Forum: Current Events
Topic: Letter to the Editor
started by: irisheyes

Posted by irisheyes on Mar. 18 2010,8:53 am
Mr. Ken Peterson, in his letter, wants a balanced budget from the president. I seem to remember Mr. Peterson was a very good member of the school board. I never heard any reports on him that were bad.

Mr. Peterson, you are a very intelligent man. You would never expect a superintendent to submit a balanced budget if the cost of school was $10 million and taxes only gave him $7 million.

The president (any president) is faced with two wars, 800 worldwide military bases; the Veterans Administration; Social Security; Medicare; farm subsidies; interest on the debt; etc.

All of this costs $3.4 trillion (more or less). Taxes bring in $2.1 trillion. Therefore, there is a shortfall of about $1.3 trillion. How do we make it up?

Now here is what needs to be done, and will not be done, by either the Democrats, Republicans or anyone else. Cuts: 1. Save $200 billion per year by adopting Mayo’s health plan. The retired CEO of Mayo outlined this to Congress. 2. Cut farm subsidies by $250 billion. 3. Tell Japan, Korea, Germany and all of Western Europe to pay us for the Army, Navy and Marines we have on their soil and save $400 billion. 4. Raise Social Security age for full coverage to 68 or 67 years and raise the limit taxed from $90,000 to $250,000, saving $300 billion. 5. Make the drug companies give the public the same deductions they give the VA and save $50 billion on drug to senior citizens.

There it is, and every man or woman in Congress knows this.

One more thing Mr. Peterson should know. The Iraq War has cost $1 trillion to date, but will cost $2 trillion more over the life of all the 300,000 men who have post-war syndrome and must be pensioned and treated. This war was to cost $2 billion and paid for with Iraq’s oil. What happened?
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