Forum: Current Events
Topic: America's Ruling Class
started by: Common Citizen

Posted by Common Citizen on Feb. 08 2016,10:34 pm
This is kind of lengthy but hang on for the ride.  Some of you may learn something.

Codevilla traces the beginnings of the new Ruling Class to the Progressive Era. He wrote that “Wilson was the first American statesman to argue that the Founders had done badly by depriving the U.S. government of the power to reshape American society.” Like Obama, Wilson, and later FDR, wanted to reshape American society to suit their own preferences. Any failure on the part of the American public to embrace their Progressive agenda only convinced both Twentieth Century and contemporary Progressives that the American electorate was stupid and backward. Or, as in the case of Frankfurt School immigrant Theodor Adorno’s The Authoritarian Personality (1948) that conservative and traditional Americans were pathological fascists.

The Progressive Left has always craved political power, in order to accomplish their goal to remake society. Not being big fans of limited, decentralized and Constitutional government, Progressives have always been in favor of centralizing power in the hands of the state. The assumption has always been that they knew better and that the rubes from “fly over country” were really not capable of self-government. As Codevilla wrote:

Hence our ruling class’s standard approach to any and all matters, its solution to any and all problems, is to increase the power of the government — meaning of those who run it, meaning themselves, to profit those who pay with political support for privileged jobs, contracts, etc.

The Progressives do not believe in the impartial workings of a free market or the rule of law that applies all laws equally to all citizens because they believe that they know best who deserves what. The market cannot be trusted to sort out winners from losers; only they, the ruling elite, should be entrusted with such matters. “When the bubble burst, only those connected with the ruling class at the bottom and at the top were bailed out,” Codevilla noted. In the process of picking winners and losers, the ruling elite became the benefactor for various victim groups who can be counted on at election time. Codevilla remarked that “if you are not among the favored guests at the table where officials make detailed lists of who is to receive what at whose expense, you are on the menu,” probably meaning you are going to pay the bill (in taxes). The hubris of the ruling class knows no limits; they not only believe they can control the economy by printing and spending money, now they even believe that they can control the climate.

< Source >
< Referenced Article >
< Angelo Codevilla >

Posted by Self-Banished on Feb. 09 2016,4:57 am
A very good read.

Even now we are considering flushing our country further down the toilet with a particular candidate.

Posted by Rosalind_Swenson on Feb. 09 2016,1:34 pm
Wow, where to begin.
That Angelo guy is a master at trying to deflect attention away from the fact that the "ruling class" he talks about is not progressives trying to shape the government to their ideas, but that it's corporate influence doing the reshaping of government.

From your article:

Thus in the 1990s and 2000s, as Democrats and Republicans forced banks to make loans for houses to people and at rates they would not otherwise have considered, builders and investors had every reason to make as much money as they could from the ensuing inflation of housing prices.

HA, what a crock!!! You haven't read the commission report on what actually happened, and in depth analysis on HOW it happened have you. Apparently neither has the guy who wrote your article. Forced banks to make bad loans?? Read the commission report. Investors had every reason to make as much money as they could from the bubble? HA again.

In another article this Angelo guy writes he blames special interests and progressives for gay marriage, but he doesn't mention  how many years that the battle had been going on, he also doesn't mention that the battle ended as soon as almost all of the biggest corporations and banks asked that gay marriage be accepted.

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I like how the article also glosses over this incident:

Thus the Supreme Court's 2005 decision in Kelo, which allows the private property of some to be taken by others with better connections to government, reminded the country class that government is not its friend.

As he refrains from pointing out how much Pfizer had to do with that eminent domain disaster. The head of the "community board" which claimed eminent domain is married to an executive at Pfizer, she also put a vice president of Pfizer on that board.  

I read your article, maybe it's time you read what has already been put into the forum 2 or 3 times:

Multivariate analysis indicates that economic elites and organized groups representing business interests have substantial
independent impacts on U.S. government policy, while average citizens and mass-based interest groups have little or no
independent influence. The results provide substantial support for theories of Economic-Elite Domination and for theories of
Biased Pluralism, but not for theories of Majoritarian Electoral Democracy or Majoritarian Pluralism.

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Posted by stardust14 on Feb. 09 2016,3:33 pm
Have you noticed how Hillary and even now right-wing nuts are hijacking terms used by Bernie activists--

--progressive  (instead of liberal)


--ruling class




Their lack of any definable position(outside fear mongering) has Hillary & Co. singing like fashionable parrots in cages.

Posted by Rosalind_Swenson on Feb. 09 2016,11:47 pm

(stardust14 @ Feb. 09 2016,3:33 pm)
Have you noticed how Hillary and even now right-wing nuts are hijacking terms used by Bernie activists--

--progressive  (instead of liberal)


--ruling class




Their lack of any definable position(outside fear mongering) has Hillary & Co. singing like fashionable parrots in cages.

Just like they hijacked certain things from the Occupy protests...short lived though huh.

The stuff they are hijacking from Bernie though, is the stuff he's been saying for decades. Most people know by now that the hijackers are just blowing smoke.

Posted by Self-Banished on Feb. 10 2016,4:47 am
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Posted by Rosalind_Swenson on Feb. 10 2016,10:06 am

(Self-Banished @ Feb. 10 2016,4:47 am)
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Ok, the first link is written by the only member of the commission that holds that opinion, even the other republicans on the commission think he's full of crap. The second link I can't get to load, I have trouble with the Forbe's site quite often.
The other two links were written before the Inquiry Commission was even formed.
Here's what the other dissenters on the commission have to say:

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They point to the problem not being just in the US, so they dissented from the majority opinion of the Commission. From reading their paper I get the impression they were wanting to distance themselves from naming names. All three rely quite heavily on the banking sector in one way or another. The main Commission report names a  lot of names.
When I started reading the report I had the intention of taking notes. I even had a page from my computer's notepad open and waiting. As soon as I started reading that report though I was so completely shocked and angry and absorbed in what I was reading that I completely forgot to take notes. I was almost 100 pages in before I thought of it again. When I have the time, I will go through the report again and take notes that I can copy and paste here....or you could save me the time and read it yourself! That would be swell.

Posted by Self-Banished on Feb. 10 2016,10:19 am
^^ the point is that this piece of legislation is the main cause of our present economic woes. People that had no business what so ever were getting loans on house with little or nothing down. At first it worked, the economy during the 80's was good, the 90's dot com bubble didn't pop till 2000. People started looting their equity like a piggy bank, trouble was that they didn't think they had to pay it back what with some of them being interest only loans.

I saw with my own eyes( a disclaimer for tweedle dumb and tweedle dumb ass) a woman pull a 220k home loan on a 40k income when she only had had the job for 4 months. This is just one example. Friends and family in the mortgage business confirmed my observations.

Posted by Rosalind_Swenson on Feb. 10 2016,11:43 am

(Self-Banished @ Feb. 10 2016,10:19 am)
^^ the point is that this piece of legislation is the main cause of our present economic woes. People that had no business what so ever were getting loans on house with little or nothing down. At first it worked, the economy during the 80's was good, the 90's dot com bubble didn't pop till 2000. People started looting their equity like a piggy bank, trouble was that they didn't think they had to pay it back what with some of them being interest only loans.

I saw with my own eyes( a disclaimer for tweedle dumb and tweedle dumb ass) a woman pull a 220k home loan on a 40k income when she only had had the job for 4 months. This is just one example. Friends and family in the mortgage business confirmed my observations.

How did the legislation have anything to do with any of that??!! It was the twisted banks and mortgage companies lying and scamming with these home loans.
And it was the twisted banks and investment brokers lying and scamming investors about the crap they were peddling as "sound" investments.
And it was the twisted Ratings Agencies giving these crap investments and banks great ratings when they were virtually JUNK.
And it was regulators asleep on the job or allowing themselves to be bullied by the liars and scammers.
And it was the recurring policy EVERYWHERE to ignore red flags and shun whistle-blowers trying to point out what was going on.
Goodness, read the freakin report. Holy Moly.

Posted by Self-Banished on Feb. 10 2016,1:01 pm
^^ put the banana daiquiri down, pay attension, Carter's community reinvestment act was the problem, banks were encouraged (threatened) to make loans for bad credit, low income borrowers, this is the snow ball that turned our economy into a disaster.
Posted by Rosalind_Swenson on Feb. 10 2016,1:13 pm

(Self-Banished @ Feb. 10 2016,1:01 pm)
^^ put the banana daiquiri down, pay attension, Carter's community reinvestment act was the problem, banks were encouraged (threatened) to make loans for bad credit, low income borrowers, this is the snow ball that turned our economy into a disaster.

Wow, no it wasn't. Read the freakin report and stop being ignorant
Posted by Botto 82 on Feb. 10 2016,1:29 pm
Derivatives, junk bonds, credit default swaps, "exotic" financial products, yeah, I'm sure that's all Carter's fault. :crazy:

Reagan (Regan) paved the way by deregulating Wall Street, then Slick Willy opened the door for the meltdown with the repeal of Glass-Steagall. These big bank phucktards have been wanting to shoot craps with loaded dice all along.

Posted by Self-Banished on Feb. 10 2016,1:31 pm
^^open your fu&king eyes and quit being a dipsh!t!!

Holy Hanna, what the hell do you do all day, roll joints and man the blender?

Posted by Botto 82 on Feb. 10 2016,3:45 pm
So what's your excuse?

Too many football games without a helmet?  :rofl:

Posted by Self-Banished on Feb. 10 2016,6:08 pm
Posted by Rosalind_Swenson on Feb. 10 2016,9:31 pm

(Botto 82 @ Feb. 10 2016,1:29 pm)
Derivatives, junk bonds, credit default swaps, "exotic" financial products, yeah, I'm sure that's all Carter's fault. :crazy:

Reagan (Regan) paved the way by deregulating Wall Street, then Slick Willy opened the door for the meltdown with the repeal of Glass-Steagall. These big bank phucktards have been wanting to shoot craps with loaded dice all along.

Best example is Robert Rubin (I know this has already been talked about before).
20some years at Goldman Sachs. Then Secretary of the Treasury for Clinton, helps get some of the biggest banking and investment safeguards destroyed, instantly leaves as Secretary of the Treasury and gets a job at Citigroup, which ends up needing the biggest bailout and makes over $100 million during his years at Citigroup. Now goes around doing interviews, writing articles, and having his "achievements" honored! Crazycrazycrazy.

Oh these guys are funny.

< View on YouTube >

Paulson: "Income inequality, I was working on that topic while I was still at Goldman Sachs"

Geithner: "In which direction?"

Rubin: "You were increasing it!"

Posted by Self-Banished on Feb. 11 2016,4:47 am
Soon, it just won't matter  :D

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Posted by Rosalind_Swenson on Feb. 11 2016,1:07 pm
SB, have you ran out of nutty feminists to quote? I must say, lately you are getting quite creative with your avoidance of certain topics.
Posted by Self-Banished on Feb. 11 2016,2:45 pm
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