Forum: Current Events
Topic: this area behind the times as usual
started by: zero

Posted by zero on Dec. 03 2003,12:13 am
is this coincidance or what?  Freeborn county is going to build a water park?

< Freeborn cty water park >

The same day, Bloomington says they will build the nations biggest.

< Bloomingtons water park >

No way this new waterpark can compete with Bloomingtons.  sure it will do OK but where were you 5-10 years ago?
Who is going to stay at this place in the county?  it's in the middle of nowhere.  A little diff then the 494 area.

come on, here we go again with a good idea but about 5-10 years too late.  when will the govt, developers and citizens around here wake up?  no wonder we are light years behind the rest of the state.

Posted by sauser on Dec. 03 2003,11:13 am
groundbreaking in 2 years?  boy things sure move - s - l - o - w - around these parts.  the Bloomington park will be up and running by the time the freeborn country park even gets a building permit!

do people in albert lea still drive down main street in a horse and buggy?  :D

Posted by Angel on Dec. 03 2003,11:20 am
Geeeeeez! People complain that they have to travel to do anything. This will be in our backyard. Maybe it will be cheaper than the one in Bloomington. At least it will attract more tourism. How is it going to hurt? Better late than never.
Posted by DennisGreen on Dec. 03 2003,3:12 pm
Coach Green here folks with my opinion which I know is so valued in the great state of Minnesota by all my fans.
Thanks again for all the support.  You see here folks what the Sheriff doesn't get is why we are waiting 2 years to break ground on this.  The Sheriff thinks this idea may have some merit but the Sheriff has some reservations that this will ever really happen.  The Sheriff thinks we need some development now, can't we get this rolling sooner.  The Sheriff thinks the above posts are correct, the Bloomington park will be up and running before the Freeborn park and it will be 10 times larger.
The Sheriff would also like to add that he hopes the water slides are large enough to handle the larger population.  Since my coaching days I have been added a few cheeseburgers to the waistline.   Thanks for your continued support and if you are looking for Denny Green, look on the HIGH road, that's where I'll be.

Posted by Prickly Legs on Dec. 03 2003,6:50 pm
Well at least there are plans to bring more development into the area.  How long have we suffered under the reign of Sparks with a stagnant growth record?  I for one am glad to see that someone has a little vision to try to make the area a little more attractive to visitors.

Keep in mind that that two year period from now until ground breaking includes the time to see if this idea is even feasible; that is, to see if it would even be worth while.  Administrative processes take time as we all should be well aware. Yes,  it takes time to get building permits in order and to line up investors and contractors to do the work.  It's a lot more than just deciding to build a hotel and *poof* there it is.  And yes, obviously the Bloomington park will be a lot bigger and better...look at the population and economy of that city!!! You can't expect a small town like Hayward or an agricultrual county to be able to compete with a city like Bloomington.  We don't have the money that they do, or the population.

Just be glad that some people are trying to stimulate some growth to the area.  Isn't that what we have all been wanting to see?

Posted by Tiger on Dec. 04 2003,9:08 am
Maybe they should have kept the idea low key for 18 months while they did the studies needed.  But I think people in this county are sooooo pesimistic.  Nothing ever satisfies anyone.  Something good might be happening and all I hear is, "it isn't good enough, or it's too late."  Be a bit more optimistic and apreciate the ideas people are coming up with.
Posted by ICU812 on Dec. 04 2003,10:15 am
The way I see it the Dells were not formed all in a day week or year. Build one get em here, build more of whatever is fun and more will come. Heck all it is out there is (flat,easy to excavate)farmland with room to expand north, south, east and west. Would be neat if it worked. And any stimulation for growth is good.
Posted by Tommy Bartlett on Dec. 04 2003,10:50 am
Hope it works. It would be Great!!!!

Its a shame the local Albert Lea downtown attorneys won't be able to go out there.

When there was talk of a joint jail judicial building with Mower County being located in Hayward they complained it would be too far from their offices and too far to drive.

Wonder if Desperation Albert Lea will put pressure to keep it downtown ??

Other Attractions
Duck Rides Down the ShellRock
Hansen's Helicopter Rides
Ron's Robot World

Posted by jimhanson on Dec. 04 2003,11:38 am
Tommy Bartlett--LOL :D   How about "House on the (Shell)Rock? :D
Posted by GEOKARJO on Dec. 04 2003,1:01 pm
We could call it CARP PARK  :rockon:
Posted by Lil Pimp on Dec. 04 2003,3:25 pm
Quote (Tiger @ Dec. 04 2003,9:08:am)
Maybe they should have kept the idea low key for 18 months while they did the studies needed.  But I think people in this county are sooooo pesimistic.  Nothing ever satisfies anyone.  Something good might be happening and all I hear is, "it isn't good enough, or it's too late."  Be a bit more optimistic and apreciate the ideas people are coming up with.

I agree Tiger, seems like they are getting the cart ahead of the horse.  Get some of the studies completed and investors lined up before you get everyone's hopes up.

I hope it works, sounds like it could be a fun destination.

Posted by Rynes on Dec. 04 2003,7:54 pm
That Picture of Dennis Green looks just like BRIAN BASHANS,Think about:

Posted by Tommy Bartlett on Dec. 05 2003,10:06 am
More attractions

Behrends and Bok's Circus World
Live video of County Board meetings

Think Tank Dunk Tank

Eaton and Rietz
The Mud Wrestling Mayors

Harleyfried and Roy
Taming the Wild Watershed Board

Bishop's Minnesota Opry,
County music, two locations, at the water park and  Northwood,IA

Ripley's Believe It Or Not!
Paul Sparks' economic development plans and other bizarre items

Posted by jimhanson on Dec. 05 2003,12:40 pm
How about re-naming the new courthouse  EPCOT (Each Person Chokes On Taxes?

A Madame Tusauddes Wax Museum--with the County Clowns as themselves--the Gabe maniken would regularly turn red and the head explode!  No animation needed for the person addressing the County Board--Rule 19 keeps him quiet!

There's money in old re-runs--Nickelodeon has shown that.

"Americas Funniest Home Videos" (and audio tapes!) Watch and listen as Gabe loses it again!  Bok gets "Bokked"!  Smashing tape recorders.

A local version of "Hollywood Squares", in which each County Commissioner does his best to block Belshan?  Extra points for a 4-1 vote.

A revival of "to tell the truth"--Nah, couldn't happen.  Maybe "What's my lie" instead.

A set for the show that appears on the sattellite--"What were you thinking?" regarding questionable County Board decisions.

How about a "Hard (Shell)Rock Cafe? :D

Seriously, I'd like to see the water park work out.

Posted by MADDOG on Dec. 05 2003,1:03 pm

The "theme park" would be great, if it could happen.  Perhaps without the water park it can.  Just how could the village of Hayward supply enough continuous water for it.  The way I see it, impossible.
Perhaps Fetts plans on building his own water system?  No way, probably cost Billions.  He would need wells, watertower, lift station, a sanitary sewage system, and a treatment plant.  I'm not tring to be negative, I hope somehow it could be done, but I just don't see it.

Posted by guest on Dec. 05 2003,2:04 pm
It is people like Maddog, who obviously don't know much, that are holding this area down.  Without knowing what the developer has already looked into he is already saying it is impossible.  Maddog, are you an engineer?  You must be to know that Hayward can not supply the needed facilities and that it would cost billions to do such.  Do you really think it would cost billions?  Are you nuts?  They must already have a well on site for the golf course.  So they would need to install a larger pump, say $20,000 tops.  A mound system (worst case scenario) costs about $10,000 for a large family house.  Say it would need to be 20 times that for a hotel and water park.  So that would be $200,000.  So the well and sanitary sewer is at what, $210,000.  Lets even double it to be safe.  Now we are at $420,000.  That sure doesn’t look like billions to me.  And again, that is assuming that Hayward can’t handle the demand.

Before we start shooting down ideas before they are fully evaluated and then doing the normal on here, throwing large dollar amounts around that are not even close to accurate, let’s try supporting something, even if it was not your idea.

Posted by Tiger on Dec. 05 2003,2:24 pm
I agree guest.  That is why I said before, because of the pesimism in this county, the idea should have been kept under wraps until all studies were completed and the plans were in the making.  I think more peole would be excited if officials said that ground breaking would begin come spring.
Posted by jimhanson on Dec. 05 2003,2:57 pm
A sidelight to this discussion--it surprised me--at the Owatonna Holiday Inn waterpark--as of a year and a half ago, nearly 1/3 of the people registered in the hotel were LOCALS! (No, not "rooms by the hour!) :D  People just take some time in the winter for a "vacation"--in their own home town.  If they have guests in town, they will often rent a room or two, so that everybody has a chance to play.

Posted by usmcr on Dec. 05 2003,4:56 pm
I for one think that the proposed water park at hayward is a great idea. My daughter is getting her masters degree diploma over at mikwaukee this month. Their family will be traveling over there early to stay at the Hilton which has a water park on site. not only the traffic coming off the interstates but the local pepole taking a break from the long winter. here is a individual who apparently is willing to invest a sizeable amout of money into a viable enterprise. hats off to him. i would think a closer site to the i-35, i 90 interchange would be ideal.
Posted by MADDOG on Dec. 06 2003,11:04 am
MADDOG runs!

You're right guest, billions was an exageration.  However, the developer has already contacted the city of Albert Lea about the water issue.  They asked the city if they would run city water out to the site.
Why, because Haywards system can't handle it.
Fact: just the water lines would cost $1 million.
Fact: with labor and water lines, it would cost the city of Albert Lea an estimated $4.5 million.  That's the cost just to get the line to the site with no water yet.
Fact: a lift station would have to still be built.
Fact: a water tower would still have to be built.
Fact: sanitary sewer system would have to be put in.
Fact: a waste treatment plant would also have to be built.

And again, I'll say, I'm not trying to be negative about this.  I hope it can be done somehow.  Perhaps closer to A.L. would be much more cost effective for the developer.  I'm sure the developer will look at all viable options to see if it can be done.

Posted by guest on Dec. 08 2003,9:11 am
You're wrong again bow-wow.  Please try to get your facts straight, especially when you present them as fact.  I talked to the developer the other day.  He has his own well on site that will provide him with more then enough water.  He may need some type of storage facility, a tower or underground tank.  He said he has discussed with both the city of Hayward and Albert Lea the sanitary sewer issues.  Hayward would have to upgrade their pond system to take his volume.  He was told it would cost over $2M for the sanitary sewer pipe to get to albert lea.  He said that the cost estimate was just for the installing of the piping, no lift stations or street repairs.

Some of your other errors:
Lift stations are for sewer systems not water systems.
Waste treatment would have to be built only if he could not pipe it to hayward or albert lea.  He could always put in a larger sized mound system on his site.

Please get a clue before you start barking about things you know nothing about.

Posted by MADDOG on Dec. 08 2003,10:55 am
Sorry, guest, but I got my info from a councilman.  I know lift stations are for sewer systems, if Albert Lea was to supply the water, they would need to supply both water and sewer because of the volume.  Of course he has a well on site.
Posted by guest on Dec. 08 2003,11:01 am
It is amazing that you seem to get all your info from "a councilman" but it is always wrong.  Maybe you should find a new source.  If you know a lift station is for sewer why did you say it in a way that it was in with your water talk.  If he has a well on site then why would he need our water?  It is appropriate that your atvar has the back end of a dog facing out, since that is the end you seem to talk out of most of the time.
Posted by MADDOG on Dec. 08 2003,12:22 pm
Guest, I get information from more than one source depending on what kind of info.  Your info came from one place, mine from another.  Big deal, the real issue here is I hope the park does make it.
Posted by big playa on Dec. 08 2003,10:37 pm
did everyone see the poll on the trib site?  do you think the waterpark will work?  at 10:30 tonight it was 50/50, half the people have no faith it will work.  come on people, you gotta believe!!  whats wrong with this area?
Posted by guest on Dec. 09 2003,7:56 am
What's wrong with this area?  MAD DOG!
Posted by LisaMarie on Dec. 09 2003,8:35 am
Oh yeah, blame it on Maddog.  I don't know about you, but I'm perfectly capable of making my OWN decisions.
Posted by Jeff on Dec. 09 2003,9:15 am
Guest, it seems the only reason you're on this board is to personally attack members, maddog in particular.  Most people on this forum post opinions and facts.  Yours is pure drivel and trash, if you can post something worthwhile, go find another hobby.
Posted by Tiger on Dec. 09 2003,9:29 am
Guest, it seems you and minnow are swimming in the same pond.
Posted by MADDOG on Dec. 09 2003,12:35 pm
MADDOG runs!
 guest, it appears I'm not the only one who tired of your irrevelevant posts which make no contribution to this forum.  I've made several statements on this thread in which I said I hope it makes it.  How about you, care to make a post on your opinion or contribute to this forum?  Come on, I know you can.   ???

Posted by guest on Dec. 09 2003,1:04 pm
Let's see ruff ruff, You are the one who said it would cost billions for the infrastructure, yes you said billions with a “B”.  I on the other hand reasoned through the necessary costs and presented more realistic numbers.  You then presented a bunch of fallacies regarding the necessary infrastructure which I then disproved with facts I received from the developer of the project.  When I pointed this out you then said you hope it makes it.  If you hope it makes it why state items as fact which are no where near fact?  Why use numbers for costs which present an unfeasible project when the numbers are not 1/10 of what you are stating?  I truly hope it does go through.  This would be great.  I have never said it should not be built nor have I said I thought it was impossible.  Unlike the many here I want this town and area to grow and succeed, many here say they do but when a proposal is brought up you right away try to point out its potential flaws and say it wont work.  Or do as scrappy does blow a lot of bs and then say I hope it works.
Posted by red_rocker on Dec. 09 2003,1:52 pm
this stupid water park will never fly.  face it, the town is dead and until you get some REAL jobs, it isnt coming back.  you know its bad when everyone is excited over a new business which will employ 8 people?  sad.  thanks paul sparks for a job well done  

"As they increase their sales we'll have to put full-time people in their plant." The number of new jobs could be eight to 10, but for now, only two or three new jobs will be filled by local residents. They will be hired by Alamco

Posted by rosebudinal on Dec. 09 2003,2:33 pm
Didn't realize that Bloomington made announcement the same day. Someone suggested to me that they could haul in a bunch of that dirt from Wallyworld construction and make it an off season Ski resort during the winter months. Great idea. :)
Posted by dufus on Dec. 19 2003,6:02 pm
If this is serious (building a waterpark), why build it out in Hayward???  If you want a big draw to pump $ into town, build it in town!
I just don't get the Hayward draw?  Why Hayward?

Posted by GEOKARJO on Dec. 19 2003,7:23 pm


Posted by Haywardite on Dec. 19 2003,11:02 pm
maybe Hayward because the guy that wants to build it has land there and he lives there.......not too hard to understand
Posted by Guest on Dec. 20 2003,1:14 am
Hey Geokarjo I thought you were out of here.  You were whinning in the other posts.  Minnow is right you are a dink.
Posted by Doc Holiday on Dec. 20 2003,12:35 pm
Not to hard to tell who the guest is. P Bishop herself.
Posted by Belcher on Dec. 22 2003,2:52 pm
Quote (Guest @ Dec. 19 2003,11:02:pm)
maybe Hayward because the guy that wants to build it has land there and he lives there.......not too hard to understand

once this guy does his homework he will realize that building something like this in Hayward will never make economic sense.  I doubt it even makes sense in Albert lea, sure as hell isn't going to work in Hayward.
Posted by carnation on Apr. 16 2004,11:34 pm
Land is still trying to be aquired for this water park and land owners have been approached recently. Maybe it is a possibility!
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