Forum: Current Events
Topic: Police Beating in Palistine
started by: Marneman

Posted by Marneman on Jul. 06 2014,1:56 am
Read a news story last night that some family in New Jersey (or was it New York) has asked our government to look into the mistreatment of their 15 year old son by Isreali police in rioting in Isreal.  First off who sends their 15 year old kid off to a foriegn country alone? Especially one with the problems the're currantly having in Isreal?  Turns out this kid has duel Palistinian and American citizenship and was participating in a riot in the street throwing rocks and molotov cocktails at the police.  Our government has "expressed concern" over this situation, but where was that concern when an American was one of the 3 Jewish teenagers murdered by Palistinians last Week?  Sorry the hypocrisy in this story just annoid me.
Speaking of annoying what's with all the Albert Lea.Com banners all over the place?  I understand that if the're a sponser of the page that they want their banner showed, but 3 times on every posting seems a little excessive.  Okay I see it only shows up for guest on the site not if you are logged in, but still...

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