Forum: Current Events
Topic: State auditor slams superintendent salary packages
started by: GEOKARJO

Posted by GEOKARJO on Sep. 25 2003,2:37 pm
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Posted by minnow on Sep. 25 2003,3:43 pm
I know, some of these guys make more than I do and their benefits blow mine. Then they become consultants like our old buddy Cy Kruse.

Why do we do this... Do school boards really think a super makes all that much difference in our childs education? ...I don't get it...
It's strange how the line between who makes a lot of money and who doesn't, can be a very fine line indeed.

College and schools do not prepare one for a career, or how to manage money. They teach kids that they must go to school, then work for someone else. Instead of teaching them how to make money work for them instead. Many here are confused at how such a goofball like myself could make so much darn bling bling. Here's a clue...

I graduated high school over 20 years ago with $15,000 savings I'd earned from working as a busboy at Pheasant Run supper club. I took home $3.00 per hour cash back then in the mid to late 70's. That little nest egg is worth about $160,000 now and bought my first house outright.  We can spend our lives working for money, or we can investigate ways to make money work for us. Now that I've sacrificed through discipline to achieve some success, people want to tear me down through jealousy.
I've even had minimum wage workers berate and belittle me for not "working" enough, as if work and prosperity are synonymous. It's's jealousy plain and simple.

Don't be jealous, I'd trade it all away if I could be young again.

Posted by GEOKARJO on Sep. 25 2003,4:17 pm
I'm with you minnow I invested a half a mill in my business to make less than minimum wage
Posted by GEOKARJO on Sep. 25 2003,4:36 pm
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