, Reid will be long gone by then!

Posted by Stone-Magnon on Aug. 02 2011,7:58 pm
Did you know I said cut the real stupid spending before the war in Iraq?

Do you know why? Because I'm able to think for myself independently. Do you know what that's like Santorni? No really, do should learn it because it's big rush, bigger than any drug! A good idea gets me higher than even the best pot.  :;):

Posted by alcitizens on Aug. 03 2011,4:34 am
The Tea Party has become toxic to GOP

Take names. Remember them. The behavior of certain Republicans who call themselves Tea Party conservatives makes them the most destructive posse of misguided “patriots” we’ve seen in recent memory.

Choose LIKE for this Column by Kathleen Parker  :thumbsup:
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Posted by alcitizens on Aug. 03 2011,3:09 pm
Democrats and the Obama administration on Wednesday stepped up pressure on House Speaker John Boehner to come to an agreement to fund the Federal Aviation Administration, accusing House Republicans of "government by hostage-taking."

Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood, the only Republican in President Obama's cabinet and a former House Republican, called on Congress to "take a little detour from their own vacation, come back to Washington, and pass" a simple extension to the existing budget authorization. Congress has done that simple extension, with no strings attached, 20 times in the past four years.

There are about 4,000 agency employees out of work who will lose their paycheck and tens of thousands government contractors who will not be paid.

The partial shutdown is the result of a dispute over rules surrounding the ability of transportation workers to organize unions.
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Republicans for some reason don't like Workers Rights.. :hairpull:

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