Forum: Current Events
Topic: As usual, the laugh is on us.
started by: the breeze

Posted by the breeze on Dec. 02 2015,7:17 am
As usual, the laugh is on us. While the West clamors to take alleged "refugees" despite that they cannot be properly vetted, France is wondering why the wealthy Gulf States are refusing to accept their own share of Syrian refugees and provide them safe harbor.

French Prime Minister Manuel Valls has called on the Gulf states to accept more refugees fleeing Syria, saying that a "humanitarian disaster" could erupt in the Balkans if Europe does not control its borders.

"Every country must play its part; I'm thinking particularly of the Gulf states," the prime minister said during a discussion with residents of Evry on the outskirts of Paris, focusing on the response to the attacks which rocked the capital two weeks ago.
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