Forum: Miscellaneous
Topic: Super Bowl Sunday
started by: nphilbro

Posted by nphilbro on Feb. 03 2006,12:14 pm
Obviously I'm a little partial swimming the sea of Blue and Green. I was only 8 the last time a home team made it to the Super Bowl.


In a school just outside of Pittsburgh, a first grade teacher explained
to her class that she is a Steeler's fan. She asked her students to raise
their hands if they were Steeler's fans too.
Not really knowing what a Steeler's fan was, but wanting to be liked by
their teacher, their hands all went up into the air. However, there was one
exception.  A little boy named Timmy had not gone along with the crowd.

The teacher asked him why he had decided to be different ... "Because I am
not a Steeler's fan" says Timmy.

The teacher then asked, "What are you?"

Timmy sayed "I'm a Seahawk's fan."

The teacher was a little perturbed now, her face slightly red, she asked
Timmy why he was a Seahawk's fan.

" Well, my mom and dad are Seahawk's fans so I'm a Seahawk's fan too."

The teacher was now angry. "That's no reason" she says loudly. "What if your mom was a moron and your dad was an idiot?"

Timmy smiled and said, "Then I'd be a Steeler's fan."

Posted by GEOKARJO on Feb. 03 2006,1:58 pm
I am going to watch the Superbowl just to see the commercials I don't care who wins. I will be at home not in a bar, as I invited my children and grandchildren over to watch it.

Posted by Botto 82 on Feb. 03 2006,2:20 pm
Posted by hairhertz on Feb. 05 2006,12:44 pm
geez, do i watch oxygen channel or the super bowl?
or watch paint dry?  or sort & match my socks?  or
go bowling?  :laugh:

Posted by Botto 82 on Feb. 05 2006,12:45 pm
The Stupor Bowl is overpackaged tripe for Super Morons.

There. I said it.

Posted by REPOMAN on Feb. 05 2006,2:16 pm
Quote (GEOKARJO @ Feb. 03 2006,1:58pm)
I am going to watch the Superbowl just to see the commercials I don't care who wins. I will be at home not in a bar, as I invited my children and grandchildren over to watch it.

that is really invigorating news...

I'll alert the media...  :p

oh, wait - according to you they study this forum for all of their news so they'll probably have a crew at your house to get comments from each of your guests as they arrive...  :dunce:  

Posted by Tiger on Feb. 06 2006,8:54 am
The Seahwaks got screwed.  Refs were terrible!
Posted by GEOKARJO on Feb. 06 2006,10:09 am
No good commercials the whole thing was a waste of time except watching the Rolling Stones, Took me back to some good memories.

Posted by cheeba on Feb. 06 2006,10:36 am
Just in case you missed them or want to watch again.........

< 2006 Super Bowl Commercials >

Posted by nphilbro on Feb. 06 2006,1:12 pm
I wonder if Ref Bill Leavy is going to be a free-agent next year. He was the best addition to the Pittsburgh D I've ever seen.

I'm pi$$ed. Not because we lost, because it was stolen. The hawks made some unusual errors but- give me a break, that was rediculous!

Posted by allergic to bogus on Feb. 06 2006,10:54 pm
Loved it, Cower and the Steelers rock. And, it was a great game. No whining or snifling here. The best team won.
Posted by Tiger on Feb. 07 2006,8:23 am
I really didn't care who won, but the Steelers were handed the game.  You can't feel good about a win like that.
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