Forum: Opinion
Topic: Sheriff's T-Shirt idea
started by: Liberal

Posted by Liberal on Jul. 30 2004,12:38 pm

In the past two months the sheriff's office has received private donations which has allowed the debt to go down to $7,300. The T-shirts will be used as the final phase to pay off the debt.

On the front of the T-shirt is a SURVIVOR emblem, the back of the T-shirt has an inmate looking through the bars from a jail window with the caption reading: "Freeborn County Bed and Breakfast." The T-shirts were originally designed for volunteers at a disaster drill scenario on July 17.

< Tribune Story >

I've got no problem with the sheriff's dept. making money to pay for their assault rifles. But, I do wonder about them using the CBS Survivor emblem on the front of the T-shirts they are selling at the fair. Especially when you consider that CBS is pretty aggressive in their copyright protection and has even pursued websites that have logos that are similar to the survivor logo.

I wonder if anyone thought to run that idea by our little county attorney before they had those shirts made. (I guess it wouldn't really matter since he isn't an expert in that field.)

Posted by magter on Jul. 30 2004,12:50 pm
Didn't Glenville do the same thing for surviving the tornado?
Posted by Ole1kanobe on Jul. 30 2004,12:51 pm
Here's a real good example of how our County Sheriff's department follows the law:
Not all information was available locally in survey
By Chuck Gysi
The Austin Daily Herald
AUSTIN - Citizens should be able to walk in to local government offices and request access to public data. That's the ideal situation. A survey published on the front pages of Minnesota's newspapers Monday proved otherwise. The study, conducted by the Minnesota Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists, indicated that while some information is readily available, other information is withheld in violation of state law.
The Austin Daily Herald participated in the statewide project, as well as other journalists. Others who helped gather information in the state's 87 counties included college students, housewives and retirees. The survey sought access to three documents in each county: city council minutes for the first meeting of the year in the largest city, data on the superintendent's salary and benefits from the largest school district in each county and the previous day's jail bookings or jail log from each sheriff's department.
In Mower, Freeborn, Steele, Dodge and Fillmore counties, those seeking access to city council minutes generally had no difficulty with their requests. While some cities provided copies for free, others such as Albert Lea charged a fee per copy.
Access to information on school superintendents' salaries and benefits didn't come as easy in Austin and Albert Lea, according to participants. In both cases, school district employees copied down information by hand off official documents for those requesting the data and did not allow access to the official data.
When participants sought access to jail bookings, sheriff's employees in both Mower and Freeborn counties refused access to the data. In both counties, sheriff's employees erroneously told participants that state law prohibits the release of such information.
In Freeborn County, the sheriff's employee declined to release the log, stating: "That information is personal, private and confidential," adding that "state law" made such a determination.
Statewide, 98 percent of requests for council minutes were provided. However, nearly 30 percent of requests for school superintendents' salaries were denied and 58 percent of requests for jail logs were denied.

taken from < >

Posted by Mamma on Jul. 30 2004,1:46 pm
Maybe the logo isn't identical. I know the survivor shirts that Glenville had for the tornado were similar, but not identical. Good for the Sheriff's dept for coming up with an idea to raise some money.
Posted by DrBombay on Jul. 31 2004,12:57 am
I don't know about the Tee-shirt logo's.  But I agree that the Fundraising the sheriffs dept. does is great.  Hat's off to Haraig for trying to come up with alternatives to stay within a budget.  Gabe and the 4 commissioners should follow this example when they decide to build a state of the art library.  Bake Sale, Car Wash and Pancake Breakfast funding.
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