Forum: Current Events
Topic: Census data
started by: spike

Posted by spike on Nov. 06 2004,9:58 am
I found an interesting census website that should not surprise anyone but should concern them.

It has differant breakdowns of demographics but the one that really caught my eye was age breakdown.  The site will explain that areas with a lopsided pryamid, more citizens in the 'older' range-top of the pyramid, would indicate a declining town.  Conversly, areas with a lopsided  pryamid, showing a large portion of citizens in the 'younger' age, would indicate a growing town.  The more lopsided the pryamid, the more a city will struggle with either the decline or the growth.

If you compare cities around the area it would indicate that the souther tier of counties are heading for a continuing future of decline while places like Rochester and Mankato are going to expierence a population boom with such a high concentration of 15-24 aged people.

If this trend continues, what will Freeborn county look like in 10-20 years?  Need good jobs to keep the youth here, sems like they are currently leaving en masse.

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