Forum: Current Events
Topic: Immigrant sues state.
started by: Ole1kanobe

Posted by Ole1kanobe on Oct. 23 2003,11:38 pm

(Minneapolis-AP) -- The state of Minnesota is being sued because it won't pay for the anti-rejection drugs for a teenage immigrant who had a kidney transplant.
The lawsuit claims the 16-year-old boy faces a lifetime of dialysis because cutbacks in the state's Medical Assistance program will deprive him of anti-rejection drugs.
The boy moved to Austin from Mexico last year to live with his brother and had the transplant last spring at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester. He was not identified.
When the boy had the transplant, illegal immigrants were eligible for the Medical Assistance program. But after legislative budget cuts, the boy lost his benefits July first -- qualifying only for emergency medical care that pays for dialysis but not the drugs.
A deputy Human Services commissioner declined to comment, but said the state believes it has a tentative agreement that would address the urgency of the case.

Ok, so we have an "illegal immigrant" that is upset because he no longer gets state aide to cover his medical costs?
I realize that this guy probably didn't plan to need a transplant and might be a little down on his luck or whatever, but look at how many citizens that have little to no health care and/or aide, what makes him so special that he should be immune to the cuts that a lot of people have had to bear recently? Why should the state be responsible for his bills? I am guessing that they paid for the actual transplant already.
I could see if they had worked in a grandfather clause into this new 'rule' or something, but apparently they didn't.
I just don't get it...

Posted by shaker on Oct. 24 2003,12:05 am
There are many people who have worked there whole lives 30 or 40 years at least and find themselves without insurance due to plant or business closeing down. They have done everyting rite, they have worked, payed there tax, helped support the community and local business, and now they struggle to pay there medical bills and some face bankruptcy, and now we have a illegal immigrant that thinks the state of Mn. should pay his medical bills? GO BACK TO YOUR HOME COUNTRY,LET THEM TAKE CARE OF YOU. I am sick of this!!!
Posted by minnow on Oct. 24 2003,2:59 am
You both couldn't be more wrong.

It's much cheaper to pay for anti rejection drugs and save the kidney ,than pay for life long dialysis! MUCH cheaper.

I see, we won't pay for anti rejection drugs ,but we WILL pay 100 times more by not giving him the drugs.

Posted by Spidey on Oct. 24 2003,9:22 am
First off, I'm confused that illegal immigrants qualified for anything at anytime. However, if we paid to have the transplant I think follow up should be a given.

Why are some "illegals" deported .. sent back .. arrested .. etc, while others are given transplants???  ???

Posted by Hanna on Oct. 24 2003,9:38 am
I agree with Spidey, it was wrong to give this gentleman the transplant in the first place when we have many of "our own" that are on waiting lists for such a thing. However since we did grant him the transplant, I believe you have to follow through with the recovery.

If you don't, it's like saving his life only to let him die a slow death, morally wrong.

Posted by Ole1kanobe on Oct. 24 2003,9:44 am
Quote (minnow @ Oct. 24 2003,1:59:am)
It's much cheaper to pay for anti rejection drugs and save the kidney ,than pay for life long dialysis! MUCH cheaper.

I completely agree with you on that point Minnow (the numbers I saw showed that it would be thousands of times cheaper), but I didn't really want to go off in that direction due to my ability to ramble on and on about how little sense it makes for the government to not cover the least expensive method of treatment, but be willing to pay for the more expensive treatment option and my main point was, as has already been posted, why can't we take care of people that are rightfully here in this country, then worry about people that are here illegally?
Spidey brings up a very valid point though. How is it that people that are not citizens of the US and are not here 'officially' seeking asylum in the US able to qualify for any help/handouts?!?
I am starting to think this whole state (government wise) is a little out of touch with reality.
How about tending to our own yard before cleaning up the entire neighborhood for free?

Posted by minnow on Oct. 24 2003,10:16 am
Look... if you haven't been in a hospital lately it's about half Hispanic taking advantage of free health care.

1. More hispanics live in AL than Austin. Why is this..low factory jobs? Because most collect SSI and get free health benefits. Not speaking English is a disability so they qualify for SSI disability(federal) This brings in money. The hospital visits cost us, in that we have to pay much more for health services as hospitals attempt to charge paying customers more to make up the difference in low state payments.

Still I have no sympathy for you all because here you are...readily able and willing to spend many times more to "rebuild Iraq" than what immigrants cost us.

It's like Gabe. Brag about saving a penny while at the same time wasting $20 dollars. It just doesn't make any sense.

Posted by invasion on Oct. 24 2003,10:25 am
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) _ Evidence including recordings indicates that Wal-Mart had direct knowledge of immigration violations involving its cleaning contractors at stores across the country, federal law enforcement sources said.

Federal agents raided Wal-Mart's headquarters and 60 of its stores across the nation Thursday, arresting more than 300 illegal workers in an immigration crackdown at the world's biggest retailer.

The workers were members of cleaning crews hired by outside contractors, but federal law enforcement officials who spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity said Wal-Mart knew of the violations. They cited recordings of meetings and conversations among Wal-Mart executives, managers and contractors.

"We have seen no evidence of this from the INS, and, if that turns out to be true, we will cooperate fully with law enforcement officials," Wal-Mart spokeswoman Mona Williams said.

The workers were arrested as they finished their night shifts at Wal-Mart stores in 21 states. Agents also hauled away several boxes of documents from an executive's office at Wal-Mart headquarters in Bentonville.

An employer can face civil and criminal penalties for knowingly hiring illegal immigrants or failing to comply with certain employee recordkeeping regulations.

Wal-Mart Stores had sales last year of $244.5 billion. The company has about 1.1 million employees in the United States, and it uses more than 100 third-party contractors to clean more than 700 stores nationwide, Williams said.

"We require each of these contractors to use only legal workers," she said.

The law enforcement sources said the investigation grew out of earlier probes of Wal-Mart cleaning crew contractors in 1998 and 2001.

All the arrested workers were in the country illegally, said Garrison Courtney, a spokesman with Immigration and Customs Enforcement. They were detained at local immigration offices. Those who had no criminal record were released with instructions to appear before immigration judges.

Many of the workers said they were Eastern European and a few were of other ethnicities, Courtney said.

Wal-Mart is not the first big company to be targeted in an immigration investigation. Six managers at Tyson Foods, based one town away from Wal-Mart in Springdale, were charged in an immigrant-smuggling case in 2001.

One defendant shot himself to death a few months after being charged, and two managers entered guilty pleas early in the case. A jury acquitted the poultry company and three other managers.

Ulysses A. Yannas, an analyst with the investment firm Buckman, Buckman and Reid, said it is too much to expect Wal-Mart to keep track of all of its vendors' workers. But he said the investigation could present a problem for the company.

"It is a question of what else it might bring out. These are long, drawn-out processes," Yannas said.

Top Wal-Mart officials learned of Thursday's sweep when store managers began calling headquarters for guidance in dealing with the raids.

Courtney said agents searched the office of one of Wal-Mart's executives. Williams, the spokeswoman, said they spent several hours in the office of a "mid-level manager" at Wal-Mart's headquarters and carried away several boxes of paperwork.

She said she did not know if any other Wal-Mart administrative offices were searched.

The arrests were made at stores in Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, Connecticut, Delaware, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Maryland, Michigan, North Carolina, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia and West Virginia.

Suzanne Gamboa in Washington, D.C., contributed to this story.

Posted by shaker on Oct. 24 2003,1:37 pm
I can see your point Hanna, now that they have done the transplant they are stuck with that and can't just let him die.
My point is still the same, it should never been done in the first place. NEVER. I have seen some of the people who are on the transplant list, slowly dieing while waiting for a kidney or liver to become available, people who live here, work here, raise there familys here, pay there taxes here, and then when this gift of life becomes available it is given to a illigal immigrant. THIS IS WRONG.

Posted by frustrated american on Oct. 24 2003,4:30 pm
illegal immigrant means illegal. they should have no specials rights or treatments, because they are illegal. which means they are not supposed to be here, they swam the river and snuck into our country ILLEAGALLY! let the illegal's take care of themselves and learn english or GET OUT. when we go to "their" country we stay for a week and then leave. we don't stay for the rest of our lives and expect their government to pay for our $100,000 surgery and cator to us on a golden platter.

this sucks we have million of legal US citizens that are in need of serious medical and financial help. but instead of helping our own we incist on helping those that don't belong.

Posted by minnow on Oct. 25 2003,12:34 am
Well, why did we spend a million times more, than was needed to shore up health care, on some war with Iraq? You're not serious about saving money or you wouldn't have supported the war on drugs and war on terrorism. These wars cost us many millons of times more money.
Posted by shaker on Oct. 25 2003,12:59 am
minnow, I don't recall voteing to spend billions in Irag, and as far as the so called "war on drugs" go that is a total laugh, nothing more than a black hole to suck money into, but it sure sounds good to some knee jerk politican to stand and bray like a jackass about how He will join the fight in the war on drugs, maybe , just maybe if we throw enough money at it, it may go away. Ya rite.
Posted by cpu_slave on Oct. 25 2003,6:55 pm
The damage is already done.  Make him a citizen, get him a job so at least he can start paying in taxes to pay a fraction of what he already collected from the system.  Offer him assistance in paying for the drugs, but at least make him get a job and cover part of the tab on his own.  Don't just hand him anything else for free.

This is an example of how good intentions come back to bite you in the ass.

Perhaps we could sue Mexico and recoup the costs associated with taking care of their citizens?  I think at the very least Minnesota taxpayers should get some free stays down there until the tab is even.  Sort of like a population exchange?

Posted by irisheyes on Oct. 26 2003,1:32 am
Minnow-  Do you have any proof to back up your claim that SSI considers people that don't speak english as a disability?  I'm not completely disagreeing, but I checked the disability requirements & saw nothing like that.
Posted by minnow on Oct. 26 2003,4:53 am
You don't understand...I'm a pro. Collecting free money is my forte...

I'm not going to spend the time to dig and report facts to  because you're not paying me investigative fees. My time is too valuble sorry...
If you want certified proof you must do the research yourself, but it is indeed true. (Each state is bit different)
Where do you think all the Hispanics work in town? Many don't...they collect $555 a month SSI and an aditional $90 in Minnesota Supplemental an additional $120 or so in Food Support (credit card) for a total of about $750 oer month take home. This is about the same take home pay of a full time minimum wage job.

But that's not the kicker....that would be be free health care.
Many immigrnts rack up much more than that at NEAVE hospital. At any given time the waiting room at the hospital will be about half Mexican.
I'm not complaining....just reporting what I see.

Posted by minnow on Oct. 26 2003,10:07 am
Just think...all this time you were busting your butt at Wendy's...stealthy immigrants have been living free and geting the same amount of pay plus free health care (including drugs) and also housing help.

Heck....they ain't dumb...why, they actually raise the IQ of the area.... LOL :laugh: Any Mexican resourceful enough to figure it all out and take advantage of a better life and all he has to do is put up with long cold winters....why...he ain't dumb at tall! I understand that person...I know those persons.

They're just using the old "stepping stone"
Many will bexome trained professionals and make better lives for themselves in the land of milk and honey.   :D  I can understand that, because that's all I'm trying to do too.

Posted by Mamma on Oct. 26 2003,4:06 pm
You know Minnow, I bet you would feel better about yourself if you could claw your way to the top on your own merits, instead of riding on someone else's back. ???
Posted by irisheyes on Oct. 27 2003,12:08 am
Minnow-  How can you claim your time is so valuable if you spend more time on this forum then any two user's I know of.
Secondly, you've been reporting things as fact all along, but now your making excuses as to why you can't prove them.

Any idiot can live off hand-outs, that has nothing to do with intelligence.  It has everything to do with a person's character.

Posted by minnow on Oct. 27 2003,5:51 am
Character? You mean like Gabe and the merry band of four...

Yea....that's really something to aspire too!  :laugh: There's absolutely nothing wrong with taking advantage of every opportunity available. But they aren't supposed to do that...they should work part time at McDonalds because you think it builds character. Then give the money to Gabe for a new the RIGHT thing... :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:
This from a guy to lazy and stupid to find out facts on his own. Let me get this straight...because I spend time on these forums I'm supposed to work for you..right?  


Posted by LisaMarie on Oct. 27 2003,8:31 am
Quote (minnow @ Oct. 24 2003,9:16:am)
Not speaking English is a disability so they qualify for SSI disability(federal).

WTF?!?!?!?  Are you KIDDING me???!!!  Not speaking a language by CHOICE qualifies as a DISABILITY?!?!??!  Well then, from here on out I don't speak English anymore, now give me some money.
Posted by minnow on Oct. 27 2003,9:03 am
But you DO speak english and school records can prove it's not a disability for you and if you applied, you'd be subject to fraud charges. Yes, one can collect SSI (Supplemental Security Income) on the basis of physical or mental disability if you have no money built up in Social Security. Not being able to speak English is considered a disability under Minnesota SSI rules because it inhibits ones ability to find and keep employment.
Posted by a way out on Oct. 27 2003,10:56 am
minnow, you just came across the golden egg. we can have jobs inc start drawing these types of people instead of business here. when they get here and can't speak english they will get SSI. then we can start opening businesses around town for them to spend their money at and the SSI will trickle down to everyone!
Posted by minnow on Oct. 27 2003,11:27 am
That's called trickling up! :D

And, it's already happening and has been for years. Nelson's loves it...

Only problem is the health care is by far the most expensive part. The hospital is the areas biggest employer BTW...

Posted by LisaMarie on Oct. 27 2003,12:28 pm
?Que?  No hablo ingles....
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