Forum: Current Events
Topic: Positive Thinking?
started by: hoosier

Posted by hoosier on Sep. 27 2003,9:27 am
You know, along with the complaints you see posted here, you also see a lot of suggestions and ideas to do things better. Our critics never seem to notice the suggestions and ideas, they just focus on the negative things that are said. All they can come up with is, "Why dont you focus on the positive." Thats their whole platform for making the town a better place, lets just imagine it is better, and by some miracle, it will be. I wish it were that easy, I'm sorry to those out there that disagree with us, but trying to clean up local government that is as entrenched and protective as this one is, well, it aint gonna be pretty. But it has to be done so the people can have their government back. And to the critics that think we are just a couple of dozen people in this forum, think again. This forum has had 5000 visits in one day, people make copies of the discussions and distribute them to their friends that have no computer. Go into a coffee shop in the morning, chances are they are all talking about this forum and what is being said. The only feed back I have gotten about what is said here is very positive, overwhelmingly(sp?) positive. So anyway, to all the critics, you are welcome to your opinion, come in here and post as much as you like, but man, you are gonna miss out on doing something good for your community if all you want to do is keep things the way they are now. You want something positive? How about this grassroots effort by people that still dont, or barely know each other, getting together to stand up for what they think is going to make this a better place to live. To me, you can disagree with our tactics, but if you dont see the same problems in our community that we all do, well, I guess that you have just what you want right now. Ask yourself if things are the way they should or could be. I think we have a long way to go, but it will happen, may take some years to do it, but it will be worth the time it took. I want it all, I want jobs, I want our kids to be able to return from college and raise their families here. I want other communities, not only in southern Minnesota, but all around the state to look at Albert Lea with envy, and to wonder, just how do they do it. My answer, when that day finally comes, is ordinary people banded together to do what was best for everyone in the community. Damn, what could be more positive than that?

People Power    :rockon:

Posted by jimhanson on Sep. 27 2003,10:33 am
People clamor for "Change"--then complain if you try to change anything.  Changing government can be positive--I think most people will agree that County meetings are much more open, and are conducted with much more care than they were previously--IS THIS NOT POSITIVE?

There is always an element that thinks the way to achieve "Peace" is simply the absence of conflict--all we have to do is not fight--we can achieve "Peace" by holding up a sign.  These people usually do nothing to RESOLVE the problem--they just want to not fight over it.  These people are naive.

As I was reading Hoosiers post, I couldn't help but think what the world would be like if our own leaders, from Revolutionary War times onward, would have chosen the "leave it as is" policy.

"Pledge our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor?"--man, I'm not signing any document like THAT!--John Hancock

"We must all hang together, or we will all hang separately"--hey, I didn't sign up for THIS--Benjamin Franklin

"Declare independence from Britain?  Are you guys crazy?  Look how good we've got it here"--60% of the American populace during the revolution.

"What's so bad about a 1/2% tax on a little tea?" (we'll use it to "clean up" the HARBOR!)--Boston resident.

"Here the embattled Farmers stood, and wished they had firearms to fire the shot heard round the world"--Concord Bridge

"Thomas Paine--if you keep publishing that Common Sense booklet, the Commissioners are going to make life difficult for you!"--18th century reader.

"The Revolutionary War has been going on for a week, now, with no end in sight.  Several people have been killed.  We have no permission from any international authority to conduct this war.  This has become a QUAGMIRE.  Let's get out"--BOSTON GLOBE, circa 1776

"No taxation without representation?"--how are we going to build the courthouse THAT way?

"Your Lordship--Thomas Paine has produced yet another seditious pamphlet of writings contrary to our position.  It is stirring up the locals.  A big yellow sign has been transiting the streets of the village, ridiculing our leaders.  Next thing you know, they will have found a means to communicate with each other electrically with Franklin's new discovery!"

"So we declared independence from Britain--they've kicked our tail in every battle since then.  Our time of enlistment is up, we're starving in this God-forsaken Valley Forge, and we haven't been paid.  What say we ask their forgiveness and MOVE ON?  I abhor the military, and everything it stands for"--ancestor of William Jefferson Clinton.

"I may not agree with what you say, but Rule 19 prohibits discussion, so what are we gonna do?"--Voltaire

"The DIVINE RIGHT OF KINGS (or Commissioners) has been in place for hundreds of years.  Who are these people to challenge it?  These are nothing but troublemakers, an obsessed minority--gnats, flies, mosquitoes, ghosts, morons, cowards, misfits.  Rule 19 will silence them.  We can count on the inaction of the majority to preserve our rightful place.  We control the press--how will they get their word out?  We hold a 4-1 majority in the Commissioners meeting--and most of the dissidents live in the ville of Glen.  We will come out of this stronger than ever, we will CONSOLIDATE our power.  I have never lost a lawsuit, and I know an attorney that will NEVER compromise.  We will rule, govern, and build monuments as we see fit, and these vassals will pay for it!  Let them eat cake--pay them no mind."--those in power, 1776 or 2003  :D

This has been all in fun, but it goes to illustrate that INACTION is not always the BEST action.  I'm sure that others can add to this list--whether from revolutionary times, or more modern times.

Posted by hoosier on Sep. 27 2003,10:57 am
Nice post Jim, our Revalutionary leaders would be sickened if they could see us today, in my opinion. I think they would say that they failed, that we seem to have the same repressive government that they did. Only difference is, ours comes from within, not from across the atlantic.
Posted by rosebudinal on Sep. 27 2003,11:51 am
Well put guys:)
Posted by hoosier on Sep. 28 2003,9:55 am
Thanks Rosebudinal
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