Forum: Current Events
Topic: Hormel contracts
started by: Ole1kanobe

Posted by Ole1kanobe on Sep. 12 2003,11:29 am
It seems that the union and Hormel's can't agree on a 'fair' contract, again.
Many of you that have lived in the area for a good while can easily remember the last strike that hit Hormel's, the National Guard being called in, Teamster's threats of blowing up trailers, people being arrested in groups, people crossing the picket lines to work and having the safety of themselves as well as their families threatened, the families that split themselves apart when the lines were drawn (some to this day have yet to repair those relations), the list goes on and on... All of this that has already happened, yet look at the amount of people that are still upset that we got overlooked for the last kill operation that had considered AL as a home.
Do we need those kinds of problems in our area? I don't think so, but we do need some sort of viable job base in our area. I seriously think it is time to let go of AL's past and take a step forward into the future. That means looking for more modern jobs, the kinds of jobs our children are going off to school for, something that will bring our children back to us after they complete their schooling. That seems to be the only way to keep our area from shrinking anymore than it already has. We have already seen some local businesses either move out of the area or close up completely, we have to make honest efforts to stop these things from happening.
Let's take a look at AL as a whole, what do we currently have that could attract new business?
What do we need to get to attract new business?

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