Forum: Current Events
Topic: School board's illegal meeting.
started by: Liberal

Posted by Liberal on Mar. 08 2016,6:35 pm
Check out this meeting but fast forward to the 1 hr mark. You will hear the board chair explain what went on at their illegal meeting based on his notes and memory because they didn't bother to record what was said.

A couple things are really disgusting, like when the knucklehead chair reminded them to support the administration. WTF? Their job isn't to support the administration, it's to oversee the administration. Also when Jill Marin tries to bring up the open meeting law violation he's a total jackass to her and says they should discuss it offline, as in when the camera is off Also it sounds like this illegal closed meeting was some sort of interrogation of one of the members, and the member wisely ignored their question. Another bizarre thing is the board chair asked the other members how they thought he was doing as chair. It's like he was fishing for compliments to inflate his already over-inflated ego.

If he really wants to know how he's doing he could just ask any member of the general public and I'm sure they'd gladly inform him he sucks at both his jobs.

It seems to me Jill Marin is the only honest person on that board, and I would love to see her go to a judge over the meeting she knows was illegal. It's the right, honest, and just thing to do. At most, it's a small fine to make sure they don't do it again, and if they do it two more times they lose their seat.

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Posted by mrugly on Mar. 08 2016,9:19 pm
The school board seems to be like the city in many ways. Crazy, don't give to much if any thought to what we think about their plans that will happen one way or another whether we like it or not in most cases.
Posted by grassman on Mar. 09 2016,6:38 am
These "boards" are becoming to have a life of their own. Take the school board in Stillwater that duped the residents into a school referendum and reallocated the money for a new school. :(
Posted by Corruptionendsnow on Mar. 10 2016,6:27 pm
Are you kidding me? Marin is the most unethical person on that board. I heard the board took her to task for her behavior in January. And now she is pissed. Check the January tape- she voted to go into closed session just like all the rest. And now she is questioning it a month after the fact. She takes her marching orders from Georgie- and the rest of the board is now calling her on it. About bleeping time.
Posted by mrugly on Mar. 10 2016,7:16 pm
Jill and George are the best people to try and stop our city or school district from doing something stupid from happening. Live in George's ward and have had friends and neighbors call him about things and he had checked on it and gotten back to them in a timely fashion he also will be one to vote no on things. nice people also.
Posted by Corruptionendsnow on Mar. 10 2016,7:49 pm
George? The guy who sells tapes of his sermons for cash on the Internet?  He is a perpetual rebel looking for a cause. When has George ever led one successful initiative on the city council? Of course he would have to attend meetings to do so. Look up oppositional defiant disorder in the dictionary.  You will see his face in the definition...
Posted by fredsmith on Mar. 10 2016,8:25 pm
This community has had enough of George and his puppet wife.  They had best hope the IRS does not investigate their church like they did Irvine... If our town is going to move forward, people like the Marins need to go away.
Posted by Liberal on Mar. 11 2016,10:56 am
George seems to be the only council member that cares about how the people on fixed iincome, that built this town, are getting taxed out of their homes.

As far as Jill, I don't think I've ever met her but I know she had an issue with that meeting and she should have. The board chair clearly knew it was illegal and wanted to shut her up and not one member defended her right to speak, that tells you a lot about that board.

What's wrong with selling sermons online? My grandmother loved to listen to preachers so I'm sure there's a market for that type of thing.

Posted by Dendrobatidae on Mar. 12 2016,8:33 am
TIME TO ASK QUESTIONS: We voted the school board in, they are accountable to the public not the superintendent. The superintendent works for us and is accountable to the school board. Jill Marin is the only board member that does her job! She asks questions, listens to the community and parents. Last time we had a school board member question Funk they were asked to resign! (bullied into it)  We need people to ask questions and not be bullied by our superintendent. The public is treated like we are children, being scolded by the chair constantly. Teachers and Parents are  being disrespected and that is unacceptable.
School Board meeting from January 21, 2016.
-- Janece Jeffrey(6th grade Reading & Language Teacher/Member's Rights) addresses the board at :59.
-- Superintendent Mike Funk interjects at 4:14.
-- Mark Ciota addresses the issue of the teachers wearing red t-shirts prior to or on teacher negotiation days at 25:45.
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Posted by alcitizens on Mar. 13 2016,12:52 am
People are made to feel ashamed for speaking out and for making there opinion known.. They are afraid of the bullies..

Be heard people or be forgotten..

Posted by Bert a on Mar. 29 2016,2:24 pm
Have you seen today's Tribune?

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"Several people spoke before the board at its meeting and claimed district officials were not forthcoming when they asked for Superintendent Mike Funk’s contract within the last few weeks."

"Funk said the district is transparent.
To say that we are nottransparent is inaccurate,” he said.

Albert Lea Superintendent CONTRACT Reported Salary (2015-2016) $164,242 + benefits
Albert Lea Superintendent 2015 Reported Salary ($130,000) Resource: Minnesota Dept. of Education
Austin Superintendent Salary (2015-2016) $153,072 + benefits

Posted by Liberal on Apr. 16 2016,10:58 am
Who is this moron Linda Laurie that doesn't even understand their job is to oversee the administration, not just sit and wave pompoms for them.  I really think we should consider having an IQ test for the school board members because this Laurie and Klatt sound like idiots. And Ciotti sounds like an underhanded scumbag trying to cover up his own incompetence.
ATTENTION: ISSUES from School Board Meeting - April 4, 2016
******NOTE END OF MEETING 157:39 - Board Member Jill Marin presents the background of the closed session conducted on Jan. 19th, 2016, questioning the legality of the meeting.
******159:59 - Board Member Jill Marin requests for the legal opinion from the district's attorney to be made public information so that the public can understand WHY the board went into closed session.
-- 2:2 - School Board member Jill Marin makes a request for an open forum.
-- 3:24 - Dr. Funk interjects that there were not any action items on the agenda that would impact any positions in the district. -- Jill Marin still requested an open forum.
-- 7:02 - Dr. Funk states as the superintendent, he thinks that the board is going on a slippery slope by allowing an open forum to any issues that want to be brought up.
-- 8:45 - Open Forum Begins --
Questions are asked regarding: The process of requesting Dr. Funk's contract/Confidentiality Notice
The Coach/Teacher issue.
-- 28:49 - Jim Quiram presents about the Coach/Teacher proposal.
-- 42:16 -- Chair Mark Ciota begins discussion over the coach/teacher issue.
-- 45:46 - Board Member Jill Marin raises questions.
-- 47:13 - Jill Marin discusses the root cause of the teacher shortage, and expresses concern over the culture of our district.
-- 49:16 - Jim Quiram responds.
-- 50:04 - Dr. Funk responds, stating that his opinion differs regarding the culture of the district. But expresses his concern over the culture of the community...stating that there are fringe groups in the community that are anti-establishment. Then states that there is a survey that would be sent out to the community.
--53:37 - Board Member Jill Marin responds to Dr. Funk's comments of "fringe groups and anti-establishment"...stating that she stands by her concern of there being serious climate and culture/community relations issues within the district.
-- 54:07 - Chair Mark Ciota states that these [issues] are "fascinating and interesting", but it detracts of why they're supposed to be there.
-- 54:47 - Board Member Jill Marin states that her comments are directed to the teacher shortage.
-- 54:49 - Board Member Dave Klatt shares his thoughts regarding the teacher/coach issue. He states that he doesn't see a big change in what they were discussing, adding that he was a bit confused on the subject
-- 57:49 - Board Member Julie Johnson shares her thoughts regarding the teacher/coach issue, stating her concerns.
-- 101:07 - Board Member Bill Leland shares his thoughts regarding the coach/teacher issue.
-- 101:54 - Board Member Linda Laurie states that the board is a governance board...and that the board is there to support the administration.
-- 104:39 - Community members ask for clarification.
-- 109:00 - Dr. Funk interjects.
-- 110:36 - Discussion continues.
-- 123:48 - Board Members step away to visit the Well@Work Clinic.
-- 140:26 - Area Learning Center Presentation
*** Waiver of Attorney Client Privilege Regarding Legal Opinion of January 19, 2016 Meeting - ACTION
Presenter: Jill Marin ***
-- 152:50 - Board Member Jill Marin proposes adding to the to the minutes from the previous board meeting, that there was a discussion regarding the legality of the closed session on January 19th.
-- 153:12 - Board Member Linda Laurie states that she will not vote for that. She states that she thinks it's dictating the notes...and that is not what they do. So she will not approve of such a motion.
-- 154:00 - Dr. Funk states that he is not comfortable with crafting language at the board table of something that they were not exactly sure of what took place. He states he would like Ashley to refer to the video of the board meeting in question, and then come up with the minutes.
--1:55:31 - Chair Mark Ciota states they will have Ashley review the tape from the Feb. 16th meeting, so the missing items can be added to the minutes.
-- 157:12 - Board Member Jill Marin motions to wave the attorney client privilege regarding the legal opinions of the Jan. 19th, 2016 board meeting.
-- 157:39 - Board Member Jill Marin presents the background of the closed session conducted on Jan. 19th, 2016, questioning the legality of the meeting.
-- 159:59 - Board Member Jill Marin requests for the legal opinion from the district's attorney to be made public information so that the public can understand WHY the board went into closed session.
-- 200:20 - Board Member Dave Klatt states that he would not be in favor of waiving the attorney/client privilege and making it public information.
-- 200:56 - Board Member Julie Johnson states that she has mixed feelings (of waving the client/attorney privilege rights). She doesn't believe that there are problematic things contained in the document from the district's attorney Kevin Rupp, and also understands the need for transparency, and refers to the public's request for making the legal document public. She states that she in conflicted.
-- 201:50 -- Board Member Linda Laurie states that she does not believe that the attorney/client privilege should be waived.
-- 202:14 - Chair Mark Ciota compares the attorney/client privilege from his job in the medical field to the closed session issue. He states that he asked for a legal opinion, states that the legal opinion he received was that it was absolutely legal. He states that if would do it over again, he would do it exactly the same way. He then discusses more details of the closed session.
Chair Mark Ciota states that he will not support the request of waiving the attorney/client privilege.
-- 205:20 - Chair Member Jill Marin states that she does not believe that the closed session met the statute(Minnesota Statute 13D.05), and states that she was never told ahead of time that SHE herself, would be evaluated. Jill Marin states that she believes that Chair Mark Ciota was not aware of what was going to happen in that closed session, and that he was taken advantage of. She states that she will not defend the action that the board has taken, she fells that it was wrong on many different levels. She states that she was never given the opportunity to have her self evaluation made public, and states that not every individual board member was evaluated. She states that it was not a BOARD evaluation, and that it was not an equal member evaluation. She has many different issues, and that she understand that the board will not vote to release the legal opinion...and she understands why.
-- 201:14 - Chair Mark Ciota calls for a role call vote to waive the attorney/client privilege regarding the legal opinion of the Jan. 19, 2016 meeting...(making the legal opinion for going into closed session to evaluate Jill Marin public).
-- Board Member Jill Marin votes 'yes'.
-- Board Member Dave Klatt votes 'no'.
-- Board Member Julie Johnson votes 'yes'.
-- Chair Mark Ciota votes 'no'.
-- Board Member Linda Laurie votes 'no'.
Motion fails 3 to 2.
-- Chair Mark Ciota adjourns the meeting.
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From alccc for education's FB page.

Posted by Botto 82 on Apr. 17 2016,9:09 pm
You're a special kind of stupid if you, on one hand, get all enraged over this crap, and, on another, ignore how corrupt, say Hillary is. Why the faack would anyone get bent out of shape when this happens on some microcosmic level, and likewise ignore the problem when it becomes global..? :crazy:
Posted by alcitizens on Apr. 18 2016,4:02 pm
Linda Laurie is there to represent the education that is required for our kids to succeed in life..

Not to support the administration.

She is a Moron..  Time 101:54

Posted by Liberal on Apr. 19 2016,8:04 pm
Who's a bigger moron Linda Laurie the doctor's wife that was "violated" by being recorded in an open meeting or Ciota claiming it was a violoation of HIPPA. For any ignorant sawbones reading this HIPPA stands for "Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act" and has nothing to do with being recorded in an open meeting.

Time to get the Mayo morons off the school board it seems awfully coincidental that Mayo can't find doctors to come here and the school can't get teachers.
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Posted by Bert a on May 12 2016,7:28 pm
Anyone hear that Dr. Funk let his daughter and a group of friends  have an overnight after prom party at Brookside School? I guess rules do not apply to a select few in the district. Did not realize that one could rent out brookside school for the night? If that is not a liability for our district I do not know what is? Doubt that we will see Leland calling the insurance company about the potential liability on this one.
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