Forum: Current Events
Topic: Big Island Bar-B-Que
started by: hymiebravo

Posted by hymiebravo on Aug. 25 2016,6:15 pm
Big Island Bar-B-Que -

Question: Is that at the Big Island?

Answer: No it's at the Freeborn County Fairgrounds

Why do they call it Big Island Bar-B-Que then?

Answer because it's a fundraiser for Education Days at the Big Island Rendezvous.


Is that at the Big Island?

Answer: No it is at Bancroft Bay

Why call it Big Island Rendezvous then?

Posted by nzeroesc on Aug. 25 2016,6:44 pm
Because 30 years ago the first Big Island Rendezvous was indeed held on the Big Island of what was then Helmer Myre State Park.  The event rapidly outgrew the available space in the park and the foot and vehicle traffic became too much to handle.

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