Forum: Current Events
Topic: Ameracana
started by: Wild Bill

Posted by Wild Bill on Feb. 03 2004,7:37 pm
I couldn't figure out why they were calling loans that should of had adequate collateral.  The airplanes did add up either, but today I could read between the lines and see more clearly.  What a same there aren't any do overs.
Posted by Guest on Feb. 03 2004,10:06 pm
Fly to high to quick and you crash.  Too bad for John.  I won't miss him.  Will that guy at Produce be next??? ???
Posted by Salty on Feb. 04 2004,5:04 pm
What is the story with the old Olson show room and garage that Lyons is in now?  Is this somehow tied up in Jon's problem?  Where is Lyon's going to relocate?
Posted by Clovis on Feb. 05 2004,7:08 pm
Hey, here's a novel idea.  How about not judging others and their actions until you have actual hard documentation in sufficient quantities?  And even if you've had your run-ins and suspicions, or you just don't like the guy... let him have a fair chance.  Don't add to the problem by feeding the gossip mill.... think about how you'd feel if this were someone in your family!
Posted by Guest on Feb. 05 2004,7:16 pm

You are living in Utopia.  What fun would it be to wait for the facts.  Heck speculation is gambling.  People in this county love to gamble and stampede on their fellow man.  Gossip is Albert Lea and always has been.  Even before the turn of this century.

Posted by Clovis on Feb. 05 2004,7:24 pm
I'm aware of the situation.  I live in Albert Lea for part of the year.  Now might be the time to take a look at behavior and change it.  Change ain't easy, but MAN... Albert Lea could really use some ordinary human decency and common consideration for others.

I'd rather be living in Utopia than wrestling in the mud of the gossip gutter.

Posted by Guest on Feb. 05 2004,8:03 pm

I agree with you we need change.  It is hard to overcome years of bitterness and low wages since the early 80's.  If you have been in Albert Lea any length of time you have witnessed the destruction of town that used to have potential.  We have lost so many business (dozens and dozens) that used to contribute regularly to our community.  We have replaced or deplaced them with large box retailers such as Wal-Mart and Home Depot.  Now that everything is based on bottom-line profits, communities and people are expendable.  Albert Lea has had a history of a "total lack of leadership".   We have had some tremendous people serve for us but they have been so few and wouldn't put up with the rest of the incompetent people that served.  So much money has been taken out of this community and so little put back.  In reality this should be one thriving and prosperous community filled with young families and people seeking the good life.  Rather, we trash our council, mayor, city manager and anyone else that does not meet our personal expectations.  Now today soneone takes a shot at the guy who the runs the airpost because they don't like his posts in this forum.  And heaven forbid that anyone in this community would be asked to pay taxes.  So what are we going to do starting today to correct this problem.  I can hear a bunch of folks screeming now "Throw out the bums and start over".  If we spent our resouces building this community together.  Looking for common ground rather than shooting down every idea as if it is crazy.  We would all be amazed how well we would do.  We live in a christian community, lets start acting out what our local ministers teach us every Sunday.  Accept people without reqard to race, gender or religion.  Accept the fact that we have differences but we don't need to antagonize each other until its name calling and we are ready to throw punches.  Respect your self and others.  Laugh at youself once in awhile.  Laugh at others when they are funny, not because they are beneath you.  

Clovis---point well taken. I am working with you.

Posted by 180 on Feb. 05 2004,8:17 pm
Yea, I'd say stealing $40,000,000 from the community qualifies for "does not meet our personal expectations".
Posted by Guest on Feb. 05 2004,8:19 pm
I'm sorry you don't get it. :(
Posted by he on Feb. 05 2004,9:20 pm
Exactly my point, 180.  I read the Tribune article, and nowhere did I see the figure of $40,000,000 bandied about.  All there was was a description of the circumstances of Mr. Lindeman's departure from the bank and some of the recent events at the bank.  As one of the sources said, it's out of the ordinary for the resignation and selling the bank to be announced at the same time.  "Out of the ordinary" does not mean "guilty as charged by the court of public opinion." The Tribune article implied that there might be ulterior motives here - but there's no solid public evidence of it.
Posted by BeBack on Feb. 06 2004,4:00 pm
Jon is not the first person who's health required him to reorder his life, and change professions.  I wish him well and hope he is successful in regaining his health.  Poor health can make the shortest lives seem horribly long.  I commend him for making a tough choice.
Posted by The Advocate on Feb. 06 2004,9:03 pm
I am with you on this one.  This forum cannot be an effective voice of the people if it is used as a mud-slinging mechanism.  We all need to look at our own personal lives.  No one is perfect and no one but us knows our own story.  I do not know Mr. Lindeman or anything about him; all I know is that we have got to get back to the basis of this forum and that is information and education.
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