Forum: Current Events
Topic: Lein Law, WTF??
started by: Grinning_Dragon

Posted by Grinning_Dragon on Mar. 02 2004,9:29 pm
As part of last year's budget balancing, the Legislature approved a measure that would allow the state to place a lien on the property of those seniors with "life estates" who receive government assistance for nursing home care.

So let me get this straight.  They are robbed of their hard earn money all of their working life, to which end, the state makes sure that they cannot save enough money for elderly care, and then places a lein on their home?  Thats BS.  And if the kids want the house that their parents bought and paid taxes on, they have to pay more?  Again, thats pure BS. :angry:

And to top it all off, when the parents die, the children are slammed again with the BS death tax, how is it right to tax something that was taxed the first time?

What these people need to do is sign the house over to a thrid party, as in a very loyal friend of the family, before they go on assistance.  So the estate can stay with the family without BS Gov't interference.

GOD, don't you have better things to do than tax the livin' hell outta people, and steal their property?

Just purely insane and very UN-AMERICAN.

Posted by MrTarzan on Mar. 02 2004,10:22 pm
Unfortunately, it is very American because underneath the layer of hardworking people, there are rotten souls with their hands held out all the time, begging for alms from the government. :angry:
Posted by irisheyes on Mar. 03 2004,12:33 am
I agree with you about the death tax, Grinning_Dragon.  But that legislation to try to get back some of those costs might be a good idea.  People that don't get any type of long-term care (which I know, is very expensive), some end up in the nursing home later on, and the welfare programs pay the majority if not all of the nursing home costs (thats a big bill to cover).  If your in favor of less government spending, and I've seen in your posts before that you want to end all welfare programs, then I don't understand why you'd be against something to help them regain a portion of those costs.
What these people need to do is sign the house over to a third party, as in a very loyal friend of the family, before they go on assistance.  So the estate can stay in the family without any BS gov't interference.

I've heard of people doing this, it's fraud!  If people expect the government to be their to pay the bill when they can't afford it, how can they then turn around and say, "mind your own business when its time to divide the estate, just be here to pick up the tab, other than that, DON'T INTERFER"!  You can't have it both ways.  I think its good that we help the elderly when they need it, but lets not mortgage the income's of future generations because of overspending.

Posted by LisaMarie on Mar. 03 2004,8:05 am
Irish, you grandma did the exact same thing when she went in the nursing home!  Signed the house over to your mom and aunt!
Posted by irisheyes on Mar. 03 2004,9:28 am
I'm stating my opinion about this topic, it has nothing to do with what my relatives have done in the past, because I had no part of those decisions.  

Since you brought it up though, the estate did reimburse several thousand for those costs after she passed away.

Posted by farouk on Mar. 05 2004,8:38 am
Older people needing nursing home care but lacking money often sign over their homes for the care they need.  So what is so wrong with a program that provides services that older people need in their homes and rather than collecting for those services at the time they are delivered, the cost of the services become a lien on the older peoples' homestead?  If I need services, I would rather recieve them in my home for as long as I could rather than going to a nursing home just because I couldn't afford to pay.  Dragon you need to rethink this one, and look at it from the prospective of a person needing these services.
Posted by repdan on Mar. 05 2004,9:02 pm
The retro active part of this is the worst.  Even if you don't like them, hard to take something away from someone who was following the law.
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