Forum: Miscellaneous
Topic: We Will Overcome
started by: Tiger

Posted by Tiger on Sep. 05 2003,9:17 am
Last night on cable channel 42 (AE) I watched pretty disturbing images caught on tape from 9/11.  Home videos I had never seen broadcast before.  They brought tears to my eyes to watch those people in awe of what was happening having no idea they themselves would be running for their lives in a matter of minutes.  As they were looking up in shock the buildings came tumbling after them, their faces turned to terror in a seconds.  Made me think how lucky I am to be living where I do and that my tiny problems are just that compared to those families who have lost loved ones.  Keeps things in perspective every day and tell those around you how much you love and cherish them.  My prayers continue to go out to those lost and to those who have lost loved ones.
Posted by GEOKARJO on Sep. 05 2003,12:24 pm
This year, as last year, I will be closed Monday Sept 11 to mourn our War victims of 091101. We should honor the brave men and women who gave their lives that day, who never suspected that being a citizen of this country would ever put their lives at risk as they went about their ordinary lives.
Posted by Tiger on Sep. 11 2003,8:50 am
Remember those who parished two years ago today.  Remember their families.  I will light a candle outside my house in rememberance tonight just like I did two years ago.  It would be wonderful to see more than just my candle burning to remember.
Posted by rosebudinal on Sep. 11 2003,6:03 pm
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